cplbtq00.exe is a process belonging to Dritek System EzButton. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems."
cplbtq00.exe is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed.
The cplbtq00.exe is an executable file on your computer's hard drive. This file contains machine code. If you start the software Dritek System EzButton on your PC, the commands contained in cplbtq00.exe will be executed on your PC. For this purpose, the file is loaded into the main memory (RAM) and runs there as a Compal ATR10 Easy Button process (also called a task).
This process is considered safe. It is unlikely to pose any harm to your system. The cplbtq00.exe file should be located in the folder C:Program FilesEzButton. Otherwise it could be a Trojan.
cplbtq00.exe is a safe processSince cplbtq00.exe is a system process it should not be stopped. The process is required for your PC to work properly. Also the corresponding software Dritek System EzButton should not be uninstalled.
This process is considered to be CPU intensive. Without proper management, CPU intensive processes can manipulate system resources causing speed loss. Check the Dritek System EzButton settings to see if you can turn off unneeded modules or services.
System process issues are mainly a result of conflicting applications running on your PC. Consider uninstalling any applications you are not using. Then reboot your computer.
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