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How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

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How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

Have you ever struggled with setting up email integration in your Django projects? Whether it’s configuring SMTP settings, handling security concerns, or automating contact forms, email functionality is crucial for user engagement and trust.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to send emails using Django with practical, step-by-step instructions. We’ll cover how to configure Django SMTP connections, how to set up an password for your email provider, and how to send emails through the Django shell. We’ll also look at how to set up a contact form for your Django app, which will allow your customers to contact you.

Key Takeaways

  • Configure SMTP Settings: Set up Django email send by configuring the settings.py file with the appropriate email backend, host, port, and security settings (e.g., TLS).
  • Secure Credentials with Django Environ: Use Django Environ to manage sensitive credentials like EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD securely via environment variables, preventing hardcoding of credentials in the source code.
  • Generate App-Specific Passwords: When using Gmail, enable 2-Step Verification and create an App Password to securely authenticate Django mail sending instead of relying on your primary password.
  • Send Emails with send_mail: Use Django’s built-in send_mail function to send emails with Django from the Django shell, views, or reusable helper functions, utilizing settings for streamlined configuration.
  • Implement Automated Contact Forms: Build an automated contact form using Django Forms and integrate email-sending functionality for seamless handling of user inquiries.
  • Test Email Functionality: Verify email-sending logic with unit tests and use tools like MailHog or Console Email Backend for safe development testing.
  • Follow Best Practices: Ensure secure and efficient email delivery by using TLS encryption, proper authentication, and modular email functions for reusability.

Most web applications use email to manage crucial operations, such as resetting passwords, account activation, receiving customer feedback, sending newsletters, and marketing campaigns. While Gmail works for testing or small projects, production websites should use dedicated email services such as AWS SES, SendGrid, or Mailgun.

However, if you compare the cost and the effort of using a dedicated email service, sending emails with your personal email can be more reasonable for small or testing projects. So we’ll take that approach here to keep things simple.

Note: It’s not a good idea to use your personal email service for your production website. You can learn more about Gmail sending restrictions, or refer to the limitations of your email provider.

Note: the full code for this tutorial is available on GitHub.

Understanding the SMTP Server and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SMTP (or the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a set of rules for determining how emails are transferred from senders to recipients. SMTP servers use this protocol to send and relay outgoing emails. (Note that other protocols govern how emails are received.)

An SMTP server always has a unique address and a specific port for sending messages, which in most cases is 587. We’ll see how the port is relevant in Django email send.

For this example, we’ll use Gmail’s SMTP server, where:

  • Address: smtp.gmail.com
  • Port: 587

Now, let’s see how we can send email with Django.

Creating a Django Project

Every Django project should have a virtual environment, as we don’t want to mess up the project dependencies. To create one, run the following:

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Note: if you’re unfamiliar with virtual environments, make sure to check our Python virtual environments guide.

The command above creates a virtual environment with the name .venv. To activate this virtual environment, you can use the following:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Since Django is a third-party package, you have to install it with pip:

pip <span>install django</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

This will install the latest version of Django, which you can check with pip freeze.

To create a Django project, you call the command line utility django-admin:

django-admin startproject EmailProject
Copy after login
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Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

With the command above, you’re creating a Django project with the name EmailProject, but you can create the project with whatever name you want. Now, enter to the project directory and run the server:

<span>cd EmailProject
</span>python manage.py runserver
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

After running the Django server, visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser. You’ll see an auto-generated page with the latest Django release notes.

How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

Configuring Django Email Backend for SMTP

The email backend is the mechanism to send emails with Django. By default, Django uses django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend, which allows it to connect to an SMTP server and send emails. Depending on the environment (development or production), you can choose a different email backend to suit your needs.

You’ll need to modify the settings file before sending emails, so let’s locate that file with the below command:

Note: for simplicity’s sake, we’ll be using only UNIX (macOS or Linux) system commands.

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

The tree command outputs the file structure of a directory. In this case, since we’re not giving it a specific directory path, we’ll get something similar to the following if we’re in the root folder of the project:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

The file we’ll be constantly modifying through this tutorial is the settings.py inside the EmailProject folder. It holds all the project configuration you’ll need, and allows you to set custom variables. As the Django docs say, “A settings file is just a Python module with module-level variables”.

Let’s look at the settings required for sending an email with Django. Open the EmailProject/settings.py file and paste the following settings at the bottom of the file:

pip <span>install django</span>
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Copy after login

Let’s break down the code above by analyzing each one of these settings.

Email Backend

The EMAIL_BACKEND setting declares the backend our Django project will use to connect with the SMTP server.

This variable is pointing to the smtp.EmailBackend class that receives all the parameters needed to send an email. I strongly suggest you take a look at the class constructor directly on the Django source code. You’ll be surprised by how readable this code is.

Note: although this class is the default EMAIL_BACKEND, it’s considered a good practice to be explicit in the Django settings.

All the other email settings will be based on the constructor of this EmailBackend class.

Email host

The EMAIL_HOST setting refers to the SMTP server domain you’ll be using. This depends on your email provider. Below is a table with the SMTP server host corresponding to three common providers:

Email provider SMTP server hostGmailsmtp.gmail.comOutlook/Hotmailsmtp-mail.outlook.comYahoosmtp.mail.yahoo.com

We’re leaving this setting blank for now since we’ll use a .env file later to avoid hard-coded sensitive keys or per-site configurations. You should never set credentials directly into the code. We’ll be using Django Environ to solve this problem.

Email Port

The EMAIL_PORT setting must be set to 587 because it’s the default port for most SMTP servers. This remains true for personal email providers. This port is used along with TLS encryption to ensure the security of email sending.

Email Use TLS

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a security protocol used across the Web to encrypt the communication between web apps (Django) and servers (SMTP server).

Originally, we set the EMAIL_USE_TLS variable to True. This means Django will use Transport Layer Security to connect to the SMTP server and send emails. (It’s mandatory for personal email providers.)

Email Host User

The EMAIL_HOST_USER setting is your personal email address. Leave it blank for now, since we’ll use django-environ to set up all of these credentials.

Email Host Password

The EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD setting is the app password you’ll get from your email account — the process we’ll be doing right after this section. Same story: leave this setting blank, as we’ll use environmental variables later.

For other providers, you can adjust the settings accordingly. For example:

Outlook Configuration:

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
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Copy after login

Yahoo Configuration:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Setting Up Gmail SMTP Server with App Password

Since “Less Secure Apps” is deprecated by Google, the proper and secure way to connect to Gmail account for sending emails is to use App Passwords. App Passwords are available only if you enable 2-Step Verification for your Google account.

Why Use App Passwords?

  1. Secure Alternative: Instead of sharing your primary password, App Passwords provide limited access for specific applications.
  2. Works with SMTP: App Passwords comply with Gmail’s security requirements for SMTP access.
  3. Mandatory for 2-Step Verification: Once 2-Step Verification is enabled, App Passwords are the only way to allow external apps to connect.

Step 1: Enable 2-Step Verification

  1. Go to your Google Account: https://myaccount.google.com/.
  2. Navigate to Security in the left-hand menu.
  3. Scroll to the “How you sign in to Google” section.
  4. Click on “2-Step Verification” and follow the on-screen instructions:
    • Use your phone number or an authenticator app to set up 2-Step Verification.
    • Verify your setup with the code sent to your device.
How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

Step 2: Generate an App Password

  1. Once 2-Step Verification is enabled, search “App Passwords” in the search bar.
  2. There, enter the name for the App password and click Create.
How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server
  1. Then, it will give an pop up modal with a 16-character App Password. Make sure to save it somewhere since it will only be shown once.
How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

If you’re using other email providers, make sure to read the following guides:

  • Yahoo app password
  • Outlook or Hotmail app password

Using Django Environ to Secure Email Backend Credentials

Even if you’re just sending emails in development, you shouldn’t write passwords directly into the source code. This becomes even more important when using a version control system along with GitHub to host your project. You don’t want people to access your data.

Let’s see how we can prevent this by using Django-environ.

Create a .env file inside the EmailProject directory (where the settings.py file is located) with the command below:

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
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Copy after login
Copy after login
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Copy after login

Now, open that .env file and enter the following key–value pairs:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Breaking down the contents of this file:

  • EMAIL_HOST: Your email provider’s SMTP server address. See the email host table above for quick guidance. In this case, I’m using smtp.gmail.com, the Gmail SMTP address.
  • EMAIL_HOST_USER: Your email address.
  • EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: The app password you just generated. Have in mind it doesn’t include any spaces.
  • RECIPIENT_ADDRESS: The email address in which you’ll receive the messages. This is a custom setting that we’ll create later to send all the emails to the same recipient.

To make use of these environmental variables, we’ll need to install Django-environ:

pip <span>install django</span>
Copy after login
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Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Note: make sure your virtual environment is activated.

Now, open the settings.py located in the EmailProject directory and use the code below:

django-admin startproject EmailProject
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

First, we’re importing the environ package at the top of the settings file. Remember that all imports should be at the start. Then we create an env variable which will contain all the key–value pairs available on the .env.

The env(‘KEY’) statement means we’re looking up the value of that key. Before proceeding, make sure you have set up your .env file. Otherwise, if some environmental variable isn’t set, you’ll get a Django ImproperlyConfigured error.

Note: RECIPIENT_ADDRESS is a custom setting that we’ll use to send emails to an address we can access.

Don’t forget to include the .env file in your .gitignore if you’re using Git and GitHub. You can do this just by opening it and adding the following line:

<span>cd EmailProject
</span>python manage.py runserver
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

1. Sending Emails with the Django Shell

Finally, we get to the juicy part of the article! It’s time to send your first email to Django.

Open up a terminal, activate the virtual environment, and run:

Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

This will create a shell with all the Django settings already configured for us. Inside that brand-new shell, paste the following code:

├── EmailProject
│   ├── asgi.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   ├── urls.py
│   └── wsgi.py
└── manage.py

1 directory, 6 files
Copy after login
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Copy after login

We can also make a one-liner without specifying the arguments:

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Let’s break down the code above:

  • We import the Django send_mail function.
  • Then we import the settings object, which contains all the global settings and the per-site settings (those inside the settings.py file).
  • Finally, we pass all the needed arguments to the send_mail function. This function returns the number of emails sent, in this case, 1.

Note how we use the settings object to get the from_email (the email you’re sending emails with) and the recipient_list (the RECIPIENT_ADDRESS custom setting we defined in the .env).

Now, if I check my inbox — as I set the RECIPIENT_ADDRESS environmental variable to my email address — I’ll get the email message sent by Django.

How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

Asynchronous Email Sending

In Django 4.x, asynchronous email sending is supported to improve performance. This is useful for high-traffic websites or when sending bulk emails.

Here’s how you can send an email asynchronously:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
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Copy after login

Asynchronous email sending is useful in scenarios like:

  • Non-blocking operations where sending an email shouldn’t delay user requests.
  • Sending bulk emails (use a task queue like Celery for production-scale tasks).

Note: While Django supports asynchronous email, for production-scale bulk emails, use a background task queue like Celery or Django-Q for true non-blocking operations.

2. Build an Automated Contact Form with Django

In this section, we’ll build an automated contact form with Django forms and the built-in send_mail function. We’ll also create a custom function, send(), inside the contact form so it’s easier to implement it in the views.

Let’s start by creating the contact app. Enter the project root directory — where manage.py is located — and run:

pip <span>install django</span>
Copy after login
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Copy after login

Then, install it in your INSTALLED_APPS variable inside the EmailProject/settings.py file:

django-admin startproject EmailProject
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Before advancing with the contact app, let’s configure the urlpatterns inside of the EmailProject/urls.py file. To do this, import the django.urls.include function and include the contact URLs in the overall project. Don’t worry; we’ll configure the contact URLs later:

<span>cd EmailProject
</span>python manage.py runserver
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Contact Form

Enter the contact app folder and create a forms.py file. It’s a good practice to define all of your forms inside of a forms.py file, but it isn’t mandatory. That’s why Django doesn’t include this file by default. You can create the forms file with the following commands:

Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Open the file you just created and make the following imports:

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
Copy after login
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Copy after login
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Copy after login

The Django form module gives us all the needed classes and fields to create our contact form. Once again we’re importing the settings object and the send_mail function to send the emails.

Our contact form will contain several fields and use two custom methods: get_info(), which formats the user-provided information, and send(), which will send the email message. Let’s see this implemented in code:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

This class is huge, so let’s break down what we do in each part. Firstly, we define four fields that will be required to send the email message:

  • Name and inquiry are CharFields, which represent the name and reason of the contact message.
  • Email is an EmailField that represents the email address of the person trying to contact you. Note that the email will not be sent by the user’s email address but by the email address you set to send emails in the Django project.
  • The message is another CharField, except we’re using the Textarea widget. This means that, when displaying the form, it’ll render a

Heading into the custom methods, we’re only using the get_info method to format the user’s information and return two variables: subject, which is nothing but the inquiry field, and message, which will be the actual email message sent by Django.

On the other hand, the send() method only gets the formatted info from get_info and sends the message with the send_mail function. Although this section was pretty large, you’ll see how we simplified the contact views by implementing all the sending logic to the ContactForm itself.

Contact Views

Open the contact/views.py file and add the following imports:

pip <span>install django</span>
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Copy after login

As you can see, we’re going to use Django generic views, which saves us a ton of time when making simple tasks — for example, when setting up a form with FormView or creating a view that only renders a template with TemplateView.

Also, we’re importing the ContactForm that we built in the previous section and the reverse_lazy function used when working with class-based views. Continuing with the views, let’s write the ContactView:

django-admin startproject EmailProject
Copy after login
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Copy after login
Copy after login

As you can see, we’re building a simple FormView using the ContactForm we created. We’re also setting up the template_name and the success_url. We’ll write the HTML template and set up the URLs later.

The form valid method let us send the email using the ContactForm.send() method only if all the fields of the form are valid. This implies that if the user enters invalid input — such as an unformatted email address — the message won’t be sent.

The above form_valid method implementation would be equivalent to the following in a function-based view:

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
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Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
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Copy after login

Ending this section, we’re going to write a ContactSucessView, which will show a success message to the user. Since we’ve already imported the TemplateView class, we only need to inherit from it and define the template_name attribute:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

You can check out the views.py file on the GitHub repository if you have any concerns.

Contact URLs

It’s time to create the URL patterns of the contact app. Since Django doesn’t give us the urls.py file by default, we’ll need to create it with the following command (make sure to be inside the contact app folder):

pip <span>install django</span>
Copy after login
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Copy after login
Copy after login

Open that file and set up the app_name and urlpatterns variables:

django-admin startproject EmailProject
Copy after login
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Copy after login

We use path to include the route and its correspondent view to the URL configuration of the app. When we set the app_name variable to ‘contact’, it means the URL namespacing of the app will look like this:

<span>cd EmailProject
</span>python manage.py runserver
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Note: a namespace is what we call URLs dynamically in Django templates and Views.

You can learn more about the Django URL dispatcher in the official documentation.

Writing templates

Django templates are the preferred way to display data dynamically, using HTML and special tags provided by the Django Template Language.

For this specific app, we’ll be using three templates:

  • base.html: All the other templates will inherit from it. It’ll contain the HTML skeleton that all templates must have, as well as links to Bootstrap.
  • contact.html: Displays the contact form.
  • success.html: Displays a success message.

Let’s start by creating the contact’s app template structure (make sure you’re inside the contact app folder):

Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

The commands above create the typical template structure of a reusable Django app — appname/templates/appname — and the tree template files I mentioned before. Here’s what the app file structure should now look like:

├── EmailProject
│   ├── asgi.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   ├── urls.py
│   └── wsgi.py
└── manage.py

1 directory, 6 files
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Let’s jump into the content of the base.html template:

<span># EmailProject/settings.py
<span># Bottom of the file
</span>EMAIL_BACKEND <span>= 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
</span>EMAIL_HOST <span>= ''
</span>EMAIL_PORT <span>= 587
</span>EMAIL_USE_TLS <span>= True
</span>EMAIL_HOST_USER <span>= ''
</span>EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD <span>= ''
Copy after login
Copy after login

As you can see, it’s the simple skeleton of an HTML file that includes links to Bootstrap 5. This allows us to stylize our contact app without using CSS files. The {% block name-of-block %} tag allows us to set up a placeholder that “child templates” will utilize. The use of this tag makes template inheritance an easy task.

Before heading into the forms, you’ll need to install the Django crispy forms package, which allows us to stylize them easily:

EMAIL_HOST <span>= 'smtp-mail.outlook.com'
</span>EMAIL_PORT <span>= 587
</span>EMAIL_USE_TLS <span>= True
</span>EMAIL_HOST_USER <span>= 'your-email@outlook.com'
</span>EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD <span>= 'your-app-password'</span>
Copy after login

Once again, crispy_forms is a Django app, and we need to include it on the INSTALLED_APPS list:

EMAIL_HOST <span>= 'smtp.mail.yahoo.com'
</span>EMAIL_PORT <span>= 587
</span>EMAIL_USE_TLS <span>= True
</span>EMAIL_HOST_USER <span>= 'your-email@yahoo.com'
</span>EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD <span>= 'your-app-password'</span>
Copy after login

We use the template pack of Bootstrap 4, because the Bootstrap form classes are compatible between the 4th and 5th version (at the time of writing).

Now, let’s work on the contact.html template:

python <span>-m venv .venv</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

Note how we extended the base template and make use of the block placeholder. This is what makes Django Template Language so efficient, as it lets us save a lot of HTML copying and pasting.

Talking about the form, we’re using the method “post”, which means that our ContactView will process the data given by the user and send the email if the form is valid. The {% csrf_token %} is mandatory in every form because of security reasons. Django’s documentation has a dedicated page on CSRF tokens and the reasons to use them when working with forms.

We’ll be rendering the form with the crispy template tag, which is why we loaded the crispy tags with {% load crispy_forms_tags %}.

Finally, let’s write the success.html template:

<span># CMD
<span># Power Shell
<span># WSL
</span><span>source .venv/bin/activate</span>
Copy after login
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Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

As you can see, it’s a simple success announcement with a link to the contact form in case the user wants to send another message.

Let’s run the server again and visit http://localhost:8000 (make sure you have the .venv activated and you’re inside the project root folder):

pip <span>install django</span>
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

The image below shows what the final contact form looks like.

How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

And this is an image of the success message.

How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

And here’s an image of the email in the inbox.

How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server

Best Practices to Follow

1. Reusable Email Sending Function

To make your email-sending logic modular and reusable, you can move the email sending function to a helper function:

django-admin startproject EmailProject
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Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

You can now call this function wherever you need to send emails, including your contact form.

2. Unit Testing

You can use django.test to test send email Django functionalities.

<span>cd EmailProject
</span>python manage.py runserver
Copy after login
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Copy after login
Copy after login
Copy after login

3. Sending Rich HTML Emails

HTML emails provide better design and presentation. Use Django’s template engine to create rich email content:

Copy after login
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Copy after login

4. Integrating Third-Party Email Services

For production-ready applications, consider using third-party services such as SendGrid, Mailgun, or AWS SES. These services offer advanced features like email analytics, delivery tracking, and spam filtering.

├── EmailProject
│   ├── asgi.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   ├── urls.py
│   └── wsgi.py
└── manage.py

1 directory, 6 files
Copy after login
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Copy after login

5. Email Verification in User Registration

Send email verification links during user registration to prevent spam accounts.

<span># EmailProject/settings.py
<span># Bottom of the file
</span>EMAIL_BACKEND <span>= 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
</span>EMAIL_HOST <span>= ''
</span>EMAIL_PORT <span>= 587
</span>EMAIL_USE_TLS <span>= True
</span>EMAIL_HOST_USER <span>= ''
</span>EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD <span>= ''
Copy after login
Copy after login

Wrapping up

Congrats! You’ve learned how to send emails with Django and how to build a Django contact form as well.

There are many ways to send emails with Django. In this tutorial, you’ve made it with your personal email address, but I’d like you to explore other tools and integrate them into your projects.

In this tutorial, we’ve covered the following:

  • How to set up Django settings to serve emails
  • How to use a personal email account to send emails in a small project
  • How to use .env files to use sensitive data in a Django project
  • How to build an automated contact form

For more on Django, check out “Build a Photo-sharing App with Django”.

FAQs on Django Send Email with SMTP Server

Can I Send an Email from Django?

Yes, Django provides a built-in email-sending framework that makes it simple to send emails. By configuring the SMTP settings in your settings.py file, you can send emails using the send_mail function or EmailMessage class.

How to Send Email in Django?

To configure Django for sending emails:

  • Set the SMTP details in your settings.py file:EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'your_email@example.com' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your_app_password'
  • Use a secure Password instead of your main email password if you’re using Gmail or similar providers.
  • For production, consider using third-party services like SendGrid, Mailgun, or Amazon SES for better scalability.

How to Send Outlook Mail in Django?

To send Outlook mail in Django, you can use Django’s email sending functionality with the SMTP settings for Outlook. In your Django project’s settings.py file, configure the SMTP settings for Outlook. These settings will enable Django to connect to the Outlook SMTP server to send emails.

How to Receive Emails in Django?

In your Django project’s settings.py, configure your incoming email server settings. You typically need the IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server details for your email provider, along with authentication credentials. Next, use the imaplib library to connect to your email server and retrieve emails. You can do this in your Django views or custom management commands. Once you have fetched an email, you can process it, extract information, and perform any necessary actions within your Django application. This could involve parsing the email content, storing relevant data in your database, or triggering specific actions based on the email’s content or sender.

How Do I Test Email Sending in Django Without Sending Real Emails?

During development, you can use an optional email backend to test emails without connecting to a real SMTP server. For example: Console Email Backend: Prints email messages to the terminal instead of sending them.

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For more advanced testing, use tools like MailHog or Mailtrap, which act as fake SMTP servers for capturing and displaying test emails.

How Do I Manage Sensitive Email Credentials Securely?

Use Django Environ to load sensitive credentials (like email host, username, and password) from a .env file:

  1. Install Django Environ:pip install django-environ
  2. Create a .env file:EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com EMAIL_HOST_USER=your_email@example.com EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=your_app_password
  3. Load the .env file in settings.py:import environ env = environ.Env() environ.Env.read_env() EMAIL_HOST = env('EMAIL_HOST') EMAIL_HOST_USER = env('EMAIL_HOST_USER') EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = env('EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD')

The above is the detailed content of How to Send Email with Django Using SMTP Server. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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