科技界翹楚們不斷尋求極限,打造性能卓越的高階電腦。性能至上的玩家和專業人士迫切需要了解最新技術和組件,以組裝一台滿足其嚴苛要求的機器。本文由php小編蘋果精心編寫,將帶您深入探索高階電腦的奧秘,從 CPU、顯示卡到儲存和散熱,層層揭曉打造卓越效能的秘訣。
1、Fugaku( 富嶽)日本製造商:富士通處理器核芯:7630848個;峰值(Rmax):442010 TFlop/s當前系統處理器個數已經由7299072個升級到了7630848個,Rmax由41530升級到了442010 TFlop/s。 Fugaku超算原來被稱為“Post K”,是曾經的世界第一K computer產品的第四代,採用ARM架構的富士通A64FX處理器。
2、Summit(美國)美國製造商:IBM處理器核芯:2414592個;峰值(Rmax):148600 TFlop/s頂點Summit是IBM和美國能源部橡樹嶺國家實驗室(ORNL)推出的新超級計算機,Summit 要比神威·太湖之光快60%,比同在橡樹嶺實驗室的Titan——前美國超算記錄保持者要快接近8 倍。而在其之下,近 28,000 塊英偉達 Volta GPU 提供了 95% 的算力。
頂配Mac Pro,配備了一枚頂級的Inter Xeno W處理器,擁有28核心和56線程,JD售價25999元,基礎頻率2.5Ghz,睿頻可以達到4.4Ghz,這是一款專為工作站量身訂製的處理器,是目前民用市場最強悍的處理器之一,能做到比這款處理器更強的可能也就只有售價更貴的AMD 3990X處理器了。
再來說顯示卡,MAC Pro頂級版配備的兩塊定制級的Redeon Pro Vage II Duo顯示卡,Redeon Pro Vage II Duo本身就是一張雙芯顯卡,內部兩顆VEGA 20 GPU,使用了IF總線互聯,總線頻寬為84GB/s,遠高於PCIe 3.0 X 16的頻寬,共8192個流處理器,高達64GB的顯存,單精度達到28.2TFlops、半精度為56.4TFlops。 MAC Pro一下子用了兩塊Redeon Pro Vage II Duo,等於是四張頂級顯示卡
CPU AMD R5 5600X
SSD 西數sn850 500g nvme
電源海韻CORE GX 650W
說明:Intel 平台中高階性價比不高,因此選擇了AMD平台。 5600X六核心十二線程,單核心性能強勁,遊戲辦公室都給力。顯示卡搭配6600xt主要是考慮剛上市,性能不俗且溢價還不嚴重,喜歡光追效果可以更換為3060ti。
1. **CPU(中央處理器)**
**CPU**是電腦的“大腦”,直接關係到電腦整體的運行速度。在選擇*高階電腦主機配置*時,可以考慮選擇效能優越的多核心處理器,例如英特爾的i9系列、AMD的Ryzen Threadripper系列等。
2. **顯示卡(顯示卡)**
**顯示卡**是影響遊戲、圖形處理等效能的關鍵硬體之一。針對高負荷的圖形處理需求,選擇效能優異的顯示卡至關重要。如NVIDIA的RTX系列、AMD的Radeon VII等。
3. **記憶體(RAM)**
4. **主機板**
5. **硬碟**
在儲存方面,固態硬碟(SSD)已成為*高階電腦主機配置*的標配之一。 SSD具有讀寫速度快、壽命長等優點,可大幅提升系統及程式的啟動速度,並提升使用體驗。
6. **電源**
、CPU快的電腦: CPU是能快則快核心越多越好
蘋果作為全球著名的高端電腦品牌,憑藉其獨特的設計風格和卓越的性能一直受到廣大用戶的追捧。蘋果的產品外觀簡約大方,採用高品質的材料打造,給人一種高端大氣的感覺。而在效能方面,蘋果電腦搭載了強大的處理器和高速的固態硬碟,能夠滿足各類專業工作和創作需求。此外,蘋果的作業系統 macOS 也被認為是目前最穩定、最佳化的作業系統之一。
As one of the world's largest software companies, Microsoft's Surface series of high-end computers are highly praised. Surface series products are exquisite and simple in appearance, and adopt a slim and lightweight design, making them easy to carry. In terms of performance, Surface series products are equipped with efficient processors and touch screens that are comparable to laptops. In addition, Microsoft's operating system Windows 10 is also widely used around the world, providing users with rich application support.
As a well-known electronic product manufacturer in Taiwan, ASUS has attracted much attention for its high-end computer series. ASUS computers have a stylish and simple appearance and outstanding texture, giving them a high-end quality feel. In terms of performance, ASUS's computer configuration is powerful, equipped with top-notch processors and fast solid-state drives, which can cope with various high-performance needs. In addition, ASUS is also known for its powerful gaming laptop series, providing gaming enthusiasts with an excellent gaming experience.
As one of the world's leading computer manufacturers, Dell's high-end computer products are known for their stability and excellent performance. Dell's high-end computers have a simple and elegant appearance and excellent craftsmanship, giving them a high-quality feel. In terms of performance, Dell's computers are equipped with excellent processors and high-performance graphics cards, which can handle various high-intensity computing tasks. In addition, Dell also provides users with a wealth of customization options that can be personalized according to user needs.
As one of the largest computer manufacturers in China, Lenovo has also launched a number of well-received high-end computer products. Lenovo's high-end computers are simple and elegant in appearance and made of high-quality materials, demonstrating the brand's high-end image. In terms of performance, Lenovo's high-end computers are equipped with powerful processors, large memory and fast storage devices, which can meet the needs of various professional applications. In addition, Lenovo also focuses on user experience and provides users with an intelligent operating system and humanized operation interface.
As a world-renowned technology company, HP’s high-end computer products have always attracted much attention. HP's high-end computers are designed to be simple and stylish, with a sophisticated look. In terms of performance, HP's high-end computers are equipped with powerful processors and high-speed solid-state drives, which can meet the needs of various professional applications and multi-tasking. In addition, HP is praised for its excellent screen quality and audio performance, providing users with an excellent movie-watching and music experience.
The above is the detailed content of The most high-end computer?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!