The Amazfit GTR 4 New smartwatch has officially launched in India. The new wearable was teased on social media in August, though the release date remained a secret. Customers in the country can currently buy the GTR 4 New for the discounted price of ₹16,999 (~$202), ₹7,000 (~$83) off the ₹23,999 (~$286) RRP.
There are several differences between the GTR 4 New and its predecessor, the GTR 4. These include a slightly larger round AMOLED display, which measures 1.45 inches across and is surrounded by a thin bezel. Features include health and exercise tracking, a GPS antenna, Bluetooth calling and 2.3 GB local music storage for up to 470 songs. Plus, you can control the smartwatch with the Amazon Alexa voice assistant, with support for offline voice commands. It is worth noting that the GTR 4 New comes with the older Zepp OS 2.0, despite Zepp OS 3.5 rolling out to users of the older GTR 4 this September.
While the Amazon India listing states that this is a ‘limited time deal’ for the Amazfit GTR 4 New smartwatch, an end date is not provided. It also remains to be seen whether or when the model could launch in other regions like North America or Europe, where the GTR 4 is available.
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