Jun 13, 2016 am 10:46 AM
* 加水印类,支持文字、图片水印以及对透明度的设置、水印图片背景透明。
* @author litx date:2011-12-05下午3点于迈科龙快播研发中心
class WaterMask
* 水印类型
* @var int $waterType 0为文字水印 ;1为图片水印
private $waterType = 1;
* 水印位置 类型
* @var int $pos 默认为9(右下角)
private $pos = 9;
* 水印透明度
* @var int $transparent 水印透明度(值越小越透明)
private $transparent = 20;
* 如果是文字水印,则需要加的水印文字
* @var string $waterStr 默认值 (李铁雄个人作品集)
private $waterStr = '个人作品集';
* 文字字体大小
* @var int $fontSize 字体大小
private $fontSize = 14;
* 水印文字颜色(RGB)
* @var array $fontColor 水印文字颜色(RGB)
private $fontColor = array ( 255, 255, 255 );
* 字体文件
* @var unknown_type
private $fontFile = 'AHGBold.ttf';
* 水印图片
* @var string $waterImg
private $waterImg = 'logo.png';
* 需要添加水印的图片
* @var string $srcImg
private $srcImg = '';
* 图片句柄
* @var string $im
private $im = '';
* 水印图片句柄
* @var string $water_im
private $water_im = '';
* 图片信息
* @var array $srcImg_info
private $srcImg_info = '';
* 水印图片信息
* @var array $waterImg_info
private $waterImg_info = '';
* 水印文字宽度
* @var int $str_w
private $str_w = '';
* 水印文字高度
* @var int $str_h
private $str_h = '';
* 水印X坐标
* @var int $x
private $x = '';
* 水印y坐标
* @var int $y
private $y = '';
* 构造函数,通过传入需要加水印的源图片初始化源图片
* @param string $img 需要加水印的源图片
public function __construct ($img)
$this -> srcImg = $img ;
echo '源文件'.$img.'不存在,请检查看文件路径是否正确';
* 获取需要添加水印的图片的信息,并载入图片
public function imginfo ()
$this -> srcImg_info = getimagesize($this -> srcImg);
var_dump($this -> srcImg_info);exit();
switch ($this -> srcImg_info[2]) {
case 3 ://png
$this -> im = imagecreatefrompng($this -> srcImg);
break 1;
case 2 : // jpeg/jpg
$this -> im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this -> srcImg);
break 1;
case 1 : //gif
$this -> im = imagecreatefromgif($this -> srcImg);
break 1;
default :
echo '源图片文件'. $this -> srcImg .'格式不正确,目前本函数只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF图片水印功能';
* 获取水印图片的信息,并载入图片
private function waterimginfo ()
$this -> waterImg_info = getimagesize($this -> waterImg);
switch ($this -> waterImg_info[2]) {
case 3 :
$this -> water_im = imagecreatefrompng($this -> waterImg);
break 1;
case 2 :
$this -> water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this -> waterImg);
break 1;
case 1 :
$this -> water_im = imagecreatefromgif($this -> waterImg);
break 1;
default :
echo '源图片文件'. $this -> srcImg .'格式不正确,目前本函数只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF图片水印功能';
* 水印位置算法
private function waterpos ()
switch ($this -> pos) {
case 0 : //随机位置
$this -> x = rand(0, $this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0]);
$this -> y = rand(0, $this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1]);
break 1;
case 1 : //上左
$this -> x = 20;
$this -> y = 20;
break 1;
case 2 : //上中
$this -> x = ($this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0]) / 2;
$this -> y = 20;
break 1;
case 3 : //上右
$this -> x = $this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0];
$this -> y = 20;
break 1;
case 4 : //中左
$this -> x = 20;
$this -> y = ($this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1]) / 2;
break 1;
case 5 : //中中
$this -> x = ($this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0]) / 2;
$this -> y = ($this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1]) / 2;
break 1;
case 6 : //中右
$this -> x = $this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0] - 20;
$this -> y = ($this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1]) / 2;
break 1;
case 7 : //下左
$this -> x = 20;
$this -> y = $this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1] - 20;
break 1;
case 8 : //下中 www.2cto.com
$this -> x = ($this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0]) / 2;
$this -> y = $this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1] - 20;
break 1;
case 9 : //下右
$this -> x = $this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0] - 20;
$this -> y = $this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1] - 20;
break 1;
default : //下右
$this -> x = $this -> srcImg_info[0] - $this -> waterImg_info[0] - 20;
$this -> y = $this -> srcImg_info[1] - $this -> waterImg_info[1] - 20;
break 1;
* 加图片水印
private function waterimg ()
if ($this -> srcImg_info[0] waterImg_info[0] || $this -> srcImg_info[1] waterImg_info[1]) {
echo '图片尺寸太小,无法加水印,请上传一张大图片';
$cut = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> waterImg_info[0], $this -> waterImg_info[1]);
imagecopy($cut, $this -> im, 0, 0, $this -> x, $this -> y, $this -> waterImg_info[0],
$this -> waterImg_info[1]);
$pct = $this -> transparent;
imagecopy($cut, $this -> water_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this -> waterImg_info[0],
$this -> waterImg_info[1]);
imagecopymerge($this -> im, $cut, $this -> x, $this -> y, 0, 0, $this -> waterImg_info[0], $this -> waterImg_info[1], $pct);
* 加文字水印
private function waterstr ()
$rect = imagettfbbox($this -> fontSize, 0, $this -> fontFile, $this -> waterStr);
$w = abs($rect[2] - $rect[6]);
$h = abs($rect[3] - $rect[7]);
$fontHeight = $this -> fontSize;
$this -> water_im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
imagealphablending($this -> water_im, false);
imagesavealpha($this -> water_im, true);
$white_alpha = imagecolorallocatealpha($this -> water_im, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefill($this -> water_im, 0, 0, $white_alpha);
$color = imagecolorallocate($this -> water_im, $this -> fontColor[0], $this -> fontColor[1],
$this -> fontColor[2]);
imagettftext($this -> water_im, $this -> fontSize, 0, 0, $this -> fontSize, $color,
$this -> fontFile, $this -> waterStr);
$this -> waterImg_info = array (
0 => $w, 1 => $h
* 水印图片输出
public function output ()
if ($this -> waterType == 0) {
} else {
switch ($this -> srcImg_info[2]) {
case 3 :
imagepng($this -> im, $this -> srcImg);
break 1;
case 2 :
imagejpeg($this -> im, $this -> srcImg);
break 1;
case 1 :
imagegif($this -> im, $this -> srcImg);
break 1;
default :
imagedestroy($this -> im);
imagedestroy($this -> water_im);
$obj = new WaterMask('img/10451.jpg');
$obj->waterType = 0;
//水印透明度,值 越小透明度越高
$obj->transparent = 15;
//$obj->waterStr = '生日快乐';
//$obj->waterImg = '';//水印图片
$obj->fontSize = 14;
$obj->fontColor = array(255,255,100);
$obj->fontFile = 'STCAIYUN.ttf';
作者 ltx851201

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