There are two windows: A window (parent), B window (modal)
There is a DATAGRID and a button in the A window.
When the button is clicked, window B (modal) pops up. Add data in the B window. After submission, require the B window to close automatically, and then refresh the A window (parent)
Pop up the subform b.html, and trigger the parent page to refresh when the subform is closed
When I was working on the material system recently, the issue of modal windows came up again. The last time I worked on it, I didn’t encounter so many things this time. Write it down
Parent window js method
function openwin(id){
var answer=window.showModalDialog(" method=queryBOM&mdid=" id "&d=" escape(new Date()),window.self,"dialogWidth:700px;dialogHeight:620px:center:yes");
window.location.href = "" escape(new Date()); //Go to the processing page
//window.location.reload(); Refresh the parent window
Add an escape(new Date()) to avoid reading the cache. Of course, you can also add it in the child window, add
Sub window js method:
function reVal(){
window.returnValue=1; //The value of answer in the parent window
After opening the modal window, The parent window will wait for the child window to return a value. If it is a form submission or a button, it will execute the reVal() method
to return the value of answer, window.returnValue=1. I tested this place and it seems that it can only return String type. The array type does not work well
Use window.opener.location.reload() in the sub-window; does not work well, do not try to use modal windows, window.opern() works well
There is another problem: submitting the form in the modal window will pop up a new window. This problem can be solved simply by adding
in the . Note: I didn’t want to submit through the form at first. I used js window.location.href to jump to different actions for processing. I found that
didn’t work. It seemed that
only works for form action="", which should be implemented using iframe.