How to trade on Hotcoin Global exchange: Create an account and verify your information. Deposit cryptocurrencies into your account. Select the cryptocurrency pair you want to trade (e.g. BTC/USDT). Place your order via a limit or market order. Track your order status and cancel unfilled orders at any time. When withdrawing cryptocurrency from an exchange, fill out a withdrawal request.
How to trade on Hotcoin Global exchange
1. Create an account
- Visit the Hotcoin Global official website (
- Click "Register" and fill in the necessary personal information.
- Verify your email address and mobile number.
2. Deposit
- Log in to your Hotcoin Global account.
- Click "Assets" > "Recharge".
- Select the cryptocurrency you want to top up.
- Enter the recharge address, or scan the QR code.
- Send cryptocurrencies to the address provided.
3. Find trading pairs
- Click the "Trade" menu.
- Select the cryptocurrency pair you want to trade in "Trading Pairs", such as BTC/USDT.
4. Place an order
- There are two types of orders: Limit order and Market Order.
Limit Order: Specify the price at which you are willing to buy or sell a cryptocurrency. The order will be executed when the price you specify is reached.
Market Order: Buy or sell cryptocurrency instantly at the current market price.
- Enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to trade.
- Select "Buy" or "Sell".
5. Track your order
- After placing the order, you can track it in the "Order" tab its status.
- You can cancel unexecuted orders at any time.
6. Withdrawal
- When you are ready to withdraw your cryptocurrency from the exchange, please Click "Assets" > "Withdraw Coins".
- Select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw.
- Enter the withdrawal address or scan the QR code.
- Enter the withdrawal amount.
- Complete the withdrawal request.
- Before making any trade, always do your research and understand the risks involved .
- Hotcoin Global offers a variety of security features to protect your assets, but you should always be vigilant and use a strong password.
- If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact Hotcoin Global customer support.
The above is the detailed content of How to trade on Hotcoin Global exchange? Hotcoin Global Exchange Trading Tutorial. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!