The Pokémon TCG Pocket's Triumphant Light expansion, the second mini-set, offers a treasure trove of cards to enhance your existing decks, even without game-changing Pokémon. Arceus, the poster Pokémon, is a prime example; this Normal-type ex Pokémon seamlessly integrates into various decks, such as the Palkia ex deck, adding a layer of strategic depth. To discover the full range of potential pulls, explore the complete Triumphant Light card list below.
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Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Card List
Triumphant Light, like the preceding Mythical Island expansion, contains a single booster pack. It features only one immersive card—the legendary Arceus, prominently displayed on the pack's cover.
Here's a breakdown of the cards you might find in the Triumphant Light expansion:
- Common Cards
- Uncommon Cards
- Rare Cards
- Full Art Rare Cards
- EX Cards
- Full Art EX/Uncommon Cards
- Golden Rare Cards
- Immersive Cards
Common Cards - 100% inclusion rate (1st-3rd cards)
- Burmy
- Combee
- Cherubi
- Houndour
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Barboach
- Snorunt
- Snover
- Pikachu
- Electrike
- Clefairy
- Gastly
- Haunter
- Phanpy
- Larvitar
- Nosepass
- Meditite
- Gible
- Gabite
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Croagunk
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Bronzor
- Eevee
- Hoothoot
- Starly
- Staravia
Uncommon Cards - 90% Inclusion (4th Card), 60% (5th Card)
- Heracross
- Mothim
- Vespiquen
- Cherrim
- Cherrim
- Houndoom
- Whiscash
- Froslass
- Phione
- Manectric
- Clefable
- Gengar
- Unown
- Sudowoodo
- Donphan
- Pupitar
- Medicham
- Toxicroak
- Bronzong
- Snorlax
- Noctowl
- Staraptor
- Irida
- Celestic Town Elder
- Adaman
- Barry
Rare Cards - 5% Inclusion (4th Card), 20% (5th Card)
- Carnivine
- Heatran
- Abomasnow
- Origin Forme Palkia
- Raichu
- Rotom
- Tyranitar
- Crobat
- Magnezone
- Origin Forme Dialga
- Giratina
- Shaymin
- Arceus
Full Art Rare Cards - 2.572% Inclusion (4th Card), 10.288% (5th Card)
- Houndoom
- Marill
- Unown
- Sudowoodo
- Magnemite
- Shaymin
EX Cards - 1.666% Inclusion (4th Card), 6.664% (5th Card)
- Leafeon ex
- Glaceon ex
- Garchomp ex
- Probopass ex
- Arceus ex
Full Art EX/Uncommon Cards - 0.5% Inclusion (4th Card), 2% (5th Card)
- Leafeon ex
- Glaceon ex
- Garchomp ex
- Probopass ex
- Arceus ex
- Irida
- Celestic Town Elder
- Barry
- Adaman
- Leafeon ex (Rainbow Border)
- Glaceon ex (Rainbow Border)
- Garchomp ex (Rainbow Border)
- Probopass ex (Rainbow Border)
Golden Rare Cards - 0.040% Inclusion (4th Card), 0.16% (5th Card)
Immersive Cards - 0.222% Inclusion (4th Card), 0.888% (5th Card)
With this Triumphant Light expansion card list in hand, don't forget to explore our guides on the best decks and Secret Missions for additional rewards!
The above is the detailed content of Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Card List. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!