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Everything to Expect From the \'It\'s Glowtime\' Apple Event

Mary-Kate Olsen
Release: 2024-09-25 18:00:04
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Apple 將於太平洋時間 9 月 9 日星期一上午 10 點舉辦以 iPhone 為中心的年度秋季活動。即將推出多種新設備,包括新款 iPhone 16、所有 Apple Watch 的更新、新款 AirPods 4,或許還有其他一些驚喜。

和 iPhone 15 Plus,計劃中的設計變化很少,但有一些值得期待的新功能。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Apple 計畫將操作按鈕引入iPhone 16 和iPhone 16 Plus,因此它不再是Pro 獨有的功能,並將在所有iPhone 16 機型上提供。操作按鈕可設定為開啟對焦模式、啟動捷徑、開啟相機、啟動手電筒等。在 iOS 18 中,它可以做更多的事情,因為您也可以將控制中心控制項指派給操作按鈕,而第三方開發人員現在可以製作控制中心選項。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

假模型具有傳聞中的iPhone 16 顏色
除了操作按鈕之外,所有iPhone 16 型號都可能有一個拍攝按鈕,位於iPhone 右側電源按鈕下方。在美國 iPhone 上,它將位於 iPhone 15 機型上毫米波天線的位置,而 iPhone 16 系列中的毫米波天線則移至左側。雖然大多數傳言表明它會出現在所有型號上,但它有可能僅限於 Pro 型號。


iPhone 16 與蘋果在過去幾款 iPhone 機型上使用的對角相機不同, 16 Plus將採用垂直相機排列的雙鏡頭相機系統。垂直排列可讓 iPhone 為 Vision Pro 捕捉空間影片。


iPhone 16 機型將會有新的顏色,有傳言說我們將看到黑色、綠色、淺粉紅色、藍色和白色總共有五種顏色可供選擇,其他傳聞則指向綠色、白色、粉紅色和藍色。在這兩種情況下,白色取代了蘋果 iPhone 15 型號中使用的黃色。據傳蘋果將使用 iPhone 15 上使用的彩色後玻璃,但玻璃具有磨砂效果,與邊框顏色形成鮮明對比。

蘋果可以選擇更節能的 OLED顯示器可以延長電池壽命,同時提高整體亮度。

所有iPhone 16 型號都將配備A18 晶片,這意味著標準iPhone 16 和iPhone 16 Plus 將支援iOS 中即將推出的Apple Intelligence 功能18. 還可能有一些尚未公佈的iPhone 特有的Apple Intelligence功能。

A18 晶片將基於台積電的 3 奈米製程打造,蘋果預計將包括針對 Apple 的神經引擎改進智力。為了支援人工智慧,兩款 iPhone 16 機型都將配備 8GB RAM,高於上一代機型的 6GB。蘋果可能還計劃採用新的散熱設計,以防止過熱並提高性能。

標準 iPhone 16 型號的電池壽命可能會略有增加,因為有傳言稱其容量較小促進。根據晶片效率,我們可以看到這兩種型號都有一些小改進,但這將取決於新功能消耗多少電池。

雖然最近有傳言稱iPhone 16 Pro 可能會漲價將入門級配置推至1,099 美元,同時將存儲空間從128 GB 提升至256 GB,彭博社 的Mark Gurman 認為起價將繼續為999 美元,這表明儲存空間不太可能增加。

我們在綜述中詳細介紹了 iPhone 16 的功能。

iPhone 16 Pro 和iPhone 16 Pro Max

與iPhone 16 機型一樣,iPhone 16 Pro 和Pro Max 將獲得全新的拍攝按鈕,並且在這些設備中,它將伴隨著一些相機改進。

Apple is planning for a 48-megapixel Ultra Wide lens that uses pixel binning down to 12-megapixels, and the end result is basically much better performance in low-light for your wide-angle shots and your macro photos. The 5x Telephoto lens that was limited to the 15 Pro Max will be coming to the 16 Pro, so both Pro models will have it this time around.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

The iPhone 16 Pro models may be able to record 4K video at up to 120 frames per second, an increase over the current 60 frames per second limit when filming in 4K. Apple has also tested 8K recording, but it is not clear if that made it into the launch version of the device. Apple also plans to add a feature for pausing and resuming a video recording.

Display size is getting bigger, and it's the first time we've seen an increase in display size since the iPhone 12. The iPhone 16 display will measure in at 6.3 inches, up from 6.1, while the iPhone 16 Pro Max will have a 6.9-inch display, up from 6.7 inches. The change is not drastic, but it will be noticeable if you have an iPhone 16 Pro next to an iPhone 15 Pro.

There could be some improvements to the Main camera, and there's a chance the iPhone 16 Pro Max will have a new Sony sensor that offers higher-quality images with better dynamic range and noise control.

We're also expecting the bezels around the edge of the display to be slimmed down, and Apple is rumored to be adopting more efficient OLED display technology, so we could see some improvements to brightness and contrast. According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, the bezels could be about a third smaller.

All of the iPhone 16 models will get an A18 chip, but there could be variants. Apple could use a higher-end A18 chip with an extra GPU core in the Pro models, which would let all iPhone 16 devices run Apple Intelligence, but would still provide for some differentiation between the Pro and non-Pro models. A new thermal architecture with a graphene heatsink and metal battery casing is expected, and while the heatsink is also coming to the iPhone 16, the other thermal changes could be Pro only.

Apple is expected to adopt Qualcomm's X75 5G modem in the Pro models for faster 5G speeds through carrier aggregation. The X75 has a combined mmWave and sub-6GHz transceiver rather than using separate hardware, so it's smaller and uses up less power.

We could see improvements in battery life with the X75 chip and the A18 processor, plus Apple is using slightly bigger batteries with a 5 to 9 percent jump in capacity. There have been rumors that the iPhone 16 Pro models will support Wi-Fi 7, but that's also a feature Apple might hold until next year. As for storage, both Pro models could start with 256GB.

Early on, there were a few rumors about 20W MagSafe charging speeds and 40W wired charging speeds, but that's sounding like a long shot now. The microphone will have better water resistance and better sound thanks to AI. There may also be some iPhone 16 Pro-specific Apple Intelligence features that we don't know about yet.

As with every new iPhone launch, there are updated colors. We're expecting the standard black, white, and natural titanium options, but this year's special color is a shade of gold. Some rumors have described it as a bronze shade, and some dummy leaks have suggested that it's a darker brown color than Apple's prior gold selections, but color is so dependent on lighting that it's hard to say for sure. Bloomberg's Mark Gurman says the shade "looks impressive and not terrible like the early renders."

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Early iPhone 16 Pro dummy models via Sonny Dickson

More detail on the iPhone 16 Pro's expected features can be found in the iPhone 16 Pro roundup.

Apple Watch Series 10

Apple is refreshing the Apple Watch this year, but there are some ambiguities and questions about just what we'll see. 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of when the Apple Watch was introduced in September 2014, and it will be the "Series 10," but the Apple Watch launched in 2015. While there have been rumors of a major anniversary refresh, it's been unclear if that will happen this year or next year.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Apple Watch 預計將比之前的版本更薄,並且蘋果正在增加尺寸。看起來我們將提供 45 毫米和 49 毫米選項,而不是 41 毫米和 45 毫米型號。透過縮小邊框和增大外殼本身可以增加尺寸。 4 毫米的跳躍將是一個明顯的尺寸增加,但並不是巨大的增加。

有 2 吋顯示器的新一代 Apple Watch 的 CAD 渲染圖,僅比 49 毫米 Apple Watch Ultra 顯示器稍大一些。該螢幕可能會用於 49 毫米的 Series 10。蘋果可以透過設計改變來提高防水性,證明該設備可以在深達 20 公尺的高速水上移動。新的 Series 10 型號可能會配備 Depth 應用程序,該應用程式最初是為 Apple Watch Ultra 引入的。

除了尺寸增大和設計更薄之外,據說更新後的型號看起來與當前的 Apple Watch 型號沒有根本性的變化。早些時候,彭博社 的 Mark Gurman 表示,蘋果正在開發新的磁力帶配件系統,但聽起來這不再是我們今年會推出的功能。

蘋果將更新 OLED 顯示屏,使其更加節能,並且外殼更大,電池尺寸也可能會增加,從而延長電池壽命。

據報導,蘋果計畫包括更新的心率和心電圖感測器Apple Watch Series 10 中將啟用睡眠呼吸中止症檢測等新功能。長期以來一直有傳言稱Series 10 會配備睡眠呼吸中止症檢測功能,但目前尚不清楚該功能是否會在發佈時實施,因為一場持續的專利糾紛導致蘋果在美國當前一代Apple Watch 型號中禁用了血氧氣偵測

睡眠呼吸中止症會導致人在睡眠時停止呼吸,進而導致過度疲勞。它通常透過睡眠研究來診斷,並且修復它需要呼吸設備,例如 CPAP 機。據報道,Apple Watch Series 10 和 Ultra 2 將能夠使用 Apple Watch 睡眠追蹤來偵測睡眠呼吸中止症,在收集幾天的睡眠數據後提供讀數。

Apple 也希望包括血壓監測,但那該功能尚未準備好發布,不會包含在 Series 10 中。

過去幾年,Apple Watch 使用的 S 系列晶片變化不大,但今年的 S10 預計將帶來效能顯著提升。據 彭博社 的 Mark Gurman 稱,雖然 Apple Watch 不會獲得「主要」Apple Intelligence 功能,但也許會有與未來健康教練服務相關的 AI 功能。


我們在綜述中提供了有關 Apple Watch 的更多詳細資訊。

Apple Watch Ultra 2顏色更新

雖然我們一直期待Apple Watch Series 10 的任何新硬體改進都可能會出現在新的Apple Watch Ultra 3 中,但最後一刻的傳言稱我們不會獲得新的Apple Watch Series 10。

相反,Gurman 表示 Apple Watch Ultra 2 可能只是提供新的黑色選項,去年在該型號推出時就有傳言,但最終沒有實現。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Apple Watch SE 3

Apple Watch SE 3 可能會在今年秋季更新,有傳言稱蘋果將在該設備上使用塑膠外殼,而不是鋁製外殼。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

剛性塑膠材質可以降低成本,同時比鋁更耐用刮傷和跌落方面。這樣的 Apple Watch 還可以採用一系列鮮豔的顏色,這會吸引孩子。

Apple 一直在推廣 Apple Watch,作為那些希望為孩子提供溝通和交流設備的父母的一個選擇。安全性以及成本較低的 Apple Watch SE 可以幫助該設備與鋁製 Apple Watch 型號區分開來。

自 iPhone 5c(一款推出的手機)以來,蘋果就不再使用塑膠作為裝置外殼。充滿活力的藍色、黃色、粉紅色和綠色。除了採用新材料外,Apple Watch SE 預計將具有相同的整體設計,除了改進的晶片外,沒有更新,也沒有其他功能變化。

彭博社 的Mark Gurman 在最後一刻的謠言中表示,他「不排除推遲」新款Apple Watch SE 的可能性,但這是否意味著我們可能不會在目前尚不清楚全部或者可能只是比預期更晚的上市時間。

AirPods 4

AirPods 4 有兩個版本正在開發中,兩者都採用了新設計。更新後的 AirPods 看起來像是目前 AirPods 和 AirPods Pro 的混合體,蘋果採用了更短的手柄。 彭博社 的 Mark Gurman 表示將會有更新版型,但目前還不清楚這代表什麼。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

價格較高AirPods 4 將具有主動降噪功能,該功能先前僅限於 AirPods Pro 和 AirPods Max。低階型號將直接升級到目前的 AirPods 3。

這些新型號的定價尚不清楚。 AirPods 3 的售價為 179 美元(帶 MagSafe 保護殼),AirPods 2 的售價為 129 美元,AirPods Pro 2 的售價為 249 美元,因此蘋果需要將新型號的定價定在中間位置。成本較低的 AirPods 4 可能會降價,以使其與即將停產的 AirPods 2 保持一致,而 ANC 型號的價格可能在 180 美元至 200 美元之間,遠低於 AirPods Pro。

蘋果將更新 AirPods 4 保護殼,並且可能會有新的外觀。它將配備一個用於“查找我”的揚聲器,使其在丟失時能夠播放聲音,並且還將配備一個用於充電的 USB-C 端口,而不是 Lightning 端口。 MagSafe 充電仍將是一項功能。

根據設計,ANC 可能無法與AirPods Pro 中的ANC 相提並論,因為AirPods Pro 具有矽膠耳塞,但有傳言稱其聲音會有所改進

最終,Apple 計劃宣布AirPods 的助聽器替換功能,此外還將添加使用耳塞進行聽力測試的選項。這些功能可能不會在 AirPods 發佈時提供,而是稍後提供。

AirPods Max

Apple 計劃在 2024 年更新 AirPods Max,但不要興奮。除了 USB-C 連接埠(而不是 Lightning 連接埠)、一些小的音訊改進以及可能的新顏色選項之外,我們預計不會有任何新功能。雖然最初認為此更新可能要到今年晚些時候才會發布,也許只是透過新聞稿,但古爾曼在最後一刻表示,它們確實預計將在周一的活動中推出。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event


iPad mini 7

iPad mini 74年看到更新,但很可能不會即將在蘋果九月份的活動中亮相。據稱,蘋果計劃於 2024 年 10 月舉辦第二次活動,屆時新款 iPad mini 與新款 M4 Mac 一起發布將更有意義。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

新一代 iPad mini 預計會有一些變化,並將繼續採用 8.3 吋顯示器尺寸和 Touch ID 電源按鈕。可能會對顯示器進行一些小改動,以減少一些人抱怨 iPad mini 6 出現的「果凍滾動」效果。 「果凍滾動」是指垂直滾動基於文字的內容(例如網頁)時有時會出現明顯的延遲。

我們預計iPad mini 將配備與Apple Intelligence 相容的A17 或A18 晶片的變體,並且我們可以獲得新的顏色、升級的前置鏡頭以及對Wi-Fi 6E 的支援.

iPad 11

iPad 自2022 年以來就沒有更新過,早就該更新了。有傳言稱我們可能會在 2024 年推出一款新車型,但它也可能會在今年稍後推出。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

目前還沒有關於下一代 iPad 新功能的傳聞,但預計會得到更好的 A 系列晶片。


iOS 18、iPadOS 18、macOS Sequoia、tvOS 18、watchOS 11 和VisionOS 2 正在進行Beta 測試,在秋季活動中,Apple 將向我們通報新作業系統時發布系統更新即將發布。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

일반적으로 iOS 18 및 자매 업데이트는 새로운 iPhone이 출시되기 며칠 전에 출시되므로 iPhone 16 모델이 9월 9일 데뷔일 이후 9월 20일 금요일에 출시된다면 소프트웨어가 더 일찍 출시되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.

Apple이 비밀로 유지해 온 iPhone 16 모델에만 제공되는 Apple Intelligence 기능이 있을 수도 있으므로 소프트웨어 기반의 놀라운 소식이 다가올 수도 있습니다.

관람 방법

Apple의 "It's Glowtime" 이벤트는 9월 9일 월요일 오전 10시(태평양 표준시)에 시작됩니다. Apple은 해당 이벤트를 자사 웹사이트와 YouTube에서 생중계할 예정이며, 생중계는 지원되는 기기에서 Apple TV 앱을 통해 시청할 수 있습니다.

또한 다음 주 동안 모든 발표 내용에 대해 더 자세히 알아볼 예정입니다.

9월 8일 오후 7시 39분 업데이트: 이 글은 Apple Watch Ultra, Apple Watch SE, AirPods Max에 대한 최신 정보로 업데이트되었습니다.

The above is the detailed content of Everything to Expect From the \'It\'s Glowtime\' Apple Event. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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