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Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

Christopher Nolan
Release: 2025-03-01 20:05:36
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Civilization VII: Ranking of the intensity of civilizations in ancient times

In Civilization VII, the choice of civilization is one of the first decisions you need to make. You can try dozens of different combinations of leaders and civilizations, each of which tends toward its specific winning conditions. This ranking considers the bonus of civilization itself, not the leader combination, although we will recommend some good combinations for each civilization.

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

Ancient times were a critical period for building an empire and accumulating advantages for the rest of the game. It is currently the most important era in the game and definitely the most enjoyable era.

"Civilization VII" ranking of civilization intensity in ancient times

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

The following is an introduction to the best civilizations in ancient times.

等级 文明
S级 玛雅、希腊、罗马
A级 波斯、孔雀王朝、汉朝
B级 阿克苏姆、密西西比


These civilizations have excellent base bonuses and excellent civic trees.

Mayan civilization

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

Mayan civilization is a scientific power. They have an excellent unique area - Uwaibier Kuh, and each study of a technology increases production. This can quickly improve and help you build important buildings in the capital.

At a glance, you can see why the Mayan civilization is powerful—they have numerous bonuses compared to the other civilizations on the list.

Jaguar Killer is an objectively better scout, with the scientific output adjacency bonus obtained from Kuch Na is excellent, while Hulche ranged units are very powerful – especially after you delve into the Citizen Tree.

Citizen Unlock

King of Shibarba

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Rain of Chuck
Calendar wheel
Calendar wheel
Calendar wheel

Recommended Leader:

  • Confucius
  • Hinaga (Senior Shaman)

Greek Civilization

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

Greek civilization is a diplomatic power, with a large number of heavy infantry soldiers also having huge combat intensity bonuses. A versatile civilization with many interesting combinations and flexible win conditions.

宫殿每回合获得 3影响力。
建造神谕获得 30%产量。
重装步兵——希腊独特的步兵单位,如果与另一个重装步兵相邻,则获得 2战斗强度。
卫城——独特的希腊区域,为每个您是宗主国的城邦提供 2金币,在帕特农神庙上。
露天剧场——希腊独特的建筑,提供 3幸福度和区域和奇迹的文化邻接加成 1。
帕特农神庙——希腊独特的建筑,如果放置在崎岖地形上,则提供 4文化和 2影响力。奇迹的文化产出邻接加成 1。

Greek civilization has an astonishing amount of bonuses. Heavy Infantry is one of the most powerful units of the ancient era (they become stronger once we dig into the Citizen Tree). The adjacency bonus obtained from


is huge, and it can quickly turn a normal plot into a land with impressive output. Even a Logos that provides a small but influential benefit can increase the output of the plot and obtain additional scientific output, influence and culture.

Let's take a look at their citizen tree.

Most Greek citizens benefit from the game style of diplomacy, although you can quickly transform this influence into pure military power by superimposing the city-state and quickly gaining senior commanders.

Recommended Leader:

  • Lafayette
  • Roman civilization

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier ListRoman civilization is the most powerful military civilization in the ancient era in the game, followed by Persian civilization.

The reason why Roman civilizations surpass other civilizations is because of their powerful


units and matching unique army commanderLeague Commander.

The capital and towns have 1 culture.
Build the Colosseum to obtain 30% of the output.
Legion—Roman’s unique infantry unit, gains 2 combat intensity for every government tradition.
Legion Commander - a unique Roman army commander, who can build a new town after reaching level 3.
Plaza - a unique area in Rome that provides 1 culture and gold coins for every unique tradition in the government.
Cathedral - 4 Gold Coins and the influence of cultural architecture and miracles 1.
The Temple of Jupiter—— 3 Happiness. Adjacent bonus for the cultural output of happiness architecture and miracle 1.

Rome's strategy is to accumulate culture and use it to unlock multiple policy slots

首都和城镇的区域和城市中心获得 1文化。
建造斗兽场获得 30%产量。
军团——罗马独特的步兵单位,每获得一项政府传统就获得 2战斗强度。
广场——罗马独特的区域,为政府中的每个独特传统提供 1文化和金币。
大教堂—— 4金币和文化建筑和奇迹的影响力邻接加成 1。
朱庇特神庙—— 3幸福度。幸福度建筑和奇迹的文化产出邻接加成 1。
to gain additional tradition. Not only will these provide universal buffs for your empire, but they will also make your legion stronger and stronger.

This strategy is complemented by the Roman Citizen Tree technology.

Citizen Unlock
Unlock the Temple of Jupiter and the Auxiliary Policy to provide 5% output to the military units in the capital, for every town you currently have . Mastery provides fort

promotion for every army commander for free.

Personal Governor

Senate and the Roman People

Rome has so many comprehensive bonuses that it completely covers up some of the other civilizations here. When you settle, you get free infantry units with more settlement capabilities, stronger units, more social policy slots, extra culture, and even some extra production than other civilizations.

Recommended Leader:


Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier ListClass A

Persia and the Mauryan dynasty are almost at the top level, but slightly inferior to the S-class.

Persian Civilization

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier ListPersian civilization is another civilization with excellent military power in the ancient times, with one of the best units in the game -


--and many unique narrative events that will give you a large number of free units.

步兵单位在攻击时获得 3战斗强度。
建造万国之门获得 30%产量。
天堂花园—— 1文化和金币。独特的改进。
At first glance, you might think that Persian civilization is not as powerful as Roman civilization – you get much less bonuses and options in terms of how you want to play and overall gain.

However, Persia was still a powerful civilization suitable for military rule. Immortal is an excellent unit with the best sustainability in the game – it is very powerful to recover health when defeating one unit. Hazalapatis also has arguably the best army commander promotion. However, Persia's advantages are mainly hidden in its tech tree and unique narrative events.

Persian civilization is good at buildinga large number of troops and quickly invaded neighboring countries. However, you will have difficulty maintaining the happiness of these settlements, as Persia does not get the same settlement limit gain as Rome did. If you can find the right balance, Persian civilization will be very powerful.

Best Leader

  • Octavian

Mauryan Dynasty

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

The Mauryans achieved excellent early game buffs with the extra pantheon selection and they tended to rely on a portfolio of leaders who needed a lot of happiness. Celebrations (generated by excess happiness) are very powerful in Civilization VII, which is why we put the Mauryan dynasty at a higher level.

Citizen Unlock
When you study mysticism

, you can get an additional pantheon selection.

Building the Stanchi Stupa results in 30% of the output.
The unique settler of the Mauryan Dynasty—
建造斯坦奇佛塔获得 30%产量。
孔雀王朝独特的定居者——纳加里卡。在市政厅提供 2幸福度。
普拉巴赫塔拉独特的骑兵单位,对设防区域获得 5战斗强度。
马塔独特的区域提供定居点 10%的幸福度加成。
达拉姆沙拉独特的建筑提供 3幸福度和区域和奇迹的科学产出邻接加成 1。
维哈拉独特的建筑提供 3幸福度和山脉和奇迹的文化产出邻接加成 1。
Nagarika. Offering 2 happiness levels in the town hall.
Prabakh Tara's unique cavalry unit, gaining 5 combat intensity against fortification areas.

Mata Unique area provides a settlement of 10% happiness bonus.

Dalam Salad Unique architecture offers 3 adjacent bonuses for happiness and regional and miracle science outputs 1.


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Unique architecture offers 3 adjacent bonuses for happiness and cultural outputs of mountains and miracles 1.
You will basically get a lot of happiness from the Mauryan dynasty thanks to the unique combination of architecture and happiness bonuses brought by settlers. This was supplemented by the available citizens of the Mauryan Dynasty.
Citizen Unlock

The Mauryan Dynasty achieved a unique balance between military and happiness. You get a lot of extra output from your surplus happiness, but if you conquer many settlements and exceed your settlement limits, happiness is hard to maintain. If you can find the right balance, the Mauryan dynasty will be very powerful. Recommended Leader:

Xerxes the Great

    Han Dynasty

The Han Dynasty had some interesting bonuses and unique units, but overall, they seemed a little weaker than higher-level civilizations. This is mainly due to the lack of output of strong plots produced by unique buildings and areas, although the Great Wall would be very powerful if placed correctly.

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

The capital and new towns gained additional population in the first growth event.
The construction of Weiyang Palace has achieved 30% of the output.
The unique unit of Chuko Crossbow, with higher base defense strength, creates control areas, and gains 5 combat intensity when attacking adjacent units.
Doctor Shi

Great man, unlocks the random great man when the city reaches 10 people.

Great Wall is a unique regional improvement that provides 2 cultures and 1 happiness for each adjacent Great Wall section, counted as a fortification, providing 6 combat intensity when defending.

In the hours we played Civilization, we still haven't seen AI produce any siege equipment in ancient times, which makes the

建造未央宫获得 30%产量。
楚科弩独特的单位,更高的基础防御强度,造成控制区域,并且在攻击相邻单位时获得 5战斗强度。
长城是一种独特的区域改进,为每个相邻的长城部分提供 2文化和 1幸福度,算作防御工事,防御时提供 6战斗强度。
Chuko Crossbow completely useless for the gain of siege units. However, burning the ground is very effective.

The Han Dynasty also had some good citizens unlocked it.

Citizen Unlock



It was through the Citizen Tree that the Han Dynasty truly began to shine. You get impressive influence adjacency and spawning , as well as more combat intensity for Chuko Crossbows.

Recommended Leader:

  • Harriet Tubman
  • Confucius

Class B

Due to the lack of bonuses and outputs, these civilizations may require some balance adjustment.

Mississippi Civilization

Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List

Even if we just look at the bonuses of Mississippi civilization without considering their citizens, we can see that they seem to lack useful bonuses. Burning Arrow may be a great unit, but unique merchants are basically useless, while the unique building offers little gold and food.

All buildings receive a 1 Food Adjacent Bonus

from resources.

Build monk mounds to obtain 30% yield.
The Unique Unit of Burning Arrows - Increase the bombing intensity and gain 3 combat intensity against siege units. Burn the plot below the unit.
所有建筑物获得资源的 1食物邻接加成
建造僧侣土堆获得 30%产量。
燃烧箭独特的单位——增加轰炸强度,对攻城单位获得 3战斗强度。燃烧单位下面的地块。
波特科普独特的区域改进——邻近资源获得 1金币和 1食物。
Vatonasi Unique Businessman - You get 25 gold coins per resource in a city or settlement you connect to through the trade routes.

Portercope's unique regional improvement—Access 1 gold coin and 1 food for adjacent resources.

All the time we played Civilization, we still haven't seen AI produce any siege equipment in ancient times, which makes the

burning arrow completely useless for the gain of the siege unit. However, burning the ground is very effective.

Unique Merchant

Vatonasi Provides a trivial gold coin gain for every resource in the city that sends the trade route.

Port Coco

The situation is not much better—more gold coins and food. Usually, food is considered one of the weaker resources in Civilization VII because your capital doesn’t need it much, as the surrounding towns provide it with food.

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As far as the citizen tree goes, Mississippi clearly provides more content—but is that enough?
Citizen Unlock

Overall, the Mississippi civilization seems a bit confusing: it has some huge trade potential (unlocking monk mounds early is excellent for stacking resources in the capital), but overall the bonus is quite weak. Recommended Leader:


    Aksum civilization

Aksum civilization is primarily a trading civilization, but their unique unit—

SloatCivillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List, is actually only feasible on certain map types—even if you can find a coastal city where you can trade. Expect a large amount of

gold coins, but not much else.

Resources get 2 gold coins.
The construction of the large monument received 30 outputs.
Sloops – Unique naval unit, gain 4 combat intensity on the coast and have the expense of creating a trade route at one time.
Tankar—A unique trading ship that cannot be plundered and the range of trade routes has increased by 10.
Holite's unique regional improvements - Neighboring Miracle and other Haolites get 2 gold coins and 1 culture.

资源获得 2金币。
建造大碑获得 30产量。
单桅帆船——独特的海军单位,在海岸上获得 4战斗强度,并有一次创建贸易路线的费用。
坦夸——独特的贸易船,无法被掠夺,并且贸易路线范围增加了 10。
豪利特独特的区域改进——邻近的奇迹和其他豪利特获得 2金币和 1文化。
We had a great time playing Aksum on the Islands map

, but many times we had some key problems: there were no cities that could actually trade, and the god-level AI got so much water combat buff that the sloop was almost useless.

Let's see if the Citizen Tree will be better.

Citizen Unlock
Himian Works

Most of these bonuses depend on your city on the coastline – if it is on the coastline, you will be able to get more extra coins and potentially some culture. However, overall, these are still quite weak.

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As explained earlier, Sloat

is not a good unit - this makes it meaningless to ignore the control area.

The Great Monument

is not a great miracle because it offers few extra rewards (just more gold coins) and will occupy a permanent location in your city, which can be used for more useful plots. Overall, Aksum is pretty weak – but it's still fun if you want to build a trading empire.

The above is the detailed content of Civillization: Antiquity Age Civilization Tier List. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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