ZB Exchange APP account registration process: Download the official APP, install it and open it. Select the registration method (email, mobile phone number, WeChat), fill in the registration information (email/mobile phone number, password, verification code) and set up security verification (Google Authenticator) or SMS verification code) click to complete the registration
ZB Exchange APP account registration process
Step 1: Download ZB Exchange APP
- Download the ZB Exchange APP through the official website or app store.
- Make sure you download the official version to ensure the security of your account.
Step 2: Install and open the APP
- After the installation is completed, open the ZB Exchange APP.
- Select your language and country.
Step 3: Select the registration method
- There are three registration methods: email registration, mobile phone number registration and WeChat registration.
- Choose the most convenient registration method for you.
Step 4: Complete registration information
Email registration: Enter your email address, create password and verify code.
Mobile phone number registration: Enter your mobile phone number, create password and SMS verification code.
WeChat registration: Scan the QR code to log in to WeChat and authorize ZB Exchange to obtain your basic information, such as nickname and avatar.
Step 5: Set up security verification
- In order to ensure the security of your account, you need to set up a security verification method.
- Supports two security verification methods: Google Authenticator or SMS verification code.
- It is recommended to set up two verification methods at the same time.
Step 6: Complete registration
- After carefully checking that your registration information is correct, click "Register".
- Your ZB exchange account can be successfully registered.
- Be sure to remember your password and security verification information to avoid account theft.
- After completing the registration, you need to complete the real-name authentication to conduct transactions.
- If you encounter any problems, please contact ZB Exchange customer service in time.
The above is the detailed content of How to register an account on the ZB exchange app and share the process. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!