Bitget Wallet Bitpie Wallet User Guide: Download, create account, set mnemonic phrase and security PIN code. To receive cryptocurrency: Open the app, click "Receive", select an address, and send currency. Send cryptocurrency: Open the app, click "Send", enter the address, enter the amount, and confirm the transaction. Exchange cryptocurrencies: Open the app, tap "Exchange," select currency and amount, confirm transaction. View transaction records: Open the app, click "History" to view the transaction list. Manage assets: Open the app and click "Assets" to view balances, transaction history and portfolio values.
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Bitget Wallet Bitpie Wallet User Guide
How to Create Bitget Wallet Bitpie Wallet
- Download the Bitget Wallet app and install it.
- Create an account and set a strong password.
- Write down your mnemonic phrase and keep it in a safe place.
- Set a security PIN or fingerprint recognition.
How to Store Cryptocurrency
- Open the Bitget Wallet app and click "Receive".
- Select an address for the cryptocurrency you want to store.
- Send cryptocurrencies to the address shown.
How to send cryptocurrency
- Open the Bitget Wallet app and click "Send".
- Enter your payment address or scan the QR code.
- Enter the amount you want to send.
- Click "Send" and confirm the transaction using your password or security PIN.
How to Exchange Cryptocurrency
- Open the Bitget Wallet app and click on "Exchange".
- Select the cryptocurrency and amount you want to exchange.
- Select the cryptocurrency you want to receive.
- Click "Exchange" and confirm the transaction using your password or security PIN.
How to view transaction history
- Open the Bitget Wallet app and click "History".
- You will see a list of all your transactions.
- You can view more details by clicking on the transaction.
How to manage assets
- Open the Bitget Wallet app and click "Assets".
- View your cryptocurrency balance, transaction history and portfolio value.
- You can also manage your assets by clicking "Manage".
Other Features
Mining: Participate in mining pools to earn cryptocurrency rewards.
Staking: Stake your cryptocurrency to earn rewards.
Cold wallet: Store cryptocurrencies in a hardware wallet (cold wallet) for extra security.
DApp Browser: Access decentralized applications (DApps) and interact with the blockchain.
The above is the detailed content of A comprehensive guide on how to use Bitget Wallet. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!