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Pokemon TCG Pocket Card List: How are packs different?

Release: 2024-11-03 07:05:03
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Confused why you’re getting so many duplicate cards even though you’ve only just started playing Pokemon TCG Pocket?

Well that could be because, like me, you failed to notice the subtle differences between Genetic Apex packs - and I’m not just talking about whether they’ve got Charizard, Mewtwo or Pikachu on the front.

In the real-life Pokemon TCG, the different card pack designs from a booster set are all filled from the same card list. It’s not clear from the shop-front screen, but in Pokemon TCG Pocket while all of the packs are pulling from the same Genetic Apex set, they’re pulling from different card pools within that set. That’s right, the three different pack designs all have different cards inside!

This means that whether you’re picking Pikachu, Charizard or Mewtwo, you have a chance at pulling completely different commons, rares and even EX cards!

You will always get three commons in a pack as the first three cards, then the 4th and 5th cards have different weightings to be from the rest of the card rarities - which we’ll also list below.

Here are the full card lists for each of the different packs, so you can make a more informed choice for your collection and deck-building!

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Mewtwo card list

Common - 100% inclusion (1st-3rd Cards)

  1. Bulbasaur
  2. Weedle
  3. Kakuna
  4. Venonat
  5. Scyther
  6. Cottonee
  7. Petilil
  8. Ponyta
  9. Heatmor
  10. Salandit
  11. Salazzle
  12. Sizzlipede
  13. Psyduck
  14. Tentacool
  15. Shellder
  16. Krabby
  17. Snom
  18. Blitzle
  19. Tynamo
  20. Helioptile
  21. Heliolisk
  22. Slowpoke
  23. Gastly
  24. Jynx
  25. Ralts
  26. Woobat
  27. Swoobat
  28. Golett
  29. Sandshrew
  30. Cubone
  31. Hitmonlee
  32. Rhyhorn
  33. Clobbopus
  34. Ekans
  35. Zubat
  36. Grimer
  37. Koffing
  38. Pawniard
  39. Dratini
  40. Pidgey
  41. Pidgeotto
  42. Rattata
  43. Raticate
  44. Farfetch’d
  45. Doduo
  46. Eevee
  47. Minccino
  48. Wooloo
  49. Dubwool
  50. Old Amber

Uncommon - 90% inclusion (4th Card), 60% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Ivysaur
  2. Venomoth
  3. Pinsir
  4. Whimsicott
  5. Lilligant
  6. Rapidash
  7. Centiskorch
  8. Golduck
  9. Tentacruel
  10. Cloyster
  11. Kingler
  12. Bruxish
  13. Frosmoth
  14. Zebstrika
  15. Eelektrik
  16. Pincurchin
  17. Slowbro
  18. Haunter
  19. Mr. Mime
  20. Kirlia
  21. Golurk
  22. Sandslash
  23. Marowak
  24. Rhydon
  25. Grapploct
  26. Arbok
  27. Golbat
  28. Bisharp
  29. Dragonair
  30. Dodrio
  31. Lickitung
  32. Porygon
  33. Cinccino
  34. Koga
  35. Giovanni

Rare - 5% inclusion (4th Card), 20% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Venusaur
  2. Beedrill
  3. Vaporeon
  4. Articuno
  5. Eelektross
  6. Gengar
  7. Mewtwo
  8. Gardevoir
  9. Muk
  10. Weezing
  11. Dragonite
  12. Pidgeot
  13. Ditto
  14. Aerodactyl

EX - 1.6% inclusion (4th Card), 6.7% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Venusaur EX
  2. Articuno EX
  3. Gengar EX
  4. Mewtwo EX
  5. Marowak EX

Full Art Rare - 2.6% inclusion (4th Card), 10.3% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Bulbasaur
  2. Cubone
  3. Golbat
  4. Weezing
  5. Dragonite
  6. Pidgeot
  7. Ditto
  8. Porygon

Full Art EX - 0.5% inclusion (4th Card), 2% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Venusaur EX
  2. Articuno EX
  3. Gengar EX
  4. Mewtwo EX
  5. Marowak EX
  6. Koga
  7. Giovanni
  8. Articuno EX (alternate full art)
  9. Gengar EX (alternate full art)

Secret Rare - 0.2% inclusion (4th Card), 0.8% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Mewtwo EX

Golden Rare - 0.04% inclusion (4th Card), 0.16% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Charizard EX
  2. Pikachu EX
  3. Mewtwo EX

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Charizard card list

Common - 100% inclusion (1st-3rd Cards)

  1. Oddish
  2. Bellsprout
  3. Exeggcute
  4. Count
  5. Cottonee
  6. Petyl
  7. Skiddo
  8. Gogoat
  9. Charmander
  10. Vulpix
  11. Pony
  12. Magmar
  13. Heatmother
  14. Sizzling
  15. Psychduck
  16. Comfort
  17. Stare
  18. Ducklett
  19. Froakie
  20. Pyukumuku
  21. Snom
  22. Blitzle
  23. Helioptile
  24. Heliolish
  25. Open
  26. Slowpoke
  27. Woobat
  28. Swoobat
  29. Golett
  30. Sandshrew
  31. Mankey
  32. Machop
  33. Hitmonchan
  34. Clobbopus
  35. Ekans
  36. War
  37. Pawniard
  38. Melt
  39. Rattata
  40. Raticate
  41. Spearow
  42. Fearow
  43. Meowth
  44. Farfetch’d
  45. Doduo
  46. Eevee
  47. Minccino
  48. Wooloo
  49. Background
  50. Fossil Dome

Uncommon - 90% inclusion (4th Card), 60% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Gloom
  2. Weepinbell
  3. Think
  4. Whimsicott
  5. Lilligant
  6. Charmeleon
  7. Nineteen
  8. Fast
  9. Centiscorch
  10. Golduck
  11. Poliwhirl
  12. Starmie
  13. Swanna
  14. Frogs
  15. Bruxish
  16. Frosmoth
  17. Zebstrika
  18. It pinches
  19. Corpse
  20. Slowbro
  21. Golurk
  22. Sandslash
  23. Premier
  24. Chocks
  25. Kabuto
  26. Grapploct
  27. Tree
  28. Bisharp
  29. Persian
  30. Dodrio
  31. Taurus
  32. Cinccino
  33. Eating
  34. Blaine
  35. Sabrina

Rare - 5% inclusion (4th Card), 20% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Children
  2. Victreebel
  3. Executor
  4. Charizard
  5. Flareon
  6. Watches
  7. Polywrath
  8. Lips
  9. Greninja
  10. Alakazam
  11. Machamp
  12. Kabutops
  13. Metal Metal
  14. Kangaskhan

EX - 1.6% inclusion (4th Card), 6.7% inclusion (5th card)

  1. EX Executor
  2. Charizard EX
  3. EX Molters
  4. Starmie EX
  5. Machamp EX

Full Art Rare - 2.6% inclusion (4th Card), 10.3% inclusion (5th Card)

  1. Gloom
  2. Think
  3. Charmander
  4. Fast
  5. Lips
  6. Alakazam
  7. Slowpoke
  8. Meowth

Full Art EX - 0.5% inclusion (4th Card), 2% inclusion (5th Card)

  1. EX Executor
  2. Charizard EX
  3. EX Molters
  4. Starmie EX
  5. Machamp EX
  6. Eating
  7. Blaine
  8. Sabrina
  9. Moltres EX (full art alternate)
  10. Machamp EX (Alternate Full Art)

Secret Rare - 0.2% inclusion (4th Card), 0.8% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Charizard EX

Golden Rare - 0.04% inclusion (4th Card), 0.16% inclusion (5th Card)

  1. Charizard EX
  2. Pikachu EX
  3. Mewtwo EX

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Pikachu card list

Common - 100% inclusion (1st-3rd Cards)

  1. Caterpie
  2. Metapod
  3. Paras
  4. Cottonee
  5. Petilil
  6. Growlithe
  7. Ponyta
  8. Heatmor
  9. Sizzlipede
  10. Squirtle
  11. Psyduck
  12. Seel
  13. Horsea
  14. Goldeen
  15. Seaking
  16. Magikarp
  17. Snom
  18. Pikachu
  19. Magnemite
  20. Voltorb
  21. Electabuzz
  22. Blitzle
  23. Helioptile
  24. Heliolisk
  25. Clefairy
  26. Slowpoke
  27. Drowzee
  28. Woobat
  29. Swoobat
  30. Golett
  31. Sandshrew
  32. Diglett
  33. Geodude
  34. Mienfoo
  35. Clobbopus
  36. Ekans
  37. Nidoran female
  38. Nidoran male
  39. Pawniard
  40. Rattata
  41. Raticate
  42. Jigglypuff
  43. Wigglytuff
  44. Farfetch’d
  45. Doduo
  46. Eevee
  47. Minccino
  48. Wooloo
  49. Dubwool
  50. Helix Fossil

Uncommon - 90% inclusion (4th Card), 60% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Parasect
  2. Pinsir
  3. Whimsicott
  4. Lilligant
  5. Rapidash
  6. Centiskorch
  7. Wartortle
  8. Golduck
  9. Dewgong
  10. Seadra
  11. Omanyte
  12. Bruxish
  13. Frosmoth
  14. Electrode
  15. Zebstrika
  16. Pincurchin
  17. Clefable
  18. Slowbro
  19. Golurk
  20. Sandslash
  21. Dugtrio
  22. Graveler
  23. Onix
  24. Mienshao
  25. Grapploct
  26. Arbok
  27. Nidorina
  28. Nidorino
  29. Bisharp
  30. Dodrio
  31. Chansey
  32. Cinccino
  33. Misty
  34. Brock
  35. Lt. Surge

Rare - 5% inclusion (4th Card), 20% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Butterfree
  2. Arcanine
  3. Blastoise
  4. Gyarados
  5. Omastar
  6. Raichu
  7. Magneton
  8. Jolteon
  9. Zapdos
  10. Hypno
  11. Golem
  12. Nidoking
  13. Nidoqueen
  14. Snorlax

EX - 1.6% inclusion (4th Card), 6.7% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Arcanine EX
  2. Blastoise EX
  3. Pikachu EX
  4. Zapdos EX
  5. Wigglytuff EX

Full Art Rare - 2.6% inclusion (4th Card), 10.3% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Squirtle
  2. Gyarados
  3. Electrode
  4. Diglett
  5. Nidoqueen
  6. Nidoking
  7. Eevee
  8. Snorlax

Full Art EX - 0.5% inclusion (4th Card), 2% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Arcanine EX
  2. Blastoise EX
  3. Pikachu EX
  4. Zapdos EX
  5. Wigglytuff EX
  6. Misty
  7. Brock
  8. Lt. Surge
  9. Zapdos EX (alternate full art)
  10. Wigglytuff EX (alternate full art)

Secret Rare - 0.2% inclusion (4th Card), 0.8% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Pikachu EX

Golden Rare - 0.04% inclusion (4th Card), 0.16% inclusion (5th card)

  1. Charizard EX
  2. Pikachu EX
  3. Mewtwo EX

Now you understand which cards you can get, it's time to play with them! Here are our top Pokemon TCG Pocket tips for success, as well as our Pokemon TCG Pocket weakness chart.

The above is the detailed content of Pokemon TCG Pocket Card List: How are packs different?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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