How to put coins from OKX exchange into wallet? 1. Create a wallet and generate an address. 2. Withdraw tokens from OKX and enter the generated wallet address. 3. Wait for confirmation and check the transaction status in your wallet. 4. Receive tokens and check balance.
![Tutorial on how to put coins from OKx exchange into wallet](
How to put coins from OKX exchange into wallet
Step 1: Generate address in wallet
- Choose a wallet that supports OKX tokens (such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet)
- Create a new wallet or import an existing wallet
- Find the token type you want to receive tokens (e.g. BTC, ETH)
- Click "Receive" or "Copy Address" to generate wallet address
Step 2 : Withdraw tokens from OKX
- Log in to your OKX account
- Navigate to "Assets" > "Coin Account"
- Find the token you want to withdraw
- Click "Withdraw"
- Enter to generate Wallet address
- Enter the withdrawal amount
- Verify the information and click "Submit"
Step 3: Wait for confirmation
- OKX will process the withdrawal request. Confirmation times may vary due to network congestion.
- You can check the transaction status in your wallet.
Step 4: Receive Tokens
- When the transaction is confirmed, the tokens will be transferred to your wallet address.
- You can check the received token balance in your wallet.
- Make sure you transfer a small amount of funds to your wallet before withdrawing your coins to cover transaction fees.
- Double-check the accuracy of your wallet address. Wrong address may result in lost coins.
- Transaction times may vary depending on network conditions.
- Before withdrawing, please read the withdrawal rules and fees of OKX.
The above is the detailed content of Tutorial on how to put coins from OKx exchange into wallet. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!