Converting RGB to HSV and HSV to RGB Within the Range 0-255
Transforming color representations between RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) is essential for image processing and computer graphics. This transformation requires translating color values within specific ranges to ensure accurate conversion.
RGB to HSV Conversion
The RGB to HSV conversion involves the following steps:
Calculate Saturation (S): Compute the saturation using the formula:
S = (V - min) / V
Calculate Hue (H): Determine the hue using conditional statements based on the relative values of RGB components:
if (R >= G && R >= B): H = (G - B) / (V - min) elif (G >= R && G >= B): H = 2 + (B - R) / (V - min) else: H = 4 + (R - G) / (V - min)
HSV to RGB Conversion
The HSV to RGB conversion proceeds as follows:
Find Hue Index: Determine the integer index of the hue:
i = int(H / 60.0)
Calculate Fractional Part: Compute the fractional part of the hue:
ff = H / 60.0 - i
Set Default RGB Values:
R = G = B = V
Calculate RGB Values: Adjust RGB values based on the hue index:
if (i == 0): B = p elif (i == 1): R = q elif (i == 2): G = p elif (i == 3): R = p elif (i == 4): B = t elif (i == 5): G = p
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