I think most of you know how to use web pages to pop up various forms of windows, but how to create various pop-up windows, let’s learn today: 1 .Pop up a full-screen window Copy code The code is as follows: ; www.jb51.net 2. Pop up an F11-enabled window Copy code The code is as follows: ; www.jb51.net 3. Pop up a window with a favorite link toolbar Copy code The code is as follows: www.wangye8.com 4. Web page Dialog box Copy code The code is as follows: <br><!-- <BR>showModalDialog('http://www.jb51.net,'Script Home','dialogWidth:400px;dialogHeight:300px; <BR>dialogLeft:200px;dialogTop:150px;center:yes;help:yes;resizable:yes;status:yes') <BR>//--> <br>