Does "class" exist in Javascript?
Everything is an object
Except for basic data (Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String), everything else in Javascript is Object.
In fact, objects in Javascript are collections of data and functions. For example, we know:
var foo = new Function("alert ('hello world!')");
It can be seen that foo is a function and an object. Another example:
function foo(){
//do something
} = 123;
foo["data2"] = "hello";
Functions can also add properties like objects.
Construction of objects Generally we use constructors to construct objects, but if there is no constructor, we also have ways to construct the objects we want:
function creatPerson(__name, __sex, __age){
return {
name: __name,
sex: __sex,
age: __age,
get: function(__key){
var Bob = creatPerson("Bob", "male", 18);
Bob.get("name"); //Bob
Bob.get("sex"); //male
Bob.get("age"); //18
But this is not enough, I hope the method can be shared. For example, if I use this function to create a Tom object, the get function will be created again, which obviously wastes my memory.
Import shared resources Because we know that functions are also objects, we can put the methods or properties that need to be shared on him:
function creatPerson(__name, __sex, __age){
var common = arguments.callee.common ;
return {
//Their own attributes
name: __name,
sex: __sex,
age: __age,
//Their own methods
sayhi: function( ){alert("hi");},
//Shared methods
get: common.get,
getType: common.getType,
//Shared attributes
type: common.type
creatPerson.common = {
getType : function(){
type: "Person"
var Bob = creatPerson("Bob", "male ", 18);
Bob.get("name"); //Bob
Bob.get("sex"); //male
Bob.getType(); //Person
So we used a crappy method to successfully create an object with its own property methods and shared property methods. But in fact, this is how Javascript creates objects poorly.
In fact, the shared attribute is not really implemented, because this shared attribute is still just a copy. This is not a shared property we really want.
new keyword Same as the "Construction of Objects" above, the purpose of new is to create the object's own properties and methods. For example:
function Person(__name, __sex, __age){ = __name; = __sex;
this.age = __age;
this.get = function(__key){
var Bob = new Person("Bob", "male", 18);
Bob.get("name"); //Bob
Bob.get("sex"); //male
Bob.get("age"); //18
Prototype (Prototype) Javascript The author used a method similar to the "import shared resources" above. Since functions are also objects, then put the "things" that need to be shared on him:
function Person(__name, __sex, __age){ = __name; = __sex;
this.age = __age;
this.sayhi = function(__key){
Person.prototype = {
constructor: Person,
get: function( __key){
var Bob = new Person("Bob", "male", 18);
Bob .get("name"); //Bob
Bob.get("sex"); //male
alert(Bob.constructor); //function Person
Javascript’s model for creating objects is simple, new handles its own issues, and prototype handles sharing issues.
If Java’s object (instance) generation method is to throw raw materials into a mold (class) and smelt them; then Javascript’s object generation method is to give materials to a builder (constructor) and let him press the drawing Built.
Actual process Of course the actual process is not like this. The first thing to do when creating a new object is to process shared resources, for example:
function A(){
alert(this .type); //A
A.prototype.type = "A";
var a = new A();
By printing a through console.dir we can see:
type |
"A" |
__proto__ |
A {type = "A"} |
type |
"A" |
constructor |
A() |
After the constructor creates an object, it immediately assigns its prototype reference to the internal attribute __proto__ of the new object, and then runs the construction statement in the constructor.
does not override
function A( ){
this.type = "B"
A.prototype.type = "A";
var a = new A();
alert(a. type); //B
When we want to get a.type, the engine will first check whether there is an attribute type in the a object. If there is, it will return the attribute. If not, it will try to use __proto_ Find whether there is a type attribute in _, and if so, return the attribute.
__proto__ is not standard. For example, it is not available on IE, but there are similar internal properties on IE, but we cannot use it.
For this reason, we can still return a.type when we delete a.type:
function A(){
this.type = "B"
A.prototype.type = "A";
var a = new A();
alert(a.type); //B
delete a.type;
alert(a.type); //A
Are there any classes? Strictly speaking, Javascript does not have such a thing as a class.
But sometimes we use the name of the constructor as the "type (type not class) name" of the objects created by the constructor to facilitate communication when we use Javascript for object-oriented programming.
The name is just a code name, a tool for easy understanding.
References Design ideas of Javascript inheritance mechanism