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Warframe: Nyx Complete Guide – Drops, Abilities, And Builds

Barbara Streisand
Release: 2025-03-18 06:06:13
357 people have browsed it

Nyx, the Chaos Master in Warframe, dominated the battlefield with his powerful control skills and radiation anomaly effects. If used properly, she is a powerful combat power that easily dismantles the enemy's defenses while keeping herself invincible. While it may seem mediocre on the surface, Nyx is ideal for building genres.

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

The main advantage of Nyx is its versatility, making it competent for almost any character in the game. You can use her to make yourself invincible, easily deal with defense tasks, reduce the difficulty of the steel road level, or easily suppress Leach. She is an amazing character with a very low cost to use.

How to get Nyx

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Nyx is available through Phorid (infectious boss, only during infection invasion) . After successfully completing the task, random Nyx components will be dropped, and the probability of system components dropping is slightly lower. Nyx's main blueprint is available in the in-game market at a price of 25,000 credit points.

Nyx blueprint

How to obtain In-game market (25,000 credit points)
Production cost
Production time 72 hours

Nyx Neurooptics

How to obtain Phorid Boss (infection invasion, 38.72% drop probability)
Production cost
Production time 12 hours

Nyx chassis

How to obtain Phorid Boss (infection invasion, 38.72% drop probability)
Production cost
Production time 12 hours

Nyx system

How to obtain Phorid Boss (infection invasion, 22.56% drop probability)
Production cost
Production time 12 hours

How to get Nyx Prime

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Nyx Prime's components are associated with the Void Relic . Completed most of the content in the Warframe has the chance to drop the Void Relic, which you can take into the Void Fracture Mission to open. Relics are like the drop table you selected before starting the crack task, and will randomly drop one of six parts upon completion. Some of these Void Relics contain Nyx Prime parts.

For a complete list of Void Relics that dropped Nyx Prime parts, check out the Warframe Wiki.

Prime component blueprints can be traded with other players. After the production is completed, the items will no longer be traded.

Nyx Prime Blueprint

How to obtain
Production cost
Production time 72 hours

Nyx Prime Neuroptics

How to obtain
Production cost
Production time 12 hours

Nyx Prime Chassis

How to obtain
Production cost
Production time 12 hours

Nyx Prime System

How to obtain
Production cost
Production time 12 hours

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Nyx skills

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds


Nyx Nyx Prime

Passive skills

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Nyx has a confusing enemy within the range of mind control, the critical chance of its main and secondary weapons is increased by 40%, and the maximum increase is 200%.

Most of Nyx's skills create a confusion effect, which causes enemies to attack each other. Each enemy affected by this effect will provide your weapon with a critical chance bonus of up to 200%. This bonus has a superposition effect with other MODs such as pistol gambles and precision strikes.

Mind control

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Mind Control: Nyx ​​controls the spirit of the target, forcing them to fight for Tenno. The chance of controlling enemy radiation abnormality increases. When Nyx shoots them, their damage rate will also increase.

This skill can be replaced by the Heim system.

Mental Control Attributes
Energy consumption 25 Energy
scope 60 meters
Duration 6 seconds
Probability of abnormal state 100% radiation
Applicable to MOD
Duration scope efficiency strength
Influence the duration of mental control Affect the target distance Influence casting energy consumption not applicable

Nyx goes deep into target awareness, starts to control, bewitch the target for 60 seconds, making it fight for you. In the first three seconds of this skill, all damage taken by the target will be converted into the target's damage bonus. If you have high DPS weapons to enhance them, this can greatly improve their damage output.

A mind-controlled target deals 750% additional damage by default. The damage done to the captivated target at the beginning of this skill has a superposition effect with this bonus.

Strength has no effect on this characteristic.

You can only control one enemy at a time, but this unit will be very effective. The AI ​​affected by this skill will be more aggressive, with a base damage of 750%, and will be close to Nyx for the duration of the skill. If they walk away, they will teleport to you.

Mental shock

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Mental Shock: Nyx ​​releases a series of mental shock waves to track and strike nearby enemies with telepathic accuracy. When an enemy is killed, additional shock waves will scatter to new targets. Hitting the enemy will weaken their defense and transfer part of it to Nyx.

Mental impact attributes
Energy consumption 50 Energy
Duration 15 seconds
slow down Reduced by 20% when hit
Defensive weakening Reduced by 80% when hitting
Defensive transfer Armor: up to 1,000
Shield: Recover 75 per shock wave
Overload shield: up to 7,500
Applicable to MOD
Duration scope efficiency strength
Impact the duration of defense weakening not applicable Influence casting energy consumption Affects slowdown, defense weakening and transfer gain

Nyx waved lightly and fired six projectiles that tracked the target near your cursor. Each projectile weakens the target's defense by 80%—including armor and shields—the two of the most common defenses in the game—and reduces its speed by 20%. All of these effects are affected by the strength of the skill, which requires about 130% of the strength to completely weaken the target's defense.

When the shock wave hits the enemy, Nyx will gain a portion of the weakened armor, shield and overload shield as its own buff, with the highest value affected by the skill strength. Without augmentation MOD, mental shock can mark up to six enemies at the same time.


Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Chaos: Nyx ​​releases a powerful psychic shock wave, disorienting enemies across a wide range, forcing them to attack each other. Confused enemies will randomly attack different camps.

Chaos attributes
Energy consumption 75 Energy
radius 25 meters
Duration 25 seconds
Exceptional state effect x10 radiation per enemy
Applicable to MOD
Duration scope efficiency strength
Influence the duration of chaos Influence the radius of chaos Influence casting energy consumption not applicable

A psychic energy swept over your enemies, causing them to attack each other for a while. All enemies marked by Chaos are bewildered and subject to the debuffs of the x10 radiation stack , greatly increasing their damage to other enemies. Since these enemies are in a confusing state, each enemy affected by chaos will enhance Nyx's passive skills, increasing your chances of critical strikes using your gun.

Chaos is a powerful control skill because it has a large radius and you can further expand its range with skill range MOD. Use it in endless missions or defense activities to stop your opponents from moving forward, forcing them to attack each other while you can restore your strength or eliminate any fish that misses the net.


Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Absorption: Nyx ​​absorbs and offsets damage done to her and the damage caused to each other by confusing enemies, and then converts it into a devastating radial shock wave. After the shock wave, she will enter a brief invincible state and receive a weapon damage bonus proportional to the absorption damage.

Absorbing properties
Energy consumption 75 Energy
Duration Shield: 5 seconds
Gain: 8 seconds
Invincible: up to 6 seconds
scope 15-50 meters
Absorption threshold 5,000 damage
Damage conversion 0.02%, up to 400%
Applicable to MOD
Duration scope efficiency strength
Influence absorption duration Affects the initial explosion radius Influence casting energy consumption Influence damage conversion

Nyx surrounds himself with spiritual energy so that it will not be harmed. Nyx will not be able to fire weapons or use parkour actions for the next five seconds. All incoming damage will be counted at the top of your screen. When the skill ends, whether it ends early or reaches the maximum duration, you will detonate the shield and cause damage to nearby enemies.

Explosive damage is based on all incoming damage. All the damage you take will also be converted into the weapon damage bonus for the next eight seconds . This conversion rate is affected by skill strength , but you cannot get more than 400% damage bonus.

Synergistic effects

During this skill activation, all damage caused by confusing enemies will be counted as absorption damage.

If the weapon gain doesn't look ideal, you can use the assimilation amplification mod to swap this gain for a sustained variant of absorbing, allowing you to use the weapon when invincible, at the cost of passively consuming energy when activated.

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Nyx amplification MOD

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Nyx can use five skill amplification mods, most of which enhance the functionality of their skills rather than completely changing them. Most of these mods are obtained from the Arbitrators' Parliament or the New Era and require 25,000 prestige. You must reach the highest level with any group to purchase these mods. Alternatively, you can use player trading to get these mods from other Tennos.

Nyx's Singularity Amplification MOD is obtained from the Armory or the Nightingale Store. The items at the Yeling Store are rotated every week.


Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Mental Control Amplification MOD: Controlled targets deal 1,000% damage and gain 25% movement speed and attack speed.

Insanity is a direct upgrade to mental control, causing the target you control to deal an additional 1,000% damage while gaining an increase in attack speed and movement speed. These bonuses are not affected by the strength of the skill and have a superposition effect with other damage bonuses of the skill.

Soothe shock

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Mental impact increase MOD: Throw 3 additional projectiles and come with a radiation abnormality that must be triggered. The enemy you are hit will be confused for 10 seconds.

The mental shock will now fire nine projectiles and create a certainly triggered radiation abnormality, leaving the enemy in a state of confusion. This allows your second skill to enhance Nyx's passive critical chance buff and makes it easier to weaken a bunch of enemies due to the increase in projectile count.

Chaos Realm

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Chaos Amplification MOD: Enemies entering the effect range will be affected by Chaos. The effect range lasts 50% of the skill duration and gradually shrinks over time.

Chaos will persist after casting, causing a confusion effect on all enemies entering their radius. Therefore, the skill will gradually shrink over the second half of the duration. You can configure the skill duration to delay this effect, but it will happen regardless of your configuration.


Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Absorption Amplification MOD: Nyx ​​can use weapons during absorption skills, its duration is unlimited, but consumes 6.5 energy per second, and its range of action is reduced by half.

Absorption becomes a continuous skill that can remain invincible as long as you have enough energy. You can also use all weapons during the absorption skills, but you still can't use parkour moves or slip shovels. Melee poses are not limited by movement penalty, so if you can use melee weapons with high mobility pose MOD, this disadvantage is almost irrelevant.


Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Absorption Amplification MOD: Create a ring every 3 seconds to pull the enemy in at 9m/s.

Singularity is a PvP amplification MOD, which can also be used for PvE content. This turns the absorbing skill into a control skill that pulls the target 15 meters away towards the center of the ring. This is a pretty weak control skill compared to your replacement skill, but it can be adjusted for the AOE genre if you can stack the absorbed damage high enough.

Nyx genre

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Today we will introduce two Nyx genres, one for beginner players and the other is the final game configuration for more experienced Tenno. Nyx doesn't require much investment to achieve results, so you can flexibly use MOD and equipment synergy here. If you don't plan to use her assimilation amplification mod, you can survive through the shield gate or health stack .

Consul's fragments

Nyx does not need any consul fragments to perform well. If you have some remaining pieces, consider using parkour speed (amber) and balance (violet) . You can also use some crimson pieces to increase skill duration or strength , although this is not necessary.

Newbie genre (zero Forma, no replacement skills)

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Forma none
Replacement skills not applicable
Consul's fragments none

This is a standard genre of assimilation that makes Nyx completely immortal. Doing so requires the use of assimilation amplification MOD, which allows you to maintain the absorption skill as long as you have enough energy. If you can keep getting energy, you won't die.

This is easily achieved through equilibrium , a mod that allows you to pick up the life ball to get energy and vice versa. Strengthening energy efficiency will increase your energy reserves, and some efficiency MODs – short-term specialization and simplification – will ensure you reach the 175% efficiency ceiling. Use the hardened duration or standard version to minimize duration penalty.

All of this is too exaggerated for most content, but it definitely ensures that the absorption skill is not interrupted. If your energy economy is strong enough, you can always replace the equilibrium with intensity MOD. If you want to use Chaos skill for control, you should use extension and predicted ranges in the last two MOD slots to cover the maximum possible range. Your halo choice depends entirely on personal preference.

If you have any mysteries, use the metamorphosis increase to reach 130% strength after 125 kills. This is enough to completely weaken the enemy's defense.

Final Game Genre (Three Formas, No Replacement Skills)

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

Forma Three (halo (V), –, double –)
Replacement skills Angry rushing (Kurvo), potion room (Protiya)
Consul's fragments none

This Nyx genre focuses on making her mind control skills a powerful DPS option in the final game content. We use Insanity Amplification MOD and some basic intensity scaling to significantly increase the damage you control your targets so that they can instantly melt the targets. We also replaced some efficiency and balanced MODs with intensity MOD: Prediction Secret Technique and Shadow Enhancement . This ensures that your mental shocks will always undermine the defense and make your mind control skills extremely powerful.

You should use continuous amplification to get a larger range and use cunning drift in your Exilus slot to boost your overall range; we only need it for chaos skills. As for your mystery, metamorphosis efficiency always provides a free duration of 36%, and the mystery consequences will significantly increase your parkour speed after hitting the headshot, thereby enhancing your combat tumbling speed. If you want higher intensity, you can use the metamorphosis amplification .

Due to Nyx's practicality, no replacement skills are required, but you have a few options:

  • Angry Break (Kurvo): Provides you with a cheap teleportation skill that makes it easier to reposition when you absorb the skill activation.
  • Potion Room (Protiya): For some strange reason, this eliminates most parkour restrictions for assimilation skills, except for double jumps. This is a great option if you want to make a bullet jump when invincible.

Warframe: Nyx ​​Complete Guide – Drops, Ability, And Builds

The above is the detailed content of Warframe: Nyx Complete Guide – Drops, Abilities, And Builds. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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