Another way to guarantee more wins in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket is to attack an opponent's bench. A lot of beginners won't expect that, and you will catch them completely off-guard with this strategy. There are a few decks you can use for that purpose, and one of the stronger ones is the Dragonite and Zebstrika deck.
Zebstrika takes up only one Lightning energy, but it will take a little time for you to prepare your Dragonite considering its requirements. Having tanks like Snorlax can also withstand an opponent's attacks until you have your Dragonite prepared. When everything is ready, you can use Draco Meteor to deal a devastating blow to the cards on the opponent's bench.
Your main damage dealer in this deck will be the Dragonite card. Its Draco Meteor attacks the opponent's cards randomly, so to ensure your victory you can pair it with Zebstrika which can hurt cards in an opponent's bench.
Adding a tank or two will give you more room to prepare your cards, we recommend using Snorlax due to its high HP.
Dragonite And Zebstrika Deck |
Dratini x2 |
Dragonair x2 |
Dragonite x2 |
Blitzle x2 |
Zebstrika x2 |
Snorlax x2 |
Poke Ball x2 |
Professor's Research x2 |
Sabrina x2 |
Potion x1 |
X Speed x1 |
The Dragonite cards can be obtained from the Genetic Apex Mewtwo booster packs. Snorlax can be grabbed from the Pikachu booster pack and Zebstrika cards have a chance of appearing in any booster pack.
You can substitute the Snorlax card for any other tank that you own, such as Chansey.
Zebstrika is more sustainable due to its high HP, but you can also pick a water Pokemon that can damage an opponent's bench. Seadra is a great choice considering how it can deal about 50 damage when it's ready, but you need more energy to prepare it.
The entire deck will simply focus on attacking your opponent's bench. This will catch them completely off-guard and also make it much harder for them to prepare their powerful Pokemon. Ideally, you should send out your tanks as your first active Pokemon.
In most cases, your opponent's Pokemon cards will not be able to make strong attacks right off the bat. So your Snorlax can easily withstand them while you continue to prepare other cards on your bench.
Your main focus should be to prepare your Dragonite so it can use Draco Meteor to defeat your opponent's remaining cards. Keep evolving it every turn as well if it's possible. Use the Professor's Reseach card to draw out more cards if you need its evolution cards.
When your Dragonite is completely prepared, send it out while your opponent's Pokemon are still weak, so it can quickly defeat a few cards using Draco Meteor only once.
Never switch out an unprepared Dragonite on the front when an opponent uses Sabrina, as retreating will cost a lot of energy, and you may get defeated quickly by an opponent.
In case your Dragonite is still unprepared, you should send out your Zebstrika card, which can deplete the opponent's cards HP. It's also risky to have Dragonite on the front when the opponent's bench is full of powerful Pokemon ready to attack you, so before you swap in your Dragonite, make sure to hit them with Zebstrika's Electric spear as many times as you can.
Zebstrika needs only one Lightning energy to retreat, so you can call it back even without using the X Speed card, but if you have it on your hand, prioritize using it to save energy.
If your rival's current Active Pokemon is too strong and can kill Blitzle or Zebstrika, we recommend using the Sabrina card to force them to send a weaker Pokemon on the front. You should also not stall for too long, so if an opponent has already defeated Snorlax once, you can send out your Zebstrika before your opponent gets too strong to beat.
The Poke Balls in your deck should ideally help you get Snorlax quickly, but there will be cases where you may need to have your Blitzle sent out first, depending on your hand. The Strategy in this case will be slightly different, and you may have to switch out your Pokemon quickly before they are defeated. Place your other Blitzle on the bench if you can as well.
If an opponent has already assigned energies to their card, they will defeat Snorlax quickly, and in that case, there is no point in using Tanks. Instead, you should keep using Zebstrika to cut off their HP even though it ends up sacrificed. You can then send out your prepared Dragonite and finish the battle.
You should also prepare another Dragonite on the bench, while the current one is battling hard. In case one of them is defeated, you can still use the other if need be.
The Dragonite Zebstrika deck is one of the easier decks to use, and it should grant you a couple of victories without much trouble. However, you still need to watch out for Charizard ex decks. The Charizard ex cards can one-shot any card if it has energies assigned to it. So, you have to defeat any Charmander cards quickly with your Zesbtrika while the opponent is still preparing them.
In case an opponent has a prepared Charizard ex card ready to attack, you can switch it either with Sabrina or retreat to let your tanks take the hit. Now you will have more room to go on an offensive as Charizard needs to recharge again. You can then bring out your Dragonite on your front and use the Draco meteor move.
The Mewtwo ex, Venusaur ex, and Starmie ex are very offensive decks as well, so you will need to be careful and use support cards to throw your opponents off their plans.
The above is the detailed content of Pokemon Pocket: How To Build A Dragonite And Zebstrika Deck. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!