When a Java developer asked me how to deploy their Spring Boot API on AWS ECS, I saw it as the perfect chance to dive into the latest updates on the CDKTF (Cloud Development Kit for Terraform) project.
In a previous article, I introduced CDKTF, a framework that allows you to write Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using general-purpose programming languages such as Python. Since then, CDKTF has reached its first GA release, making it the perfect time to revisit it. In this article, we’ll walk through deploying a Spring Boot API on AWS ECS using CDKTF.
Find the code of this article on my github repo.
Before diving into the implementation, let’s review the architecture we aim to deploy:
From this diagram, we can break down the architecture into 03 layers:
The Java API we’re deploying is available on GitHub.
It defines a simple REST API with three endpoints:
Let’s add the Dockerfile:
FROM maven:3.9-amazoncorretto-21 AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY pom.xml . COPY src src RUN mvn clean package # amazon java distribution FROM amazoncorretto:21-alpine COPY --from=builder /app/target/*.jar /app/java-api.jar EXPOSE 8080 ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app/java-api.jar"]
Our application is ready to be deployed!
AWS CDKTF allows you to define and manage AWS resources using Python.
- [**python (3.13)**](https://www.python.org/) - [**pipenv**](https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/) - [**npm**](https://nodejs.org/en/)
Ensure you have the necessary tools by installing CDKTF and its dependencies:
$ npm install -g cdktf-cli@latest
This installs the cdktf CLI that allows to spin up new projects for various languages.
We can scaffold a new python project by running:
FROM maven:3.9-amazoncorretto-21 AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY pom.xml . COPY src src RUN mvn clean package # amazon java distribution FROM amazoncorretto:21-alpine COPY --from=builder /app/target/*.jar /app/java-api.jar EXPOSE 8080 ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app/java-api.jar"]
There are many files created by default and all the dependencies are installed.
Below is the initial main.pyfile:
- [**python (3.13)**](https://www.python.org/) - [**pipenv**](https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/) - [**npm**](https://nodejs.org/en/)
A stack represents a group of infrastructure resources that CDK for Terraform (CDKTF) compiles into a distinct Terraform configuration. Stacks enable separate state management for different environments within an application. To share resources across layers, we will utilize Cross-Stack references.
Add the network_stack.py file to your project
$ npm install -g cdktf-cli@latest
Add the following code to create all the network resources:
# init the project using aws provider $ mkdir samples-fargate $ cd samples-fargate && cdktf init --template=python --providers=aws
Then, edit the main.py file:
#!/usr/bin/env python from constructs import Construct from cdktf import App, TerraformStack class MyStack(TerraformStack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str): super().__init__(scope, id) # define resources here app = App() MyStack(app, "aws-cdktf-samples-fargate") app.synth()
Generate the terraform configuration files by running the following command:
$ mkdir infra $ cd infra && touch network_stack.py
Deploy the network stack with this:
from constructs import Construct from cdktf import S3Backend, TerraformStack from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.provider import AwsProvider from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.vpc import Vpc from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.subnet import Subnet from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.eip import Eip from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.nat_gateway import NatGateway from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.route import Route from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.route_table import RouteTable from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.route_table_association import RouteTableAssociation from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.internet_gateway import InternetGateway class NetworkStack(TerraformStack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, ns: str, params: dict): super().__init__(scope, ns) self.region = params["region"] # configure the AWS provider to use the us-east-1 region AwsProvider(self, "AWS", region=self.region) # use S3 as backend S3Backend( self, bucket=params["backend_bucket"], key=params["backend_key_prefix"] + "/network.tfstate", region=self.region, ) # create the vpc vpc_demo = Vpc(self, "vpc-demo", cidr_block="") # create two public subnets public_subnet1 = Subnet( self, "public-subnet-1", vpc_id=vpc_demo.id, availability_zone=f"{self.region}a", cidr_block="", ) public_subnet2 = Subnet( self, "public-subnet-2", vpc_id=vpc_demo.id, availability_zone=f"{self.region}b", cidr_block="", ) # create. the internet gateway igw = InternetGateway(self, "igw", vpc_id=vpc_demo.id) # create the public route table public_rt = Route( self, "public-rt", route_table_id=vpc_demo.main_route_table_id, destination_cidr_block="", gateway_id=igw.id, ) # create the private subnets private_subnet1 = Subnet( self, "private-subnet-1", vpc_id=vpc_demo.id, availability_zone=f"{self.region}a", cidr_block="", ) private_subnet2 = Subnet( self, "private-subnet-2", vpc_id=vpc_demo.id, availability_zone=f"{self.region}b", cidr_block="", ) # create the Elastic IPs eip1 = Eip(self, "nat-eip-1", depends_on=[igw]) eip2 = Eip(self, "nat-eip-2", depends_on=[igw]) # create the NAT Gateways private_nat_gw1 = NatGateway( self, "private-nat-1", subnet_id=public_subnet1.id, allocation_id=eip1.id, ) private_nat_gw2 = NatGateway( self, "private-nat-2", subnet_id=public_subnet2.id, allocation_id=eip2.id, ) # create Route Tables private_rt1 = RouteTable(self, "private-rt1", vpc_id=vpc_demo.id) private_rt2 = RouteTable(self, "private-rt2", vpc_id=vpc_demo.id) # add default routes to tables Route( self, "private-rt1-default-route", route_table_id=private_rt1.id, destination_cidr_block="", nat_gateway_id=private_nat_gw1.id, ) Route( self, "private-rt2-default-route", route_table_id=private_rt2.id, destination_cidr_block="", nat_gateway_id=private_nat_gw2.id, ) # associate routes with subnets RouteTableAssociation( self, "public-rt-association", subnet_id=private_subnet2.id, route_table_id=private_rt2.id, ) RouteTableAssociation( self, "private-rt1-association", subnet_id=private_subnet1.id, route_table_id=private_rt1.id, ) RouteTableAssociation( self, "private-rt2-association", subnet_id=private_subnet2.id, route_table_id=private_rt2.id, ) # terraform outputs self.vpc_id = vpc_demo.id self.public_subnets = [public_subnet1.id, public_subnet2.id] self.private_subnets = [private_subnet1.id, private_subnet2.id]
Our VPC is ready as shown in the image below:
Add the infra_stack.py file to your project
#!/usr/bin/env python from constructs import Construct from cdktf import App, TerraformStack from infra.network_stack import NetworkStack ENV = "dev" AWS_REGION = "us-east-1" BACKEND_S3_BUCKET = "blog.abdelfare.me" BACKEND_S3_KEY = f"{ENV}/cdktf-samples" class MyStack(TerraformStack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str): super().__init__(scope, id) # define resources here app = App() MyStack(app, "aws-cdktf-samples-fargate") network = NetworkStack( app, "network", { "region": AWS_REGION, "backend_bucket": BACKEND_S3_BUCKET, "backend_key_prefix": BACKEND_S3_KEY, }, ) app.synth()
Add the following code to create all the infrastructure resources:
$ cdktf synth
Edit the main.py file:
$ cdktf deploy network
Deploy the infra stack with this:
$ cd infra && touch infra_stack.py
Note the DNS name of the ALB, we will use it later.
Add the service_stack.py file to your project
from constructs import Construct from cdktf import S3Backend, TerraformStack from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.provider import AwsProvider from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.ecs_cluster import EcsCluster from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.lb import Lb from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.lb_listener import ( LbListener, LbListenerDefaultAction, LbListenerDefaultActionFixedResponse, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.security_group import ( SecurityGroup, SecurityGroupIngress, SecurityGroupEgress, ) class InfraStack(TerraformStack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, ns: str, network: dict, params: dict): super().__init__(scope, ns) self.region = params["region"] # Configure the AWS provider to use the us-east-1 region AwsProvider(self, "AWS", region=self.region) # use S3 as backend S3Backend( self, bucket=params["backend_bucket"], key=params["backend_key_prefix"] + "/load_balancer.tfstate", region=self.region, ) # create the ALB security group alb_sg = SecurityGroup( self, "alb-sg", vpc_id=network["vpc_id"], ingress=[ SecurityGroupIngress( protocol="tcp", from_port=80, to_port=80, cidr_blocks=[""] ) ], egress=[ SecurityGroupEgress( protocol="-1", from_port=0, to_port=0, cidr_blocks=[""] ) ], ) # create the ALB alb = Lb( self, "alb", internal=False, load_balancer_type="application", security_groups=[alb_sg.id], subnets=network["public_subnets"], ) # create the LB Listener alb_listener = LbListener( self, "alb-listener", load_balancer_arn=alb.arn, port=80, protocol="HTTP", default_action=[ LbListenerDefaultAction( type="fixed-response", fixed_response=LbListenerDefaultActionFixedResponse( content_type="text/plain", status_code="404", message_body="Could not find the resource you are looking for", ), ) ], ) # create the ECS cluster cluster = EcsCluster(self, "cluster", name=params["cluster_name"]) self.alb_arn = alb.arn self.alb_listener = alb_listener.arn self.alb_sg = alb_sg.id self.cluster_id = cluster.id
Add the following code to create all the ECS Service resources:
... CLUSTER_NAME = "cdktf-samples" ... infra = InfraStack( app, "infra", { "vpc_id": network.vpc_id, "public_subnets": network.public_subnets, }, { "region": AWS_REGION, "backend_bucket": BACKEND_S3_BUCKET, "backend_key_prefix": BACKEND_S3_KEY, "cluster_name": CLUSTER_NAME, }, ) ...
Update the main.py (for the last time ?):
$ cdktf deploy network infra
Deploy the service stack with this:
$ mkdir apps $ cd apps && touch service_stack.py
Here we go!
We successfully created all the resources to deploy a new service on AWS ECS Fargate.
Run the following to get the list of your stacks
from constructs import Construct import json from cdktf import S3Backend, TerraformStack, Token, TerraformOutput from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.provider import AwsProvider from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.ecs_service import ( EcsService, EcsServiceLoadBalancer, EcsServiceNetworkConfiguration, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.ecr_repository import ( EcrRepository, EcrRepositoryImageScanningConfiguration, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.ecr_lifecycle_policy import EcrLifecyclePolicy from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.ecs_task_definition import ( EcsTaskDefinition, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.lb_listener_rule import ( LbListenerRule, LbListenerRuleAction, LbListenerRuleCondition, LbListenerRuleConditionPathPattern, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.lb_target_group import ( LbTargetGroup, LbTargetGroupHealthCheck, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.security_group import ( SecurityGroup, SecurityGroupIngress, SecurityGroupEgress, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.cloudwatch_log_group import CloudwatchLogGroup from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.data_aws_iam_policy_document import ( DataAwsIamPolicyDocument, ) from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.iam_role import IamRole from cdktf_cdktf_provider_aws.iam_role_policy_attachment import IamRolePolicyAttachment class ServiceStack(TerraformStack): def __init__( self, scope: Construct, ns: str, network: dict, infra: dict, params: dict ): super().__init__(scope, ns) self.region = params["region"] # Configure the AWS provider to use the us-east-1 region AwsProvider(self, "AWS", region=self.region) # use S3 as backend S3Backend( self, bucket=params["backend_bucket"], key=params["backend_key_prefix"] + "/" + params["app_name"] + ".tfstate", region=self.region, ) # create the service security group svc_sg = SecurityGroup( self, "svc-sg", vpc_id=network["vpc_id"], ingress=[ SecurityGroupIngress( protocol="tcp", from_port=params["app_port"], to_port=params["app_port"], security_groups=[infra["alb_sg"]], ) ], egress=[ SecurityGroupEgress( protocol="-1", from_port=0, to_port=0, cidr_blocks=[""] ) ], ) # create the service target group svc_tg = LbTargetGroup( self, "svc-target-group", name="svc-tg", port=params["app_port"], protocol="HTTP", vpc_id=network["vpc_id"], target_type="ip", health_check=LbTargetGroupHealthCheck(path="/ping", matcher="200"), ) # create the service listener rule LbListenerRule( self, "alb-rule", listener_arn=infra["alb_listener"], action=[LbListenerRuleAction(type="forward", target_group_arn=svc_tg.arn)], condition=[ LbListenerRuleCondition( path_pattern=LbListenerRuleConditionPathPattern(values=["/*"]) ) ], ) # create the ECR repository repo = EcrRepository( self, params["app_name"], image_scanning_configuration=EcrRepositoryImageScanningConfiguration( scan_on_push=True ), image_tag_mutability="MUTABLE", name=params["app_name"], ) EcrLifecyclePolicy( self, "this", repository=repo.name, policy=json.dumps( { "rules": [ { "rulePriority": 1, "description": "Keep last 10 images", "selection": { "tagStatus": "tagged", "tagPrefixList": ["v"], "countType": "imageCountMoreThan", "countNumber": 10, }, "action": {"type": "expire"}, }, { "rulePriority": 2, "description": "Expire images older than 3 days", "selection": { "tagStatus": "untagged", "countType": "sinceImagePushed", "countUnit": "days", "countNumber": 3, }, "action": {"type": "expire"}, }, ] } ), ) # create the service log group service_log_group = CloudwatchLogGroup( self, "svc_log_group", name=params["app_name"], retention_in_days=1, ) ecs_assume_role = DataAwsIamPolicyDocument( self, "assume_role", statement=[ { "actions": ["sts:AssumeRole"], "principals": [ { "identifiers": ["ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com"], "type": "Service", }, ], }, ], ) # create the service execution role service_execution_role = IamRole( self, "service_execution_role", assume_role_policy=ecs_assume_role.json, name=params["app_name"] + "-exec-role", ) IamRolePolicyAttachment( self, "ecs_role_policy", policy_arn="arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy", role=service_execution_role.name, ) # create the service task role service_task_role = IamRole( self, "service_task_role", assume_role_policy=ecs_assume_role.json, name=params["app_name"] + "-task-role", ) # create the service task definition task = EcsTaskDefinition( self, "svc-task", family="service", network_mode="awsvpc", requires_compatibilities=["FARGATE"], cpu="256", memory="512", task_role_arn=service_task_role.arn, execution_role_arn=service_execution_role.arn, container_definitions=json.dumps( [ { "name": "svc", "image": f"{repo.repository_url}:latest", "networkMode": "awsvpc", "healthCheck": { "Command": ["CMD-SHELL", "echo hello"], "Interval": 5, "Timeout": 2, "Retries": 3, }, "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": params["app_port"], "hostPort": params["app_port"], } ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-group": service_log_group.name, "awslogs-region": params["region"], "awslogs-stream-prefix": params["app_name"], }, }, } ] ), ) # create the ECS service EcsService( self, "ecs_service", name=params["app_name"] + "-service", cluster=infra["cluster_id"], task_definition=task.arn, desired_count=params["desired_count"], launch_type="FARGATE", force_new_deployment=True, network_configuration=EcsServiceNetworkConfiguration( subnets=network["private_subnets"], security_groups=[svc_sg.id], ), load_balancer=[ EcsServiceLoadBalancer( target_group_arn=svc_tg.id, container_name="svc", container_port=params["app_port"], ) ], ) TerraformOutput( self, "ecr_repository_url", description="url of the ecr repo", value=repo.repository_url, )
To automate deployments, let’s integrate a GitHub Actions workflow to our java-api. After enabling Github Actions, setting the secrets and variables for your repository, create the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file and add the content below:
FROM maven:3.9-amazoncorretto-21 AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY pom.xml . COPY src src RUN mvn clean package # amazon java distribution FROM amazoncorretto:21-alpine COPY --from=builder /app/target/*.jar /app/java-api.jar EXPOSE 8080 ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app/java-api.jar"]
Our workflow is working well:
The service was successfully deployed as shown in the image below:
Test your deployment using the following script (replace the ALB URL with yours):
- [**python (3.13)**](https://www.python.org/) - [**pipenv**](https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/) - [**npm**](https://nodejs.org/en/)
The ALB is now ready to serve traffic!
By leveraging AWS CDKTF, we can write clean, maintainable IaC code using Python. This approach simplifies deploying containerized applications like a Spring Boot API on AWS ECS Fargate.
CDKTF’s flexibility, combined with Terraform’s robust capabilities, makes it an excellent choice for modern cloud deployments.
While the CDKTF project offers many interesting features for infrastructure management, I have to admit that I find it somewhat too verbose at times.
Do you have any experience with CDKTF? Have you used it in production?
Feel free to share your experience with us.
The above is the detailed content of How to deploy a SpringBoot API on AWS ECS using CDKTF?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!