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jQuery DATETIME Functions - Complete Listing

William Shakespeare
Release: 2025-03-03 00:56:10
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jQuery DATETIME Functions - Complete Listing

jQuery DATETIME Functions - Complete Listing

This is the only Date/Time jQuery functions you will ever need. It works better than any other date/time libraries out there and has minimal overhead, guaranteed speed and accuracy. Includes functions to: get date, convert date, valid date, string to date, leap year, compare date, format date, timezone and heaps of others!!! Download JQUERY4U.datetime.js

Key Takeaways

  • jQuery DATETIME functions are incredibly versatile, offering a complete range of date and time manipulations, including getting the date, converting dates, validating dates, and comparing dates.
  • The functions also include capabilities to convert date strings to date objects, determine if a departure and return date are valid, and detect if a year is a leap year.
  • The JQUERY4U.DATETIME.js library also includes a comprehensive date formatting function, similar to PHP’s date function, allowing for custom date formats.
  • The library is easy to implement, with a minimal overhead ensuring speed and accuracy, making it a preferred choice over other date/time libraries.

jQuery Date/Time Complete Listing

<span>/*___ FILE: "JQUERY4U.datetime.js" ___*/
</span>    <span>/**
</span><span>     * jQuery Date and time functions - Complete List
</span><span>     */
</span>    <span>var JQUERY4U = JQUERY4U || {};
</span>    <span>JQUERY4U.DATETIME =
</span>    <span>{
</span>        <span>/**
</span><span>         * Name of this class (used for error handling and/or debugging purposes)
</span><span>         * <span>@type String
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>name: 'JQUERY4U.DATETIME',
        <span>init: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>JQUERY4U.UTIL.handleErrors(this);
</span>            <span>Date.prototype.<span>JQUERY4UFormat</span> = this.format;
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Return today's date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>todaysDate: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>return this.futureDateDays(0);
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Return tomorrow's date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>tomorrowsDate: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>return this.futureDateDays(1);
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Return date 7 days from now in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>weekFromToday: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>return this.futureDateDays(7);
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Return the first day of the next month
</span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>firstDayNextMonth: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var today = new Date();
</span>            nextMonth <span>= new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth() + 1, 1);
</span>            nextMonth<span>.getDate() +'/'+ (nextMonth.getMonth() + 1) +'/'+ nextMonth.getFullYear();
</span>            <span>return this.leadingZero(nextMonth.getDate()) +'/'+ this.leadingZero(nextMonth.getMonth() + 1) +'/'+ nextMonth.getFullYear();
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Returns x number of dates date in the future in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{Integer}</span> days Number of days into the future
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>futureDateDays: function(days)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var futureDate = new Date();
</span>            futureDate<span>.setDate(futureDate.getDate() + days);
</span>            <span>return this.leadingZero(futureDate.getDate()) +'/'+ this.leadingZero(futureDate.getMonth() + 1) +'/'+ this.leadingZero(futureDate .getFullYear());
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Return the current time in HHMM format
</span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Time in HHMM (e.g. 23:12) format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>timeHHMM: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var today = new Date();
</span>            <span>return this.leadingZero(today.getHours()) + this.leadingZero(today.getMinutes());
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Return the current time in HHMMSS format
</span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Time in HHMMSS (e.g. 23:12:33) format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>timeHHMMSS: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var today = new Date();
</span>            <span>return this.leadingZero(today.getHours()) +':'+ this.leadingZero(today.getMinutes()) +':'+ this.leadingZero(today.getSeconds());
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Takes a date string in Australian format and returns date string in US format
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> dateStr Date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> <span>[separator=<span>"-"</span>]</span> separator character in return date string
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> date in mm/dd/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>convertUSFormat: function(dateStr<span>, separator</span>)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var separator = (typeof(separator) == 'undefined') ? '-' : separator;
</span>            <span>var re = new RegExp('([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})', 'm');
</span>            <span>var matches = re.exec(dateStr);
</span>            <span>return matches[2] + separator + matches[1] + separator + matches[3];
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Convert date in mm/dd/yyyy format and return in dd-mm-yyyy format (depending upon separator)
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> dateStr Date in mm/dd/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> <span>[separator=<span>"-"</span>]</span> Separator character in return date string
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in mm-dd-yyyy format (presuming "-" is separator character)
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>convertUStoAUSDate: function(dateStr<span>, separator</span>)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var separator = (typeof(separator) == 'undefined') ? '-' : separator;
</span>            <span>var re = new RegExp('([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})', 'm');
</span>            <span>var matches = re.exec(dateStr);
</span>            <span>return matches[2] + separator + matches[1] + separator + matches[3];
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Return whether the supplied date components form the expected date
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> year
</span></span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> month
</span></span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> day
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{Boolean}</span> True if the date components match the date values in Date object
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>isValidDate: function(year<span>, month, day</span>)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var dt = new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10)-1, parseInt(day, 10));
</span>            <span>if(dt.getDate() != parseInt(day, 10) || dt.getMonth() != (parseInt(month, 10)-1) || dt.getFullYear() != parseInt(year, 10))
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>return false;
</span>            <span>}
            <span>return true;
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Takes a date object and returns in yyyymmdd format
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{Date Object}</span> dateObj
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in yyyymmdd format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>dateToYYYYMMDD: function(dateObj)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>return  (dateObj.getFullYear() + this.leadingZero(dateObj.getMonth() + 1) + this.leadingZero(dateObj.getDate())).toString();
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Takes a date object and returns in ddmmyyyy format
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{Date Object}</span> dateObj
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span> Date in ddmmyyyy format
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>dateToDDMMYYYY: function(dateObj)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>return  (this.leadingZero(dateObj.getDate()) + this.leadingZero(dateObj.getMonth() + 1) + dateObj.getFullYear()).toString();
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Takes a date string in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> dateString Date in dd/mm/yyyy format
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{Date Object}</span> Returns false if date sring is invalid
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>stringToDate: function(dateString)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>try
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>var matches = dateString.match(/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})/);
</span>                <span>if(this.isValidDate(matches[3], matches[2], matches[1]) === false)
</span>                <span>{
</span>                    <span>return false;
</span>                <span>}
                <span>return new Date(matches[3], parseInt(matches[2], 10)-1, parseInt(matches[1], 10));
</span>            <span>}
</span>            <span>catch(e)
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>return false;
</span>            <span>}
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Adds leading zero if passed value is single digit
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> val
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span>
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>leadingZero: function(val)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var str = val.toString();
</span>            <span>if(str.length == 1)
</span>            <span>{
</span>                str <span>= '0' + str;
</span>            <span>}
            <span>return str;
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Checks if return date is equal or after departure date
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> departureDate
</span></span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> returnDate
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{Boolean}</span>
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>isDepartureReturnDateValid: function(departureDate<span>, returnDate</span>)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var dep = this.stringToDate(departureDate);
</span>            <span>var ret = this.stringToDate(returnDate);
</span>            <span>if(dep > ret)
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>return false;
</span>            <span>}
            <span>return true;
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Detect whether the year supplied is a leap year
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{Integer}</span> year
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{Boolean}</span>
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>isLeapYear: function(year)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            year <span>= parseInt(year, 10);
</span>            <span>if(year % 4 == 0)
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>if(year % 100 != 0)
</span>                <span>{
</span>                    <span>return true;
</span>                <span>}
</span>                <span>else
</span>                <span>{
</span>                    <span>if(year % 400 == 0)
</span>                    <span>{
</span>                        <span>return true;
</span>                    <span>}
</span>                    <span>else
</span>                    <span>{
</span>                        <span>return false;
</span>                    <span>}
</span>                <span>}
</span>            <span>}
</span>            <span>return false;
</span>        <span>},
        <span>compareDates: function(<span>from, to</span>)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var dateResult = to.getTime() - from.getTime();
</span>            <span>var dateObj = {};
</span>            dateObj<span>.weeks =  Math.round(dateResult/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7));
</span>            dateObj<span>.days = Math.ceil(dateResult/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
</span>            dateObj<span>.hours = Math.ceil(dateResult/(1000 * 60 * 60));
</span>            dateObj<span>.minutes = Math.ceil(dateResult/(1000 * 60));
</span>            dateObj<span>.seconds = Math.ceil(dateResult/(1000));
</span>            dateObj<span>.milliseconds = dateResult;
</span>            <span>return dateObj;
</span>        <span>},
        <span>compareDatesDDMMYYYY: function(<span>from, to</span>)
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>from = from.split('/');
</span>            <span>from = new Date(from[2], from[1], from[0]);
</span>            to <span>= to.split('/');
</span>            to <span>= new Date(to[2], to[1], to[0]);
</span>            <span>return this.compareDates(from, to);
</span>        <span>},
</span><span>         * Allow nice formatting of dates like PHP's Date function
</span><span>         * Derived from code written by Jac Wright at http://jacwright.com/projects/javascript/date_format
</span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{Date}</span> date JavaScript date object
</span></span><span>         * <span>@param <span>{String}</span> format Date format string
</span></span><span>         * <span>@returns <span>{String}</span>
</span></span><span>         */
</span>        <span>format: function()
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>var date,
</span>                format<span>,
</span>                args <span>= [].slice.call(arguments),
</span>                returnStr <span>= '',
</span>                curChar <span>= '',
</span>                months <span>= ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
</span>                days <span>= ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
</span>                methods <span>=
</span>                <span>{
</span>                    <span>// Day
</span>                    <span>d: function() { return (date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + date.getDate(); },
</span>                    <span><span>D</span>: function() { return days[date.getDay()].substring(0, 3); },
</span>                    <span>j: function() { return date.getDate(); },
</span>                    <span>l: function() { return days[date.getDay()]; },
</span>                    <span><span>N</span>: function() { return date.getDay() + 1; },
</span>                    <span><span>S</span>: function() { return (date.getDate() % 10 == 1 && date.getDate() != 11 ? 'st' : (date.getDate() % 10 == 2 && date.getDate() != 12 ? 'nd' : (date.getDate() % 10 == 3 && date.getDate() != 13 ? 'rd' : 'th'))); },
</span>                    <span>w: function() { return date.getDay(); },
                    <span>// Month
</span>                    <span><span>F</span>: function() { return months[date.getMonth()]; },
</span>                    <span>m: function() { return (date.getMonth() < 9 ? '0' : '') + (date.getMonth() + 1); },
</span>                    <span><span>M</span>: function() { return months[date.getMonth()].substring(0, 3); },
</span>                    <span>n: function() { return date.getMonth() + 1; },
</span>                    <span><span>Y</span>: function() { return date.getFullYear(); },
</span>                    <span>y: function() { return ('' + date.getFullYear()).substr(2); },
                    <span>// Time
</span>                    <span>a: function() { return date.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; },
</span>                    <span><span>A</span>: function() { return date.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'; },
</span>                    <span>g: function() { return date.getHours() % 12 || 12; },
</span>                    <span><span>G</span>: function() { return date.getHours(); },
</span>                    <span>h: function() { return ((date.getHours() % 12 || 12) < 10 ? '0' : '') + (date.getHours() % 12 || 12); },
</span>                    <span><span>H</span>: function() { return (date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' : '') + date.getHours(); },
</span>                    <span>i: function() { return (date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + date.getMinutes(); },
</span>                    <span>s: function() { return (date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '') + date.getSeconds(); },
                    <span>// Timezone
</span>                    <span><span>O</span>: function() { return (-date.getTimezoneOffset() < 0 ? '-' : '+') + (Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) < 10 ? '0' : '') + (Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)) + '00'; },
</span>                    <span><span>P</span>: function() { return (-date.getTimezoneOffset() < 0 ? '-' : '+') + (Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) < 10 ? '0' : '') + (Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)) + ':' + (Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset() % 60) < 10 ? '0' : '') + (Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset() % 60)); },
</span>                    <span><span>T</span>: function() { var m = date.getMonth(); date.setMonth(0); var result = date.toTimeString().replace(<span>/<span>^.+ (?(<span>[^)]</span>+))?$</span>/</span>, ''); date.setMonth(m); return result;},
</span>                    <span><span>Z</span>: function() { return -date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; },
                    <span>// Full Date/Time
</span>                    <span>c: function() { return date.format("Y-m-d") + "T" + date.format("H:i:sP"); },
</span>                    <span>r: function() { return date.toString(); },
</span>                    <span><span>U</span>: function() { return date.getTime() / 1000; }
</span>                <span>};
            <span>if(typeof this.getMonth == 'function')
</span>            <span>{
</span>                date <span>= this;
</span>                format <span>= args[0];
</span>            <span>}
</span>            <span>else
</span>            <span>{
</span>                date <span>= args[0];
</span>                format <span>= args[1];
</span>            <span>}
            <span>for(var i = 0; i < format.length; i++)
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>var curChar = format.charAt(i);
</span>                <span>if(methods[curChar])
</span>                <span>{
</span>                    returnStr <span>+= methods[curChar].call();
</span>                <span>}
</span>                <span>else
</span>                <span>{
</span>                    returnStr <span>+= curChar;
</span>                <span>}
</span>            <span>}
</span>            <span>return returnStr;
</span>        <span>}
</span>    <span>};
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about JavaScript DateTime Functions

What is the difference between JavaScript Date() and new Date()?

In JavaScript, Date() and new Date() are used to work with dates and times. However, they function differently. When you use Date() as a function without the ‘new’ keyword, it returns the current date and time as a string. On the other hand, when you use new Date(), it returns a new Date object representing the current date and time.

How can I format a date in JavaScript?

JavaScript provides several methods to format a date. The most common method is to use the toDateString() function, which converts a date to a more readable format. You can also use methods like toLocaleDateString() or toISOString() to format the date according to the locale or in ISO standard format respectively.

How can I add or subtract days from a date in JavaScript?

To add or subtract days from a date in JavaScript, you can use the setDate() and getDate() methods. For example, to add 5 days to the current date, you would use the following code:

var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() 5);

To subtract days, you would do the same but with a negative number.

How can I compare two dates in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, you can compare two dates using the standard comparison operators (==, !=, , =). However, it’s important to note that these operators compare the date objects, not the actual dates. To compare the dates themselves, you should convert them to a standard format, such as the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970), using the getTime() method.

How can I get the current time in JavaScript?

To get the current time in JavaScript, you can use the Date object’s methods. The simplest way is to create a new Date object without any arguments, which will represent the current date and time. Then, you can use methods like getHours(), getMinutes(), and getSeconds() to get the current time.

How can I convert a string to a date in JavaScript?

JavaScript’s Date object can parse strings into dates. You can pass the string to the Date constructor, and it will try to parse it. However, it’s important to note that the parsing depends on the format of the string, and it may not work as expected for all formats.

How can I get the day of the week in JavaScript?

JavaScript provides the getDay() method, which returns the day of the week as a number (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on). To get the name of the day, you can create an array of names and use the number as an index.

How can I check if a year is a leap year in JavaScript?

To check if a year is a leap year in JavaScript, you can use a simple function that checks if the year is divisible by 4 but not by 100, unless it’s also divisible by 400. This is because leap years are every year that is evenly divisible by 4, except for years that are evenly divisible by 100. However, years that are evenly divisible by 400 are also leap years.

How can I get the difference between two dates in JavaScript?

To get the difference between two dates in JavaScript, you can subtract one date object from another. This will give you the difference in milliseconds. You can then convert this to days, hours, minutes, or seconds as needed.

How can I set a specific date and time in JavaScript?

To set a specific date and time in JavaScript, you can pass the year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds as arguments to the Date constructor. Note that the month is zero-based, so January is 0, February is 1, and so on.

The above is the detailed content of jQuery DATETIME Functions - Complete Listing. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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