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Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Walkthrough

Christopher Nolan
Release: 2024-12-30 06:49:10
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The Kid Who Vanished is an optional Fieldwork mission toward the end of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle. As tempting as it may be to rush straight for the game's conclusion and uncover the secrets you've been chasing for the entire game, heading into the jungle in search of Aran is well worth the detour; this is a quintessential Indiana Jones quest.

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Walkthrough

The Khmer Warrior Temple hidden below Wat Si Sawai is full of tricks, traps, and puzzles, making it one of the most complex exploration challenges in the game. Read on to find out how to make it through from beginning to end.

How To Start The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Walkthrough

When you get back in the boat after visiting Tongdang for the first time, Gina will mention that Sunan's nephew hasn't been seen in a while. Aran lives in a treehouse near the southeast edge of the map, so your first step is to go there in the boat.

The treehouse isn't far from Tongdang's, but it might be worth raiding Voss' gold stash and recovering the Royal Army's radio frequencies before you go looking for Aran. That way you can buy map guides from Tongdang and make sure that you don't miss any hidden items while you explore.

You'll be able to dock shortly after the treehouse first comes into view. Follow the path counterclockwise, climbing when necessary, until you reach the ladder leading up to the house. Take the recipe next to the ladder, then climb up; at the top, pull the planks off of the door to enter.

Inside, look on the bulletin board to the right to find a photo of Aran and Sunan. After you collect the photo, Gina will point out a loose plank on the floor. Lift it to reveal a map of Wat Si Sawai, the large temple complex in the southwest. With the map in hand, zipline from the balcony to quickly return to the boat.

How To Enter The Khmer Warrior Temple

Take the boat southwest from the treehouse and dock at the Wat Si Sawai pier, on the eastern side of the large island. There's one path that leads toward the temple complex, with a pair of guards patrolling together.

You can use the ruins to either sneak up on them and take them out, or get past them without a fight.

When you come within sight of Wat Si Sawai, look for a path to the left. You can find the combination to the Sukhothai Rebels' safe here as part of the Tiger's Path Mystery. Take the picture, then walk back down the path; the climbable ledges make for a good escape route later, but using them now will take you right into a group of three Blackshirts.

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As you pass through the enemy camp, stay all the way to the right. This will give you plenty of cover as you approach the main temple and let you grab a shovel to take out the heavy just inside the entrance. The heavy usually stands in the doorway to your left; his two companions are passed out drunk, don't pose any threat. Loot their lockbox for some cash, then return to the entryway.

Pass through the tunnel overgrown with roots directly across from the main entrance to enter the Khmer Warrior Temple. You'll come to a fork; turning right is a dead-end, but rewards you with the Handyman Adventure Book that will increase the durability of your melee weapons. The left-hand path will take you to the start of the Warrior Trial, where Aran is trapped behind some rubble.

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Walkthrough

How To Rescue Aran

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Walkthrough

Once the conversation finishes, Gina will point out a door to the left of where Aran is stuck. The door has handles to either side; turn the handle to the right while Gina takes the one on the left to open the door.

Use the lighter to ignite the brazier on the far side of the next room so that you can see what you're doing. The pipe immediately below the brazier has water flowing, but is missing a segment; pick up the pipe segment near the door that you came through and place it in the empty slot. With the water moving through the pipes, the hydraulic mechanism will open the next door.

Pull the lever at the end of the hall to descend to the lower level. Note that you have to wait for Gina to catch up before Indy will activate the lift. At the bottom, follow the sunlit path through the ruins; any paths that aren't lit will lead to dead-ends and pitfalls.

After walking over the bridge of giant wooden gears, climb the large root to get over the wall. Note the blocked passage to the left at the top of the wall - it's inaccessible now, but you'll need to use it later once the gears are turning. For now, just drop down on the other side of the wall.

Take a picture of the Naga Statue ahead of you and to the left, then walk through the collapsed wall straight ahead; there's a cliimbable wall beyond it and to the left. Turn right at the top and follow the corridor until you come to a large, inactive waterwheel. Use it as a platform to run across, but be quick as Indy's weight will cause the wheel to turn, potentially dumping you into the pit below.

How To Raise The Platform For Aran

Wait for Gina to catch up, then follow her into the room below you. There's another pipe segment puzzle here. Start by turning on the water with the handle on the left, near where Gina is standing. Next, take a picture of the cogwheels near the large wooden structure for some bonus Adventure Points, then have Gina help you push the wooden structure in front of them.

Doing so reveals a lever, which requires water for power.<script> window.adsNinja = window.adsNinja || {}; window.adsNinja.queue = window.adsNinja.queue || []; window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ var fallbackContent = ` <video> <source src='https://video.thegamerimages.com/2024/12/indiana-jones-and-the-great-circle-wat-si-sawai-exterior-1734392256.mp4' type='video/mp4'> Your browser does not support the video tag. `; try{ var result = window.adsNinja.monetizeVideo('.emaki-video-player-98721fa46964bd0d', JSON.parse(`{\"name\":\"Instream-InContent\",\"groupName\":\"content\"}`), JSON.parse(`{\"trackingId\":\"in-content\",\"playlist\":[{\"title\":\"Indiana Jones And The Great Circle Wat Si Sawai Exterior\",\"description\":\"\",\"length\":\"2:30\",\"mimeType\":\"video\/mp4\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/indiana-jones-and-the-great-circle-wat-si-sawai-exterior-1734392256.mp4\",\"thumbnailLink\":\"https:\/\/static1.thegamerimages.com\/wordpress\/wordpress\/wp-content\/uploads\/wm\/2024\/12\/20241215202947_1.jpg?fit=crop&w=1024&h=576\",\"textTracks\":[{\"kind\":\"subtitles\",\"label\":\"English\",\"language\":\"en\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/indiana-jones-and-the-great-circle-wat-si-sawai-exterior-1734392256-1734392536.vtt\",\"default\":false}]}]}`)); if(!result){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-98721fa46964bd0d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } } catch(error){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-98721fa46964bd0d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } }); }); </script>

Pick up the pipe segment and place it in the socket near the lever. This time, the segment can go in facing either horizontally or vertically; you need to make sure that you place it so that the water can actually flow through it. If you place the pipe the wrong way, simply take it back out and stand at a different angle to try again.

The water still isn't flowing to the lever, but the current configuration does open a nearby hydraulic door. Go inside to get an L-shaped pipe segment. Replace the straight pipe segment in the main room with the L-shaped one to redirect the water to the lever, and place the straight segment in the next socket over to complete the flow.

Pull the lever, then go through the door that Gina points out to follow Aran.

How To Get Through The Wooden Gears

The corridor will take you back to the wooden gears from before, except this time they'll be rhythmically turning. Time your movements to pass through the holes in the vertical gears

, while jumping to land on the horizontal gears while they're extended toward you.

Swing across the gap to the large root that you climbed before; the path to the left is now open. Hop down onto the gears and make your way to the furthest one. Stand on the edge so that you can reach the ledge on the right with a running jump; this will allow you to swing across the chasm

from the gear across the way.

When you land, crawl under the rotating gear blocking your path and take another running jump to land on the cog to the right. From here, you can reach the stairs to the next room, where the lever to activate the lift for Gina

is immediately to the right.

Once she reaches you, Gina can turn the handles on the door across from the lift, just like the ones in the first room, to open the way forward. Follow the corridor straight ahead for a dead-end with an Ancient Relic, then take the side passage and turn right at the fork; when you come to a pit of spikes, a lever on the right

will raise a bridge for you to cross.<script> window.adsNinja = window.adsNinja || {}; window.adsNinja.queue = window.adsNinja.queue || []; window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ window.adsNinja.queue.push(function(){ var fallbackContent = ` <video> <source src='https://video.thegamerimages.com/2024/12/indiana-jones-and-the-great-circle-wat-si-sawai-exterior-1734392256.mp4' type='video/mp4'> Your browser does not support the video tag. `; try{ var result = window.adsNinja.monetizeVideo('.emaki-video-player-98721fa46964bd0d', JSON.parse(`{\"name\":\"Instream-InContent\",\"groupName\":\"content\"}`), JSON.parse(`{\"trackingId\":\"in-content\",\"playlist\":[{\"title\":\"Indiana Jones And The Great Circle Wat Si Sawai Exterior\",\"description\":\"\",\"length\":\"2:30\",\"mimeType\":\"video\/mp4\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/indiana-jones-and-the-great-circle-wat-si-sawai-exterior-1734392256.mp4\",\"thumbnailLink\":\"https:\/\/static1.thegamerimages.com\/wordpress\/wordpress\/wp-content\/uploads\/wm\/2024\/12\/20241215202947_1.jpg?fit=crop&w=1024&h=576\",\"textTracks\":[{\"kind\":\"subtitles\",\"label\":\"English\",\"language\":\"en\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/video.thegamerimages.com\/2024\/12\/indiana-jones-and-the-great-circle-wat-si-sawai-exterior-1734392256-1734392536.vtt\",\"default\":false}]}]}`)); if(!result){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-98721fa46964bd0d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } } catch(error){ console.warn('Failed to load AdsNinja video player.'); document.getElementById('emaki-video-player-98721fa46964bd0d').innerHTML = fallbackContent; } }); }); </script>

How To Solve The Khmer Pipeworks Puzzle

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Walkthrough

The final room in the Khmer Warrior Temple requires you to divert water into the three drains at the far end of the chamber, powering the waterwheels to raise the exit platform. However, several pipe segments are missing, and the water isn't even turned on. The latter problem, at least, is easily solved.

How To Turn On The Water

Upon entering the chamber, turn left immediately to find a ladder. Climb it to reach the valve that starts the water flowing.

How To Get All Four Pipe Segments

The first two pipe segments are on the ledges to either side of the chamber. Climb the stairs on either the left or right to collect them, then throw them down to floor level. Doing so takes a little bit of Indy's stamina, which isn't really a problem, but it means that you shouldn't bother eating fruit to top up until after the puzzle is completed.

Next, look for a set of stairs on the left side of the room. Take a torch from the basket at the top and use it to light the braziers in the room below. Take the pipe segment that you find back to the main room.

Before moving on, take the metal rod at the top of the stairs and return to the lower room. Smash the bricked-up doorway to reveal a room with an Ancient Relic.

Now you'll have two L-shaped pipes and a T-shaped pipe. Place one of the L-shaped pipes in the socket where the water is flowing to direct the water to the left; following the pipes, you should see it come out near the locked door on the left side of the room. Place the other L-pipe to make the water do another left turn; this should open the door.

Inside, move through the giant gear when there's an opening and get the straight pipe beyond. Take it back to the main room. With all four pipes, you have what you need to solve the puzzle.

Correct Pipe Placements

Remove all the pipes from their current sockets, then put the T-shaped pipe in the first slot to start the water flowing both left and right from its starting point. Follow the right-hand pipe to where the water comes out, and use an L-shaped pipe to direct the water to to the right.

This will power the rightmost wheel.

Again, remember to make sure the pipes are facing the right direction.

You should see water flowing into the centermost socket in the system. Use the remaining L-shaped pipe to turn the water to the left, directing it straight toward the center drain. Finally, put the straight pipe

in the socket by the door to power the left wheel.

If all the pipes are correctly placed, the platform will raise; follow the path until you can push a door open with Gina. You'll return to the main entrance and meet up with Aran. Speak to him in the Shiva Shrine that he unlocks, then take the Ancient Relic

from the statue's base. That makes three for this expedition - not a bad haul at all!

The quest isn't actually over until you return to the village and talk to Sunan. Once you do, you can talk to him again to get another quest called Lost In The Past.

Hopefully you're up for some more adventure!

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Walkthrough

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