Home > Web Front-end > JS Tutorial > From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Mary-Kate Olsen
Release: 2024-11-26 00:26:12
824 people have browsed it


  1. Introduction
  2. Tech Stack
  3. Quick Overview
  4. API
  5. Frontend
  6. Mobile App
  7. Admin Dashboard
  8. Points of Interest
  9. Resources

Source code: https://github.com/aelassas/bookcars

Demo: https://bookcars.dynv6.net:3002


The idea emerged from a desire to build without boundaries – a fully customizable car rental website and mobile app where every aspect is within your control:

  • Own the UI/UX: Design unique customer experiences without fighting against template limitations
  • Control the Backend: Implement custom business logic and data structures that perfectly match the requirements
  • Master DevOps: Deploy, scale, and monitor the application with preferred tools and workflows
  • Extend Freely: Add new features and integrations without platform constraints or additional fees

Tech Stack

Here's the tech stack that made it possible:

  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • React
  • MUI
  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Stripe
  • Docker

A key design decision was made to use TypeScript due to its numerous advantages. TypeScript offers strong typing, tooling, and integration, resulting in high-quality, scalable, more readable and maintainable code that is easy to debug and test.

I chose React for its powerful rendering capabilities, MongoDB for flexible data modeling, and Stripe for secure payment processing.

By choosing this stack, you're not just building a website and mobile app – you're investing in a foundation that can evolve with your needs, backed by robust open-source technologies and a growing developer community.

React stands out as an excellent choice due to its:

  1. Component-Based Architecture
    • Lets you break down complex UIs into smaller, reusable pieces
    • Makes code more maintainable and easier to test
    • Enables better code organization and reusability
  2. Virtual DOM Performance
    • React's virtual DOM efficiently updates only what's necessary
    • Results in faster page loads and better user experience
    • Reduces unnecessary re-renders
  3. Rich Ecosystem
    • Vast library of pre-built components
    • Extensive tooling
    • Large community for support and resources
  4. Strong Developer Experience
    • Hot reloading for immediate feedback
    • Excellent debugging tools
    • JSX makes writing UI code more intuitive
  5. Industry Support
    • Backed by Meta (formerly Facebook)
    • Used by many major companies
    • Continuous development and improvements
  6. Flexibility
    • Works well for both small and large applications
    • Can be integrated gradually into existing projects
    • Supports multiple rendering strategies (client-side, server-side, static)

Quick overview

In this section, you'll see the main pages of the frontend, the admin dashboard and the mobile app.


From the frontend, the user can search for available cars, choose a car and checkout.

Below is the main page of the frontend where the user can choose pickup and drop-off points and time, and search for available cars.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the search result of the main page where the user can choose a car for rental.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the checkout page where the user can set rental options and checkout. If the user is not registered, he can checkout and register at the same time. He will receive a confirmation and activation email to set his password if he is not registered yet.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the sign in page. On production, authentication cookies are httpOnly, signed, secure and strict sameSite. These options prevent XSS, CSRF and MITM attacks. Authentication cookies are protected against XST attacks as well via a custom middleware.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the sign up page.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where the user can see and manage his bookings.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where the user can see a booking in detail.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the contact page.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the car rental locations page.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where the customer can see and manage his notifications.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

There are other pages but these are the main pages of the frontend.

Admin Dashboard

There are three types of users:

  • Admin: He has full access on the admin dashboard. He can do everything.
  • Supplier: He has restricted access on the admin dashboard. He can only manage his cars and bookings.
  • User: He has only access to the frontend and the mobile app. He cannot access the admin dashboard.

The platform is designed to work with multiple suppliers. Each supplier can manage his car fleet and bookings from the admin dashboard. The platform can also work with only one supplier as well.

From the admin dashboard, the admin user can create and manage suppliers, cars, locations, users and bookings.

When the admin user creates a new supplier, the supplier will receive an automatic email for creating his account to access the admin dashboard so he can manage his car fleet and bookings.

Below is the sign in page of the admin dashboard.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the dashboard page of the admin dashboard where admins and suppliers can see and manage bookings.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where car fleet is displayed and can be managed.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where admins and suppliers can create new cars by providing an image and car info. For car options to be included for free, set 0 for the corresponding car option. Otherwise, set the price of the option or leave it empty if you don't want to include it.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where admins and suppliers can edit cars.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where admins can manage platform users.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

Below is the page where to edit bookings.

From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

There are other pages but these are the main pages of the admin dashboard.


From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App

The api exposes all functions needed for the admin dashboard, the frontend and the mobile app. The API follow the MVC design pattern. JWT is used for authentication. There are some functions that need authentication such as functions related to managing cars, bookings and customers, and others that do not need authentication such as retrieving locations and available cars for non authenticated users:

  • ./api/src/models/ folder contains MongoDB models.
  • ./api/src/routes/ folder contains Express routes.
  • ./api/src/controllers/ folder contains controllers.
  • ./api/src/middlewares/ folder contains middlewares.
  • ./api/src/config/env.config.ts contains the configuration and TypeScript type definitions.
  • ./api/src/lang/ folder contains localization.
  • ./api/src/app.ts is the main server where routes are loaded.
  • ./api/index.ts is the main entry point of the api.

index.ts is the main entry point of the api:

import 'dotenv/config'
import process from 'node:process'
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import http from 'node:http'
import https, { ServerOptions } from 'node:https'
import * as env from './config/env.config'
import * as databaseHelper from './common/databaseHelper'
import app from './app'
import * as logger from './common/logger'

if (
  await databaseHelper.connect(env.DB_URI, env.DB_SSL, env.DB_DEBUG)
  && await databaseHelper.initialize()
) {
  let server: http.Server | https.Server

  if (env.HTTPS) {
    https.globalAgent.maxSockets = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
    const privateKey = await fs.readFile(env.PRIVATE_KEY, 'utf8')
    const certificate = await fs.readFile(env.CERTIFICATE, 'utf8')
    const credentials: ServerOptions = { key: privateKey, cert: certificate }
    server = https.createServer(credentials, app)

    server.listen(env.PORT, () => {
      logger.info('HTTPS server is running on Port', env.PORT)
  } else {
    server = app.listen(env.PORT, () => {
      logger.info('HTTP server is running on Port', env.PORT)

  const close = () => {
    logger.info('Gracefully stopping...')
    server.close(async () => {
      logger.info(`HTTP${env.HTTPS ? 'S' : ''} server closed`)
      await databaseHelper.close(true)
      logger.info('MongoDB connection closed')

  ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGQUIT'].forEach((signal) => process.on(signal, close))
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This is a TypeScript file that starts a server using Node.js and Express. It imports several modules including dotenv, process, fs, http, https, mongoose, and app. It then checks if the HTTPS environment variable is set to true, and if so, creates an HTTPS server using the https module and the provided private key and certificate. Otherwise, it creates an HTTP server using the http module. The server listens on the port specified in the PORT environment variable.

The close function is defined to gracefully stop the server when a termination signal is received. It closes the server and the MongoDB connection, and then exits the process with a status code of 0. Finally, it registers the close function to be called when the process receives a SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGQUIT signal.

app.ts is the main entry point of the api:

import express from 'express'
import compression from 'compression'
import helmet from 'helmet'
import nocache from 'nocache'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
import i18n from './lang/i18n'
import * as env from './config/env.config'
import cors from './middlewares/cors'
import allowedMethods from './middlewares/allowedMethods'
import supplierRoutes from './routes/supplierRoutes'
import bookingRoutes from './routes/bookingRoutes'
import locationRoutes from './routes/locationRoutes'
import notificationRoutes from './routes/notificationRoutes'
import carRoutes from './routes/carRoutes'
import userRoutes from './routes/userRoutes'
import stripeRoutes from './routes/stripeRoutes'
import countryRoutes from './routes/countryRoutes'
import * as helper from './common/helper'

const app = express()

app.use(helmet.crossOriginResourcePolicy({ policy: 'cross-origin' }))

app.use(compression({ threshold: 0 }))
app.use(express.urlencoded({ limit: '50mb', extended: true }))
app.use(express.json({ limit: '50mb' }))

app.options('*', cors())

app.use('/', supplierRoutes)
app.use('/', bookingRoutes)
app.use('/', locationRoutes)
app.use('/', notificationRoutes)
app.use('/', carRoutes)
app.use('/', userRoutes)
app.use('/', stripeRoutes)
app.use('/', countryRoutes)

i18n.locale = env.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE

await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_USERS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_TEMP_USERS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_CARS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_TEMP_CARS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_LOCATIONS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_TEMP_LOCATIONS)

export default app
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First of all, we retrieve MongoDB connection string, then we establish a connection with the MongoDB database. Then we create an Express app and load middlewares such as cors, compression, helmet, and nocache. We set up various security measures using the helmet middleware library. we also import various route files for different parts of the application such as supplierRoutes, bookingRoutes, locationRoutes, notificationRoutes, carRoutes, and userRoutes. Finally, we load Express routes and export app.

There are 8 routes in the api. Each route has its own controller following the MVC design pattern and SOLID principles. Below are the main routes:

  • userRoutes: Provides REST functions related to users
  • supplierRoutes: Provides REST functions related to suppliers
  • countryRoutes: Provides REST functions related to countries
  • locationRoutes: Provides REST functions related to locations
  • carRoutes: Provides REST functions related to cars
  • bookingRoutes: Provides REST functions related to bookings
  • notificationRoutes: Provides REST functions related to notifications
  • stripeRoutes: Provides REST functions related to Stripe payment gateway

We are not going to explain each route one by one. We'll take, for example, countryRoutes and see how it was made:

import express from 'express'
import routeNames from '../config/countryRoutes.config'
import authJwt from '../middlewares/authJwt'
import * as countryController from '../controllers/countryController'

const routes = express.Router()

routes.route(routeNames.validate).post(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.validate)
routes.route(routeNames.create).post(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.create)
routes.route(routeNames.update).put(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.update)
routes.route(routeNames.delete).delete(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.deleteCountry)
routes.route(routeNames.getCountry).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.getCountry)
routes.route(routeNames.getCountries).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.getCountries)
routes.route(routeNames.checkCountry).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.checkCountry)
routes.route(routeNames.getCountryId).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.getCountryId)

export default routes
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First of all, we create an Express Router. Then, we create the routes using their name, method, middlewares and controllers.

routeNames contains countryRoutes route names:

const routes = {
  validate: '/api/validate-country',
  create: '/api/create-country',
  update: '/api/update-country/:id',
  delete: '/api/delete-country/:id',
  getCountry: '/api/country/:id/:language',
  getCountries: '/api/countries/:page/:size/:language',
  getCountriesWithLocations: '/api/countries-with-locations/:language/:imageRequired/:minLocations',
  checkCountry: '/api/check-country/:id',
  getCountryId: '/api/country-id/:name/:language',

export default routes
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countryController contains the main business logic regarding countries. We are not going to see all the source code of the controller since it's quite large but we'll take create controller function for example.

Below is Country model:

import { Schema, model } from 'mongoose'
import * as env from '../config/env.config'

const countrySchema = new Schema<env.Country>(
    values: {
      type: [Schema.Types.ObjectId],
      ref: 'LocationValue',
      required: [true, "can't be blank"],
      validate: (value: any): boolean => Array.isArray(value),
    timestamps: true,
    strict: true,
    collection: 'Country',

const Country = model<env.Country>('Country', countrySchema)

export default Country
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Below is env.Country TypeScript type:

export interface Country extends Document {
  values: Types.ObjectId[]
  name?: string
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A Country has multiple values. One per language. By default, English and French languages are supported.

Below is LocationValue model:

import 'dotenv/config'
import process from 'node:process'
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import http from 'node:http'
import https, { ServerOptions } from 'node:https'
import * as env from './config/env.config'
import * as databaseHelper from './common/databaseHelper'
import app from './app'
import * as logger from './common/logger'

if (
  await databaseHelper.connect(env.DB_URI, env.DB_SSL, env.DB_DEBUG)
  && await databaseHelper.initialize()
) {
  let server: http.Server | https.Server

  if (env.HTTPS) {
    https.globalAgent.maxSockets = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
    const privateKey = await fs.readFile(env.PRIVATE_KEY, 'utf8')
    const certificate = await fs.readFile(env.CERTIFICATE, 'utf8')
    const credentials: ServerOptions = { key: privateKey, cert: certificate }
    server = https.createServer(credentials, app)

    server.listen(env.PORT, () => {
      logger.info('HTTPS server is running on Port', env.PORT)
  } else {
    server = app.listen(env.PORT, () => {
      logger.info('HTTP server is running on Port', env.PORT)

  const close = () => {
    logger.info('Gracefully stopping...')
    server.close(async () => {
      logger.info(`HTTP${env.HTTPS ? 'S' : ''} server closed`)
      await databaseHelper.close(true)
      logger.info('MongoDB connection closed')

  ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGQUIT'].forEach((signal) => process.on(signal, close))
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Below is env.LocationValue TypeScript type:

import express from 'express'
import compression from 'compression'
import helmet from 'helmet'
import nocache from 'nocache'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
import i18n from './lang/i18n'
import * as env from './config/env.config'
import cors from './middlewares/cors'
import allowedMethods from './middlewares/allowedMethods'
import supplierRoutes from './routes/supplierRoutes'
import bookingRoutes from './routes/bookingRoutes'
import locationRoutes from './routes/locationRoutes'
import notificationRoutes from './routes/notificationRoutes'
import carRoutes from './routes/carRoutes'
import userRoutes from './routes/userRoutes'
import stripeRoutes from './routes/stripeRoutes'
import countryRoutes from './routes/countryRoutes'
import * as helper from './common/helper'

const app = express()

app.use(helmet.crossOriginResourcePolicy({ policy: 'cross-origin' }))

app.use(compression({ threshold: 0 }))
app.use(express.urlencoded({ limit: '50mb', extended: true }))
app.use(express.json({ limit: '50mb' }))

app.options('*', cors())

app.use('/', supplierRoutes)
app.use('/', bookingRoutes)
app.use('/', locationRoutes)
app.use('/', notificationRoutes)
app.use('/', carRoutes)
app.use('/', userRoutes)
app.use('/', stripeRoutes)
app.use('/', countryRoutes)

i18n.locale = env.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE

await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_USERS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_TEMP_USERS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_CARS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_TEMP_CARS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_LOCATIONS)
await helper.mkdir(env.CDN_TEMP_LOCATIONS)

export default app
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A LocationValue has a language code (ISO 639-1) and a string value.

Below is create controller function:

import express from 'express'
import routeNames from '../config/countryRoutes.config'
import authJwt from '../middlewares/authJwt'
import * as countryController from '../controllers/countryController'

const routes = express.Router()

routes.route(routeNames.validate).post(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.validate)
routes.route(routeNames.create).post(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.create)
routes.route(routeNames.update).put(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.update)
routes.route(routeNames.delete).delete(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.deleteCountry)
routes.route(routeNames.getCountry).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.getCountry)
routes.route(routeNames.getCountries).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.getCountries)
routes.route(routeNames.checkCountry).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.checkCountry)
routes.route(routeNames.getCountryId).get(authJwt.verifyToken, countryController.getCountryId)

export default routes
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In this function, we retrieve the body of the request, we iterate through the values provided in the body (one value per language) and we create a LocationValue. Finally, we create the country depending on the created location values.


The frontend is a web application built with Node.js, React, MUI and TypeScript. From the frontend, the customer can search for available cars depending on pickup and drop-off points and time, choose a car and proceed to checkout:

  • ./frontend/src/assets/ folder contains CSS and images.
  • ./frontend/src/pages/ folder contains React pages.
  • ./frontend/src/components/ folder contains React components.
  • ./frontend/src/services/ contains api client services.
  • ./frontend/src/App.tsx is the main React App that contains routes.
  • ./frontend/src/index.tsx is the main entry point of the frontend.

TypeScript type definitions are defined in the package ./packages/bookcars-types.

App.tsx is the main react App:

const routes = {
  validate: '/api/validate-country',
  create: '/api/create-country',
  update: '/api/update-country/:id',
  delete: '/api/delete-country/:id',
  getCountry: '/api/country/:id/:language',
  getCountries: '/api/countries/:page/:size/:language',
  getCountriesWithLocations: '/api/countries-with-locations/:language/:imageRequired/:minLocations',
  checkCountry: '/api/check-country/:id',
  getCountryId: '/api/country-id/:name/:language',

export default routes
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We are using React lazy loading to load each route.

We are not going to cover each page of the frontend, but you can open the source code and see each one if you want.

Mobile App

The platform provides a native mobile app for Android and iOS. The mobile app is built with React Native, Expo and TypeScript. Like for the frontend, the mobile app allows the customer to search for available cars depending on pickup and drop-off points and time, choose a car and proceed to checkout.

The customer receives push notifications if his booking is updated from the backend. Push notifications are built with Node.js, Expo Server SDK and Firebase.

  • ./mobile/assets/ folder contains images.
  • ./mobile/screens/ folder contains main React Native screens.
  • ./mobile/components/ folder contains React Native components.
  • ./mobile/services/ contains api client services.
  • ./mobile/App.tsx is the main React Native App.

TypeScript type definitions are defined in:

  • ./mobile/types/index.d.ts
  • ./mobile/types/env.d.ts
  • ./mobile/miscellaneous/bookcarsTypes.ts

./mobile/types/ is loaded in ./mobile/tsconfig.json as follow:

import { Schema, model } from 'mongoose'
import * as env from '../config/env.config'

const countrySchema = new Schema<env.Country>(
    values: {
      type: [Schema.Types.ObjectId],
      ref: 'LocationValue',
      required: [true, "can't be blank"],
      validate: (value: any): boolean => Array.isArray(value),
    timestamps: true,
    strict: true,
    collection: 'Country',

const Country = model<env.Country>('Country', countrySchema)

export default Country
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App.tsx is the main entry point of the React Native app:

import 'react-native-gesture-handler'
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { RootSiblingParent } from 'react-native-root-siblings'
import { NavigationContainer, NavigationContainerRef } from '@react-navigation/native'
import { StatusBar as ExpoStatusBar } from 'expo-status-bar'
import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'
import { Provider } from 'react-native-paper'
import * as SplashScreen from 'expo-splash-screen'
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications'
import { StripeProvider } from '@stripe/stripe-react-native'
import DrawerNavigator from './components/DrawerNavigator'
import * as helper from './common/helper'
import * as NotificationService from './services/NotificationService'
import * as UserService from './services/UserService'
import { GlobalProvider } from './context/GlobalContext'
import * as env from './config/env.config'

  handleNotification: async () => ({
    shouldShowAlert: true,
    shouldPlaySound: true,
    shouldSetBadge: true,

// Prevent native splash screen from autohiding before App component declaration
  .then((result) => console.log(`SplashScreen.preventAutoHideAsync() succeeded: ${result}`))
  .catch(console.warn) // it's good to explicitly catch and inspect any error

const App = () => {
  const [appIsReady, setAppIsReady] = useState(false)

  const responseListener = useRef<Notifications.Subscription>()
  const navigationRef = useRef<NavigationContainerRef<StackParams>>(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    const register = async () => {
      const loggedIn = await UserService.loggedIn()
      if (loggedIn) {
        const currentUser = await UserService.getCurrentUser()
        if (currentUser?._id) {
          await helper.registerPushToken(currentUser._id)
        } else {

    // Register push notifiations token

    // This listener is fired whenever a user taps on or interacts with a notification (works when app is foregrounded, backgrounded, or killed)
    responseListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationResponseReceivedListener(async (response) => {
      try {
        if (navigationRef.current) {
          const { data } = response.notification.request.content

          if (data.booking) {
            if (data.user && data.notification) {
              await NotificationService.markAsRead(data.user, [data.notification])
            navigationRef.current.navigate('Booking', { id: data.booking })
          } else {
            navigationRef.current.navigate('Notifications', {})
      } catch (err) {
        helper.error(err, false)

    return () => {
  }, [])

  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 500)

  const onReady = useCallback(async () => {
    if (appIsReady) {
      // This tells the splash screen to hide immediately! If we call this after
      // `setAppIsReady`, then we may see a blank screen while the app is
      // loading its initial state and rendering its first pixels. So instead,
      // we hide the splash screen once we know the root view has already
      // performed layout.
      await SplashScreen.hideAsync()
  }, [appIsReady])

  if (!appIsReady) {
    return null

  return (
          <StripeProvider publishableKey={env.STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY} merchantIdentifier={env.STRIPE_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER}>
              <NavigationContainer ref={navigationRef} onReady={onReady}>

<p>We are not going to cover each screen of the mobile app, but you can open the source code and see each one if you want.</p>

  Admin Dashboard

<p>The admin dashboard is a web application built with Node.js, React, MUI and TypeScript. From the backend, admins can create and manage suppliers, cars, locations, customers and bookings. When new suppliers are created from the backend, they will receive an email prompting them to create an account in order to access the backend and manage their car fleet and bookings.</p>

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  • ./backend/assets/ folder contains CSS and images.
  • ./backend/pages/ folder contains React pages.
  • ./backend/components/ folder contains React components.
  • ./backend/services/ contains api client services.
  • ./backend/App.tsx is the main React App that contains routes.
  • ./backend/index.tsx is the main entry point of the admin dashboard.

TypeScript type definitions are defined in the package ./packages/bookcars-types.

App.tsx of the backend follow similar logic like App.tsx of the frontend.

We are not going to cover each page of the admin dashboard but you can open the source code and see each one if you want.

Points of Interest

Building the mobile app with React Native and Expo is very easy. Expo makes mobile development with React Native very simple.

Using the same language (TypeScript) for backend, frontend and mobile development is very convenient.

TypeScript is a very interesting language and has many advantages. By adding static typing to JavaScript, we can avoid many bugs and produce high quality, scalable, more readable and maintainable code that is easy to debug and test.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed reading this article.


  1. Overview
  2. Architecture
  3. Installing (Self-hosted)
  4. Installing (VPS)
  5. Installing (Docker)
    1. Docker Image
    2. SSL
  6. Setup Stripe
  7. Build Mobile App
  8. Demo Database
    1. Windows, Linux and macOS
    2. Docker
  9. Run from Source
  10. Run Mobile App
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Instructions
    3. Push Notifications
  11. Change Currency
  12. Add New Language
  13. Unit Tests and Coverage
  14. Logs

The above is the detailed content of From Zero to Storefront: My Journey Building a Car Rental Website and Mobile App. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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