Detailed steps to sell UST coins on DigiFinex exchange: Log in to your DigiFinex account. Transfer UST coins to your account. Select the UST/USDT trading pair. Create a sell order, entering the quantity and price. Confirm and submit the order. Check the status of your order, track its execution progress, and upon completion, UST coins will be exchanged for USDT.
![DigiFinex exchange currency selling process](
Detailed process of selling UST coins on DigiFinex exchange
Step one: Log in to DigiFinex
- Visit DigiFinex official website and log in to your account.
- If you don’t have an account yet, please click "Register" and create a new account.
Step 2: Transfer UST Coins
- Click the "Assets" tab in the main menu.
- Enter "UST" in the "Currency" search bar.
- Click the "Deposit" button.
- Copy your personal UST deposit address.
- Transfer UST coins from your external wallet or exchange to this address.
Step 3: Select the trading pair
- Return to the main menu and click on the "Trading" tab.
- Enter "UST/USDT" in the "Trading Pair" search bar.
- Click on the "UST/USDT" trading pair.
Step 4: Create a sell order
- In the trading interface, select the "Sell" tab.
- Enter the amount of UST coins you want to sell.
- Set your sell price.
- Click the "Sell UST" button.
Step 5: Confirm order
- Check the order details to ensure the quantity and price are correct.
- Click the "Confirm Sell" button to complete the transaction.
Step 6: Check the order status
- Your sell order will appear in the "Outstanding Orders" list.
- You can track the progress of your order on this page.
- When the order is fully executed, UST coins will be deducted from your assets and USDT will be added to your assets.
The above is the detailed content of DigiFinex exchange currency selling process. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!