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Fantasy's Neo Dimension: Jas Boss Guide

Susan Sarandon
Release: 2024-12-19 14:48:10
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This is it, the very end of your adventure in Fantasian Neo Dimension, and very possibly of all existence. Jas wishes to turn the multiverse to Zero and let everything become nothing. A gaping void, like that of Yim. You can't let that come to pass.

Fantasian Neo Dimension: Jas Boss Guide

With the power of a god on his side, Jas doesn't make it easy. Going through multiple phases and never giving you the chance to save inbetween, Jas is as much a challenge as he is a marathon. Get ready, as this is easily one of the hardest battles in the entire game.

How To Defeat Jas' First Phase

Fantasian Neo Dimension: Jas Boss Guide

Party Set-Up

Jas is a three-stage boss fight, though the first two are back-to-back. As such, our set-up here will be for the first two fights.

For the most part, we'll only be using a team of three - Leo, Cheryl, and Ez. This applies to both fights, both Valrika will have a bit more presence in the second phase. We were around level 60 facing Jas, and had unlocked the vast majority of the Growth Map.

That said, here are some key skills to look out for:

  • Leo - Samidare Hits , Fire and Lightning Samidare, Counter, Blade Break, Concentrate.
  • Cheryl - Double Charge, Concentrate, Blizzard Strike, Darkness Strike, Counter, Support Charge.
  • Ez - Quick All, All Potion L, All Potion , Attack Turns Up, Defence Turns Up.

In his first phase, he mostly just uses the same attack, though he will still attempt to put element weaknesses on the party. As such, Leo, Cheryl, and Ez should all be equipped with a Blue Quartz to prevent this. When doing this, he will also cast a random status ailment, so we have a few ways to prevent this as well.

  • Leo - Equip the Holy Belt (from completing the Cinderella Tri-Stars quest).
  • Cheryl - Equip the Crystal Quartz (from the God Chest in Bernard's Lab).
  • Ez - Equip his weapon, Carnwennan.

With this, the only ailments you party should be subject too are attack and defense down, which Ez can easily rectify. Beyond this, equip a Ruby XL on Cheryl, a Large Jade on Ez, and either a Ruby XL, Emerald L, or Opal XL on Leo. Leo should also equip his Tyrfing weapon and have it upgraded all the way to Ragnarok, which requires Deus Augite found in the God Realm.

This is the grand finale, so don't be afraid to use Elixirs to fully heal the party where necessary.

Battling Jas

In Jas' first phase, he doesn't do too much. He almost exclusively summons elemental orbs

around the environment, and then attacks the party with them on his next turn if they're not all destroyed.

At first, they will always be of a specific element and only a few of them, so just destroy them with the strongest element moves you have. He will also attempt to cast elemental weakening and a random status effect on you while setting up this move, though the Blue Quartz

and other precautions prevent this.<script> window.adsNinja = window.adsNinja || {}; window.adsNinja.queue = window.adsNinja.queue || []; window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ var fallbackContent = ` <video> <source src='https://video.thegamerimages.com/2024/12/fantasian-neo-dimension-jas-boss-guide-made-with-clipchamp-1734102415.mp4' type='video/mp4'> Your browser does not support the video tag. `; try{ var result = window.adsNinja.monetizeVideo('.emaki-video-player-43772931496f351d', JSON.parse(`{\"name\":\"Instream-InContent\",\"groupName\":\"content\"}`), JSON.parse(`{\"trackingId\":\"in-content\",\"playlist\":[{\"title\":\"Fantasian Neo Dimension Jas Boss Guide\",\"description\":\"\",\"length\":\"3:38\",\"mimeType\":\"video\/mp4\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/fantasian-neo-dimension-jas-boss-guide-made-with-clipchamp-1734102415.mp4\",\"thumbnailLink\":\"https:\/\/static1.thegamerimages.com\/wordpress\/wordpress\/wp-content\/uploads\/wm\/2024\/12\/20241211223353_1.jpg?fit=crop&w=1024&h=576\",\"textTracks\":[{\"kind\":\"subtitles\",\"label\":\"English\",\"language\":\"en\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/fantasian-neo-dimension-jas-boss-guide-made-with-clipchamp-1734102415-1734102735.vtt\",\"default\":false}]}]}`)); if(!result){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-43772931496f351d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } } catch(error){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-43772931496f351d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } }); }); </script>

Near the end of the battle, he will start to summon a great deal of elemental orbs, so try to save up your Tension skill to be used here.

Thankfully, Jas is weak to Attack and Defence Down, so keep these active on him at all times, prioritising Attack Down. After Jas gets low enough on HP, he will cast Attack, Defense, and Speed up on himself. You can either take them away one-by-one with Leo, or bring out Valrika to use Dispel.

The real tactic to damage Jas during this phase is Cheryl. As has been the winning strategy, you want to cast Concentrate, Double Charge, and then use Blizzard Strike on Jas, ideally when he's already weakened with Helm Bash. This can potentially take out half his HP in a single attack.

Support Charge can activate when Cheryl uses Concentrate, potentially saving you a full turn.

And that's it for the first phase. After it has ended, you'll be given a bunch of EXP and continue straight into the much more challenging second phase. Your HP and MP also carry over, so be wary to recover if you need to.

How To Defeat Jas' Second Phase

Seeing a challenge is clearly on his hands, Jas stands up and starts unleashing a great deal more attacks on the party. He still follows a pretty clear pattern, though with a greater variety of moves

this time around.

Instead of just summoning orbs, Jas will actually attack the party this time, and will unleash three attacks in a single turn. This always follows a specific pattern though. He will cast two elemental attacks, which hit. at random but never the same person twice

, and then uses Godly Pulse, which debuffs a party member while buffing himself. Again, the Blue Quartz and other precautions are a massive help.

Every few turns, Jas will summon two orbs to his left and right

. During this phase, he is completely immune to damage, so focus all your attacks on the orbs. If destroyed, Jas will lose his turn, allowing you the chance to get in a few hits on him and extra debuffs.

Avoid using area-of-effect moves like Arrow Rain or Knight Impact here. If Jas is in range at all, he will nullify the entire attack

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If you only destroy one orb, or none, he will unleash Magna Ray, which attacks the whole party for quite a bit of damage. This can wipe the party with both orbs, so make sure you destroy at least one no matter what. Cheryl with just a single Charge and Blizzard Strike is more than enough to remove one.

Following Magna Ray, whether it hits successfully or not, Jas will cast Godly Heal. This restores around 10,000 HP to himself but that's more a slight nuisance than a massive issue at this point.

The last of Jas' moves is Deluge of Blades. Look familiar? This is the exact same as Vam's move, though with a whole lot more swords. Without using a Tension Skill, it can be pretty hard to actually destroy all these swords (though not impossible). The move weakens with each destroyed, and is canceled entirely if all of them are destroyed.

If you don't think you can destroy all of them, take down as many as possible and then boost your defense, restore HP, and start guarding.

And that's all for this phase. He'll keep repeating this pattern as he goes, giving himself buffs all the while, though it's fairly manageable if you don't get too greedy with your attacks. Take your time with it.

How To Defeat Jas The Absolute

Fantasian Neo Dimension: Jas Boss Guide

Party Set-Up

So, we're in the final phase now. Thankfully, we won't be making too many changes to the party here or our set-up, though there are some core skills and such we want to make sure we have.

To start, Jas won't be using any elemental weakening effects during this phase, so you can sacrifice the Blue Quartz entirely. We gave a Ruby XL and Opal XL to Leo, and attempted to boost everyone else's defenses and HP with Emeralds and Opals. You'll still need your ailment nullification though, so keep those as-is.

We'll be using two parties this time around, one for attacking and another for defending. Jas has some powerful moves in this phase that can't be canceled at all, so you have no choice but to tank them.

So let's get underway for the core skills. In addition to what we already had, we should get:

  • Kina - All Tension skills, Barrier All, Resurrection, Guard.
  • Zinikr - Concentrate, Charge, Support Charge, Radiance Strike
  • Tan - Energize, Rudy Strike, Mystery Potion, Desperation.
  • Valrika - Dispel (piercing), Counter (Crush).
  • Leo - Guard.

Almost everyone has a role in this battle, save for Tan and Prickle. You may have to use the Tension skills from other characters as well, so it's worth fully upgrading them for everyone that you can as well. If you have excess points or SP Capsules, it's worth investing in the stat boosts in the Growth Map to give you a little bit more of an edge.

Battling Jas The Absolute

Clearly, what we're fighting now doesn't quite resemble Jas anymore, but he's also at his absolute worst right now. Similar to his last phase, he can act twice in a single turn

, though only with elemental attacks now. He will be using a special move almost every second turn though.

Skipping ahead for a moment, we want to prep our back-up team. We started this battle with Zinikr in our party so that he could get Ez's buffs, and then had him cast Iron Wall. On the second turn, have Zinikr cast Concentrate

, and then swap him out for Cheryl. He will retain those bonuses for when he needs them.

As before, Jas is still weak to both Attack and Defense Down

, so use Leo to inflict those, and have Cheryl prepare her typical Concentrate-Double Charge-Blizzard Strike. Outside of any of the special moves, this is the pattern to keep across the whole battle.

Ez will be support the whole fight, so make sure Quick All is active at all times

to give you as many turns as possible.

The first attack to look out for is Big Bang. Jas moves to the side of the arena and starts charging an attack. This can't be canceled, so debuff Jas as much as possible, get some hits in, and then swap in your defensive team

. This is Leo, Zinikr, and Kina. If you don't have time to take out a certain member, Kina can use Resurrection on them on her next turn.<script> window.adsNinja = window.adsNinja || {}; window.adsNinja.queue = window.adsNinja.queue || []; window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ var fallbackContent = ` <video> <source src='https://video.thegamerimages.com/2024/12/fantasian-neo-dimension-jas-boss-guide-made-with-clipchamp-1734102415.mp4' type='video/mp4'> Your browser does not support the video tag. `; try{ var result = window.adsNinja.monetizeVideo('.emaki-video-player-43772931496f351d', JSON.parse(`{\"name\":\"Instream-InContent\",\"groupName\":\"content\"}`), JSON.parse(`{\"trackingId\":\"in-content\",\"playlist\":[{\"title\":\"Fantasian Neo Dimension Jas Boss Guide\",\"description\":\"\",\"length\":\"3:38\",\"mimeType\":\"video\/mp4\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/fantasian-neo-dimension-jas-boss-guide-made-with-clipchamp-1734102415.mp4\",\"thumbnailLink\":\"https:\/\/static1.thegamerimages.com\/wordpress\/wordpress\/wp-content\/uploads\/wm\/2024\/12\/20241211223353_1.jpg?fit=crop&w=1024&h=576\",\"textTracks\":[{\"kind\":\"subtitles\",\"label\":\"English\",\"language\":\"en\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/fantasian-neo-dimension-jas-boss-guide-made-with-clipchamp-1734102415-1734102735.vtt\",\"default\":false}]}]}`)); if(!result){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-43772931496f351d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } } catch(error){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-43772931496f351d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } }); }); </script>

The next two major moves are Black Hole and White Hole. The former will suck away party members until only one remains for every turn it is active, returning them when it is destroyed. The White Hole summons more enemies each turn until it is destroyed. They are weak to Holy and Darkness respectively, so use buffed Zinikr and Cheryl respectively to destroy them.

The Black and White Holes have no effects on their first turn, giving you a chance to destroy them before they can do anything.

Near the end of Jas' HP, he will summon a Black and White Hole in a single turn. This can be frightening at first, though as long as you have both Cheryl and Zinikr, it's no problem.

Next is Supernova. This is one of Jas' most powerful moves. He will use Super Buff on himself like in his second phase, and summon a massive amount of elemental orbs to the side. These have a massive amount of HP, making it very difficult to destroy them all. As such, you'll be destroying as many as you can and then swapping in your defensive party.

Whether or not you destroy all of the orbs, Supernova will still be used. As such, make sure to use Dispel to remove the effect of Super Buff, and have Leo use Blade Break for good measure. The damage scales by the number of orbs remaining, and will easily wipe the party if all of them remain.

That's mostly everything. Jas will keep on this pattern until he gets to around 50,000-60,000 remaining HP. Then he will use the move Beginning of the End. Ominous. Jas gives you five turns to fully finish him off, or else it's an instant game-over. On the plus side, he will only use a single elemental attack on his turn now.

Obviously, Quick All is essential here, and you'll want to apply Defense Down to Jas as well. Beyond that, we're going back to our typical Cheryl combo to finish him off. Keep your cool here and start unleashing your strongest attacks. Fire Samidare, Radiance Strike, Rudy Strike, everything.

Above all else though, make sure Cheryl doesn't die. You can't afford the turns needed to set her up again, and you'll only have one chance to pull this off. Try to use her Tension skill if it's available to really maximise your damage.

And that, finally, is Jas fully defeated. Now you get some small interactive sequences to deal the final hits, and head into the final few cutscenes of the game. Congrats on beating Fantasian!

Fantasian Neo Dimension: Jas Boss Guide

The above is the detailed content of Fantasy's Neo Dimension: Jas Boss Guide. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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