For the obtained element collection, to get an item (specified by index), you can use eq or get(n) Method or index number is obtained. Please note that eq returns a jquery object, while get(n) and index return a dom element object. For jquery objects, you can only use jquery methods, and for dom objects, you can only use dom methods. For example, you want to get the content of the third
element. There are two methods:
$("div") .eq(2).html(); //Call the method of jquery object
$("div").get(2).innerHTML; //Call the method of dom attribute
4. The same function implements set and get Many methods in Jquery are like this, mainly including the following:
$("#msg").html(); //Return the html content of the element node with id msg .
$("#msg").html("new content");
//Write "new content" as an html string In the content of the element node with the id of msg, the page displays bold new content
$("#msg").text(); //Return the text content of the element node with the id of msg.
$("#msg").text("new content");
//Write "new content" as a normal text string Enter the element node content with id msg, and the page displays new content
$("#msg").height(); //Return the height of the element with id msg
$("#msg").height("300"); //Set the height of the element with id msg to 300
$("#msg").width(); //Return id The width of the element whose id is msg
$("#msg").width("300"); //Set the width of the element whose id is msg to 300
$("input"). val("); //Return the value of the form input box
$("input").val("test"); //Set the value of the form input box to test
$ ("#msg").click(); //Trigger the click event for the element with id msg
$("#msg").click(fn); //Click event for the element with id msg Add function
Similarly blur, focus, select, submit events can have these two calling methods
5. Collection processing function For the collection contents returned by jquery, we do not need to loop through and process each object separately. jquery has provided us with a very convenient method to process the collection.
Including two forms:
6. Expand the functions we need
min: function(a, b){return a < b?a:b; },
max: function(a, b){return a > b?a:b; }
}); //Extended min and max methods for jquery
Use the extended method (called through "$.method name") :
alert("a=10,b=20,max=" $.max(10,20) ",min=" $.min(10,20));
7. Supports continuous writing of methods
The so-called continuous writing means that you can continuously call various methods on a jquery object.
For example:
$("p ").click(function(){alert($(this).html())})
.mouseover(function(){alert('mouse over event')})
.each(function( i){['#f00','#0f0','#00f'][i]});
8. Style of operating elements Mainly include the following methods:
$("#msg").css("background"); //Return the background color of the element
$("#msg").css("background","#ccc") //Set Set the background of the element to gray
$("#msg").height(300); $("#msg").width("200"); //Set the width and height
$("#msg ").css({ color: "red", background: "blue" });//Set styles in the form of name-value pairs
$("#msg").addClass("select"); / /Add a class named select to the element
$("#msg").removeClass("select"); //Remove the class named select for the element
$("#msg").toggleClass(" select"); //If it exists (does not exist), delete (add) the class named select
9. Complete event processing function
Jquery has provided us with various event processing methods. We do not need to write events directly on html elements, but can directly process them through jquery The obtained object adds an event.
For example:
$("#msg") .click(function(){alert("good")}) //Added a click event for the element
$("p").click(function(i){['# f00','#0f0','#00f'][i]}) //Set different processing for three different p element click events
Several customizations in jQuery Defined events:
(1) hover(fn1,fn2): A method that simulates hover events (the mouse moves over an object and out of the object). When the mouse moves over a matching element, the first specified function will be triggered. When the mouse moves out of this element, the specified second function will be triggered.
//When the mouse is placed on a row of the table Set the class to over and set it to out when leaving.
$(this) .addClass("out");
(2) ready(fn): Bind a function to be executed when the DOM is loaded and ready for query and manipulation.
$(document).ready(function(){alert ("Load Success")})
//When the page is loaded, it prompts "Load Success". Different from the onload event, onload requires the page content to be loaded (pictures, etc.), while ready is triggered as long as the page html code is downloaded. Equivalent to $(fn)
(3) toggle(evenFn,oddFn): Switch the function to be called each time it is clicked. If a matching element is clicked, the first function specified is triggered, and when the same element is clicked again, the second function specified is triggered. Each subsequent click repeats the call to these two functions in turn.
//Every time you click, add and delete named names in rotation selected class.
$(this).removeClass( "selected");
(4) trigger(eventtype): Trigger a certain type of event on each matching element.
For example:
$("p").trigger("click"); //Trigger click events for all p elements
(5) bind(eventtype,fn), unbind(eventtype ): Binding and unbinding of events
Remove (add) the bound event from each matching element.
For example:
$("p"). bind("click", function(){alert($(this).text());});
//Add a click event for each p element
$("p").unbind (); //Delete all events on all p elements
$("p").unbind("click") //Delete all click events on all p elements
10. Several practical special effects functions The toggle() and slidetoggle() methods provide state switching functions.
For example, the toggle() method includes hide() and show() methods.
The slideToggle() method includes the slideDown() and slideUp methods.
11. Several useful jQuery methods $.browser. Browser type: Detect browser type. Valid parameters: safari, opera, msie, mozilla. For example, if you check whether it is IE: $.browser.isie, if it is an IE browser, it will return true.
$.each(obj, fn): General iteration function. Can be used to iterate over objects and arrays approximately (instead of looping).
Such as
$.each( [0,1,2], function(i, n){ alert( "Item #" i ": " n ); });
Equivalent In:
var tempArr=[0,1,2] ;
for(var i=0;ialert("Item #" i ": " tempArr[i]);
You can also process json data, such as
$.each( { name: "John", lang: "JS" }, function(i, n){ alert( "Name: " i ", Value: " n ); });
The result is:
Name:name, Value:John
Name:lang, Value:JS
$.extend(target,prop1,propN): Use Extend an object with one or more other objects and return the extended object. This is the inheritance method implemented by jquery.
For example:
$.extend(settings, options);
//Merge settings and options, and return the merged result to settings, which is equivalent to options inheriting setting and saving the inherited result in setting.
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
//Merge defaults and options, and return the merged result to the setting without overwriting the default content.
Can have multiple parameters (combine multiple parameters and return)
$.map(array, fn): array mapping. Saves the items in an array (after processing the transformation) into a new array and returns the resulting new array.
For example:
var tempArr=$.map( [0,1,2], function(i){ return i 4; });
The content of tempArr is: [4,5,6]
var tempArr=$.map( [0,1,2], function(i){ return i > 0 ? i 1 : null; });
The content of tempArr is: [2,3]
$.merge(arr1,arr2): Merge two arrays and delete duplicate items.
For example:
$.merge( [0,1,2], [2,3,4] ) //Return [0,1,2,3,4]
$. trim(str): Remove whitespace characters at both ends of the string.
For example:
$.trim(" hello, how are you? "); //Return "hello, how are you? "
12. Solve the problem with custom methods or other class libraries Conflicts with jQuery
Many times we define the $(id) method ourselves to get an element, or some other js libraries such as prototype also define the $method. If we put these contents together at the same time, Will cause variable method definition conflict, Jquery provides a special method to solve this problem.
Use the jQuery.noConflict(); method in jquery to transfer control of the variable $ to the first library that implements it or the previously customized $ method. When using Jquery later, just replace all $ with jQuery. For example, the original reference object method $("#msg") is changed to jQuery("#msg").
For example:
// Start using jQuery
jQuery("div p").hide();
// Use other libraries' $()
$("content").style.display = 'none ';
/ / Set different font colors for the p elements with indexes 0, 1, and 2 respectively.
//Achieve alternate rows in the table Color changing effect
//Added click event for each p element, click on a certain If a p element is used, its content
will pop up