Processing a lot of content every day, subscribing to various newsletters and software, I even cleverly created a separate mailbox for receiving spam. Has the problem been solved? Not. My main mailbox is still in chaos.
I was once overwhelmed by the emails I received every day. Deleting all messages doesn't solve the problem - I need a real solution.
If you are also troubled by unwanted emails, I found a solution. I will show you how to get rid of unwanted emails and reduce the anxiety of missing out on important information.
我想…… | 如何操作 |
批量取消订阅 | 使用Leave Me Alone或Spark Mail。 |
取消特定邮件订阅 | 打开邮件 > 在底部点击“取消订阅”链接 > 根据需要按照屏幕上的说明操作。 |
创建黑名单 | 打开邮件 > 点击发件人姓名 > 屏蔽。 |
自定义邮件过滤器 | 登录您的邮箱帐户,并在“设置”菜单中设置过滤器。 |
The answer may sound a bit rhetorical, but there are five main reasons to check and unsubscribe to emails regularly:
Now that you know the importance of unsubscribe, let's talk about the best approach.
Control your email subscription
Use Leave Me Alone to unsubscribe or block unwanted emails. Available on Setapp.
Unsubscribing to the email is like cleaning the closet – you thought it would only take five minutes, but two hours later, you are still looking for something.
Here are some tips to do this quickly and safely to avoid wasting the whole afternoon:
Personal Experience A few months ago, my inbox hit the brink of crash. I can't find anything and receive 20-30 newsletters every day. I didn't want to spend hours manually unsubscribe, so I decided to try Leave Me Alone, an app dedicated to bulk unsubscribe to emails. I didn't expect it to completely solve my inbox problem, but it's really useful and works with multiple email accounts - whether it's Gmail, Yahoo, or Apple Mail.
After adding your email to Leave Me Alone, the app keeps your data secure with a powerful encryption protocol. The app will scan your inbox and list all subscriptions. You can filter emails and decide whether to stay in your inbox, add to your summary, or unsubscribe and never receive those annoying messages again.
Another feature I like is personal summary - I choose the newsletters I like, choose the date and time I want to receive them, and they all arrive at one time. This is a great efficiency improvement tip because I can schedule time in my calendar to read them.
Let's look at several ways to get rid of unwanted emails.
The most basic but time-consuming way to stop spam is to use the unsubscribe link provided by most newsletters and promotional emails. It is usually hidden in very small font sizes at the bottom, but it does exist.
The operation method is as follows:
Tip Click the Unsubscribe link (or any other link) only if you know this is an email you can trust. If this is not the case, don't risk it - block it or mark it as spam.
Sometimes, even if you click Unsubscribe, those spam still sneaks back. In this case, I recommend adding the sender to your blacklist. Blocking is also useful when you can't find how to unsubscribe without an unsubscribe link, or you're not sure if the click is safe. Of course, the same is true when someone is too annoying.
Here's how to block unwanted email senders on popular services:
我想在……上屏蔽发件人 | 如何操作 |
Apple Mail应用程序 | 打开邮件 > 点击发件人姓名 > 选择“屏蔽联系人”。 |
Google Gmail | 打开邮件 > 点击发件人姓名旁边的三个点 > 屏蔽发件人。 |
Yahoo邮箱 | 打开邮件 > 点击右上角的三个点 > 屏蔽发件人。 |
Microsoft Outlook | 打开邮件 > 点击省略号(三个点)> 屏蔽发件人。 |
I also recommend that you check your blocking list occasionally to make sure you have not blocked important content incorrectly.
If you want to be a professional, filters are a great way to maintain your inbox for a long time, as they can handle spam and you don't even have to see it.
Here are the steps to customize filters on your Mac:
我想在……上自定义过滤器 | 如何操作 |
Apple Mail应用程序 | 转到邮件 > 设置 > 规则。添加新规则,选择“发件人”之类的条件来过滤特定发件人,并选择将邮件移动到垃圾箱之类的操作。 |
Google Gmail | 转到设置 > 查看所有设置 > 过滤器和已屏蔽的地址。创建新过滤器,输入发件人的电子邮件或关键词,然后选择操作:自动删除、存档或分类。 |
Yahoo邮箱 | 转到设置 > 更多设置 > 过滤器。添加新过滤器,设置条件,然后决定是移动、删除还是存档邮件。 |
Microsoft Outlook | 转到设置 > 邮件 > 规则。添加新规则,设置发件人或主题之类的条件,然后选择删除或移动之类的操作。 |
For example, I use Google Gmail, so I have to learn how to unsubscribe from email in Gmail. I set up filters for newsletters I like so they go directly to the tag I named “Marketing”. This way, I can easily get to know useful information at any time without looking for it.
It's OK to do all of these manually, but outsourcing this task to an application like Leave me Alone makes a big difference for me. This type of tool can reduce the hour you take to manually unsubscribe to 10 minutes or less.
Recently, I've been looking for an app to help me organize my emails and act as an assistant for managing my inbox and I found a good thing: Spark Mail.
It not only helps you unsubscribe from all spam. It's smart enough to categorize your emails – personal, favorite newsletters and more. From there, you can decide whether to archive, read or delete them.
To classify emails using Spark Mail:
As I always say, I try to stay efficient, so in addition to smart classification, the app also has an AI-powered assistant that analyzes your voice and tone in your email and then generates and proofreads for use.
Please read also:
Unneeded emails are the worst time killer. So here are some steps you can take to stop receiving emails you don't want and end up owning that inbox Zen:
The best thing is that Leave Me Alone and Spark Mail are available on the Setapp platform, as well as over 250 other useful macOS and iOS tools, so you can test it with a 7-day free trial. No longer need to scroll endlessly in spam. No more inbox pressure.
Some marketers make it difficult to unsubscribe by hiding the link in a small font or not including a link at all. When this happens, you need to block unwanted messages by blocking the sender or using the Leave Me Alone tool to quickly unsubscribe from spam.
Some companies will make their unsubscribe link difficult to operate so they can continue to spam you. If this happens, just mark the message as spam or block the sender to stop it.
If you don't sign up for an email, it's better not to click on any unsubscribe links as they may be phishing (in better cases). Mark them as spam or block senders. This is a safer way to protect your inbox from potentially harmful content. For more information on keeping you safe, check out our email security tips.
If there is no unsubscribe link, it is best to create filters to delete these messages or automatically block senders. Use tools like Leave Me Alone to batch process, or block senders for a more permanent solution to cancel email subscriptions you never wanted.
The safest way to cancel an email subscription from an unknown sender is to avoid clicking on any links, as they may be phishing attempts or lead to malicious websites. Clicking on such links can also verify that your email address is a spammer. Instead, mark the email as spam or block the sender. This will filter the sender's future messages directly into your spam folder or prevent them from reaching your inbox in full.
The above is the detailed content of How to unsubscribe from emails. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!