![How to transfer the coins in ELLIPAL wallet to the exchange_How to trade the coins in ELLIPAL wallet](https://img.php.cn/upload/article/001/221/864/172584674489396.jpg)
Steps to withdraw money from ELLIPAL wallet to exchange
1. Open ELLIPAL wallet
- Open ELLIPAL wallet on your mobile device or desktop computer.
2. Connect to device
- Connect the ELLIPAL hardware wallet to your device via Bluetooth or USB cable.
3. Enter the PIN code
- Enter the PIN code for your ELLIPAL hardware wallet.
4. Select the currency you want to withdraw
- From the wallet’s home screen, select the currency you want to withdraw.
5. Enter the withdrawal address
- Enter the withdrawal address provided by the exchange. Make sure the address is correct.
6. Enter the amount to withdraw
- Enter the amount to withdraw. Please note that the withdrawal amount cannot exceed the account balance.
7. Select the handling fee
- Select the handling fee you want to pay. Higher fees usually result in faster withdrawals.
8. Confirm Transaction
- Check the transaction details carefully and then confirm the transaction.
9. Waiting for confirmation
- The blockchain network needs to confirm the transaction. Confirmation time may vary depending on currency and network conditions.
10. Check the transaction status
- You can check the transaction status through the exchange or ELLIPAL wallet. Once the trade is completed, your funds will be deposited into the exchange account.
- Before withdrawing money, please make sure that the exchange supports the currency you want to withdraw.
- Check the withdrawal address carefully to avoid loss of funds.
- Keep your PIN and recovery seed safe in case your hardware wallet is lost or damaged.
The above is the detailed content of How to transfer the coins in ELLIPAL wallet to the exchange_How to trade the coins in ELLIPAL wallet. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!