This is a form containing some standard fields.
<span>(function($) { </span> <span>;var JQUERY4U = {}; </span> <span>;JQUERY4U.UTIL = </span><span>{ </span> <span>name: 'JQUERY4U.UTIL', </span> <span>autoForm: function () </span> <span>{ </span> <span>/* field values fill forms */ </span> <span>var formValues = []; </span> formValues<span>['firstname'] = 'jQuery'; </span> formValues<span>['middlename'] = '4u'; </span> formValues<span>['lastname'] = 'Blog'; </span> formValues<span>['mobile'] = '0416425699'; </span> formValues<span>['email'] = ''; </span> formValues<span>['house'] = '123'; </span> formValues<span>['street'] = 'Bank Street'; </span> formValues<span>['city'] = 'Sunnybank'; </span> formValues<span>['country'] = 'Australia'; </span> formValues<span>['postcode'] = '4109'; </span> formValues<span>['message'] = 'This is the demo example of jQuery AutoForm.'; </span> formValues<span>['emailnewsletter'] = true; </span> <span>/* field name mappings */ </span> formValues<span>['newsletter'] = formValues['emailnewsletter']; </span> formValues<span>['housenumber'] = formValues['house']; </span> formValues<span>['name'] = formValues['firstname'] + ' ' + formValues['middlename'] + ' ' + formValues['lastname']; </span> formValues<span>['fullname'] = formValues['name']; </span> formValues<span>['phone'] = formValues['mobile']; </span> formValues<span>['suburb'] = formValues['city']; </span> formValues<span>['address1'] = formValues['housenumber'] + ' ' + formValues['street']; </span> formValues<span>['address2'] = formValues['suburb']; </span> formValues<span>['address3'] = formValues['country'] + ' ' + formValues['postcode']; </span> <span>/* enter more field mappings here */ </span> <span>/* date functions */ </span> <span>function twodigits(digits) { </span> <span>return (digits > 9) ? digits : '0' + digits; </span> <span>} </span> <span>var fullDate = new Date(); </span> <span>var twoDigitDays = twodigits(fullDate.getDate()); </span> <span>var twoDigitMonth = twodigits(fullDate.getMonth() + 1); </span> <span>var date = twoDigitDays + "/" + twoDigitMonth + "/" + fullDate.getFullYear(); </span> fullDate<span>.setDate(fullDate.getDate()+7); </span> formValues<span>['date'] = date; </span> <span>/*serialize every input field on page */ </span> <span>var fields = $("input, select, textarea").serializeArray(); </span> <span>/* init - special input type fixes */ </span> <span>$('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]').attr('checked', true); </span> jQuery<span>.each(fields, function(i<span>, field</span>){ </span> <span>/* check if field has a value in array */ </span> <span>if (formValues[] !== 'undefined') { </span> <span>$('input[name='']').val(formValues[]); /* generic inputs */ </span> <span>$('textarea[name='']').val(formValues[]); /* textarea */ </span> <span>$('select[name='']').attr('selectedIndex', 1); /* select */ </span> <span>$('input[name='']').attr('checked', formValues[]); /* checkbox/radio */ </span> <span>} </span> <span>}); </span> <span>} </span><span>}; </span><span>JQUERY4U.UTIL.autoForm(); </span> <span>})(jQuery);</span>
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Implementing jQuery Autoform in your HTML code is a straightforward process. First, you need to include the jQuery library in your HTML file. You can do this by adding the following script tag in your HTML file’s head section: <script></script>. After that, you can use the .autoform() method to automatically fill your form. Here’s an example of how you can use it:
data: {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""
In this example, #myForm is the ID of your form, and data is an object containing the form fields and their values.
Yes, jQuery Autoform can be used alongside other JavaScript libraries. However, you need to ensure that there are no conflicts between the libraries. jQuery provides a $.noConflict() method that you can use to avoid conflicts with other libraries that use the `= symbol. Here’s how you can use it:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
data: {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""
In this example, $.noConflict() is called to give control of the = variable back to the other library. Then, jQuery's $(document).ready()` method is used to ensure that the code inside it will only run once the page Document Object Model (DOM) is ready for JavaScript code to execute.
Handling errors in jQuery Autoform can be done using the .fail() method. This method is called when the request to the server fails. Here’s an example of how you can use it:
data: {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("An error occurred: " textStatus);
In this example, if the request fails, an alert box will be displayed with the error message.
Yes, you can use jQuery Autoform to fill multiple forms at once. You just need to select the forms using a common class or attribute and call the .autoform() method on them. Here’s an example:
data: {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""
In this example, all forms with the class myForms will be filled with the specified data.
jQuery Autoform provides several options that you can use to customize its behavior. For example, you can use the onSuccess option to specify a function that will be called when the form is successfully filled. Here’s an example:
data: {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""
onSuccess: function() {
alert("Form successfully filled!");
In this example, an alert box will be displayed when the form is successfully filled.
Yes, you can use jQuery Autoform with AJAX. You can use the $.ajax() method to send a request to the server and then use the .done() method to fill the form when the request is successful. Here’s an example:
url: "myData.json"
}).done(function(data) {
data: data
In this example, a request is sent to the server to fetch the data from the myData.json file. When the request is successful, the form is filled with the fetched data.
You can use jQuery Autoform with dynamic data by passing a function to the data option. This function should return the data that will be used to fill the form. Here’s an example:
data: function() {
return {
name: $("#nameInput").val(),
email: $("#emailInput").val()
In this example, the form is filled with the values of the #nameInput and #emailInput input fields.
Yes, you can use jQuery Autoform to fill select elements. You just need to specify the value of the option that you want to select in the data object. Here’s an example:
data: {
country: "USA"
In this example, the country select element will be filled with the “USA” option.
You can use jQuery Autoform to fill checkbox and radio elements by specifying a boolean value in the data object. If the value is true, the checkbox or radio button will be checked; if it’s false, it will be unchecked. Here’s an example:
data: {
agree: true
In this example, the agree checkbox will be checked.
Yes, you can use jQuery Autoform to fill textarea elements. You just need to specify the text that you want to insert in the data object. Here’s an example:
data: {
message: "Hello, world!"
In this example, the message textarea will be filled with the text “Hello, world!”.
The above is the detailed content of jQuery AutoForm Script Easy Form AutoComplete. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!