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php 常用函数收藏(一)

Release: 2016-06-13 10:47:31
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  * 返回经addslashes处理过的字符串或数组
  * @param $string 需要处理的字符串或数组
  * @return mixed
 function new_addslashes($string){
     if(!is_array($string)) return addslashes($string);
     foreach($string as $key => $val) $string[$key] = new_addslashes($val);
     return $string;
  * 返回经stripslashes处理过的字符串或数组
  * @param $string 需要处理的字符串或数组
  * @return mixed
 function new_stripslashes($string) {
     if(!is_array($string)) return stripslashes($string);
     foreach($string as $key => $val) $string[$key] = new_stripslashes($val);
     return $string;
  * 返回经addslashe处理过的字符串或数组
  * @param $obj 需要处理的字符串或数组www.2cto.com
  * @return mixed
 function new_html_special_chars($string) {
     if(!is_array($string)) return htmlspecialchars($string);
     foreach($string as $key => $val) $string[$key] = new_html_special_chars($val);
     return $string;
  * 安全过滤函数
  * @param $string
  * @return string
 function safe_replace($string) {
     $string = str_replace('%20','',$string);
     $string = str_replace('%27','',$string);
     $string = str_replace('%2527','',$string);
     $string = str_replace('*','',$string);
     $string = str_replace('"','"',$string);
     $string = str_replace("'",'',$string);
     $string = str_replace('"','',$string);
     $string = str_replace(';','',$string);
     $string = str_replace('      $string = str_replace('>','>',$string);
     $string = str_replace("{",'',$string);
     $string = str_replace('}','',$string);
     return $string;
  * 过滤ASCII码从0-28的控制字符
  * @return String
 function trim_unsafe_control_chars($str) {
     $rule = '/[' . chr ( 1 ) . '-' . chr ( 8 ) . chr ( 11 ) . '-' . chr ( 12 ) . chr ( 14 ) . '-' . chr ( 31 ) . ']*/';
     return str_replace ( chr ( 0 ), '', preg_replace ( $rule, '', $str ) );
  * 格式化文本域内容
  * @param $string 文本域内容
  * @return string
 function trim_textarea($string) {
     $string = nl2br ( str_replace ( ' ', ' ', $string ) );
     return $string;
  * 将文本格式成适合js输出的字符串
  * @param string $string 需要处理的字符串
  * @param intval $isjs 是否执行字符串格式化,默认为执行
  * @return string 处理后的字符串
 function format_js($string, $isjs = 1)
     $string = addslashes(str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ''), $string));
     return $isjs ? 'document.write("'.$string.'");' : $string;
  * 转义javascript 代码标记
  * @param $str
  * @return mixed
 function trim_script($str) {
     $str = preg_replace ( '/\]*?)\>/si', '', $str );
     $str = preg_replace ( '/\]*?)\>/si', '', $str );
     $str = preg_replace ( '/\]*?)\>/si', '', $str );
     $str = preg_replace ( '/]]\>/si', ']] >', $str );
     return $str;
  * 获取当前页面完整URL地址
 function get_url() {
     $sys_protocal = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
     $php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? safe_replace($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) : safe_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
     $path_info = isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? safe_replace($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) : '';
     $relate_url = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? safe_replace($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : $php_self.(isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?'.safe_replace($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : $path_info);
     return $sys_protocal.(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '').$relate_url;
  * 字符截取 支持UTF8/GBK
  * @param $string
  * @param $length
  * @param $dot
 function str_cut($string, $length, $dot = '...') {
     $strlen = strlen($string);
     if($strlen      $string = str_replace(array(' ',' ', '&', '"', ''', '“', '”', '—', '', '·', '…'), array('∵',' ', '&', '"', "'", '“', '”', '—', '', '·', '…'), $string);
     $strcut = '';
     if(strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8') {
         $length = intval($length-strlen($dot)-$length/3);
         $n = $tn = $noc = 0;
         while($n              $t = ord($string[$n]);
             if($t == 9 || $t == 10 || (32                  $tn = 1; $n++; $noc++;
             } elseif(194                  $tn = 2; $n += 2; $noc += 2;
             } elseif(224                  $tn = 3; $n += 3; $noc += 2;
             } elseif(240                  $tn = 4; $n += 4; $noc += 2;
             } elseif(248                  $tn = 5; $n += 5; $noc += 2;
             } elseif($t == 252 || $t == 253) {
                 $tn = 6; $n += 6; $noc += 2;
             } else {
             if($noc >= $length) {
         if($noc > $length) {
             $n -= $tn;
         $strcut = substr($string, 0, $n);
         $strcut = str_replace(array('∵', '&', '"', "'", '“', '”', '—', '', '·', '…'), array(' ', '&', '"', ''', '“', '”', '—', '', '·', '…'), $strcut);
     } else {
         $dotlen = strlen($dot);
         $maxi = $length - $dotlen - 1;
         $current_str = '';
         $search_arr = array('&',' ', '"', "'", '“', '”', '—', '', '·', '…','∵');
         $replace_arr = array('&',' ', '"', ''', '“', '”', '—', '', '·', '…',' ');
         $search_flip = array_flip($search_arr);
         for ($i = 0; $i              $current_str = ord($string[$i]) > 127 ? $string[$i].$string[++$i] : $string[$i];
             if (in_array($current_str, $search_arr)) {
                 $key = $search_flip[$current_str];
                 $current_str = str_replace($search_arr[$key], $replace_arr[$key], $current_str);
             $strcut .= $current_str;
     return $strcut.$dot;
  * 获取请求ip
  * @return ip地址
 function ip() {
     if(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP') && strcasecmp(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'), 'unknown')) {
         $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
     } elseif(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') && strcasecmp(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'), 'unknown')) {
         $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
     } elseif(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') && strcasecmp(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'unknown')) {
         $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
     } elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'unknown')) {
         $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     return preg_match ( '/[\d\.]{7,15}/', $ip, $matches ) ? $matches [0] : '';
 function get_cost_time() {
     $microtime = microtime ( TRUE );
     return $microtime - SYS_START_TIME;
  * 程序执行时间
  * @return  int 单位ms
 function execute_time() {
     $stime = explode ( ' ', SYS_START_TIME );
     $etime = explode ( ' ', microtime () );
     return number_format ( ($etime [1] + $etime [0] - $stime [1] - $stime [0]), 6 );
 * 产生随机字符串
 * @param    int        $length  输出长度
 * @param    string     $chars   可选的 ,默认为0123456789
 * @return   string     字符串
 function random($length, $chars = '0123456789') {
     $hash = '';
     $max = strlen($chars) - 1;
     for($i = 0; $i          $hash .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)];
     return $hash;
 * 将字符串转换为数组
 * @param    string  $data   字符串
 * @return   array   返回数组格式,如果,data为空,则返回空数组
 function string2array($data) {
     if($data == '') return array();
     eval("\$array = $data;");
     return $array;
 * 将数组转换为字符串
 * @param    array   $data       数组
 * @param    bool    $isformdata 如果为0,则不使用new_stripslashes处理,可选参数,默认为1
 * @return   string  返回字符串,如果,data为空,则返回空
 function array2string($data, $isformdata = 1) {
     if($data == '') return '';
     if($isformdata) $data = new_stripslashes($data);
     return addslashes(var_export($data, TRUE));
 * 转换字节数为其他单位
 * @param    string  $filesize   字节大小
 * @return   string  返回大小
 function sizecount($filesize) {
     if ($filesize >= 1073741824) {
         $filesize = round($filesize / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 .' GB';
     } elseif ($filesize >= 1048576) {
         $filesize = round($filesize / 1048576 * 100) / 100 .' MB';
     } elseif($filesize >= 1024) {
         $filesize = round($filesize / 1024 * 100) / 100 . ' KB';
     } else {
         $filesize = $filesize.' Bytes';
     return $filesize;
 * 字符串加密、解密函数
 * @param    string  $txt        字符串
 * @param    string  $operation  ENCODE为加密,DECODE为解密,可选参数,默认为ENCODE,
 * @param    string  $key        密钥:数字、字母、下划线
 * @return   string
 function sys_auth($txt, $operation = 'ENCODE', $key = '') {
     $key    = $key ? $key : pc_base::load_config('system', 'auth_key');
     $txt    = $operation == 'ENCODE' ? (string)$txt : base64_decode($txt);
     $len    = strlen($key);
     $code   = '';
     for($i=0; $i          $k      = $i % $len;
         $code  .= $txt[$i] ^ $key[$k];
     $code = $operation == 'DECODE' ? $code : base64_encode($code);
     return $code;
 * 语言文件处理
 * @param    string      $language   标示符
 * @param    array       $pars   转义的数组,二维数组,'key1'=>'value1','key2'=>'value2',
 * @param    string      $modules 多个模块之间用半角逗号隔开,如:member,guestbook
 * @return   string      语言字符
 function L($language = 'no_language',$pars = array(), $modules = '') {
     static $LANG = array();
     static $LANG_MODULES = array();
     static $lang = '';
     if(defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
         $lang = SYS_STYLE ? SYS_STYLE : 'zh-cn';
     } else {
         $lang = pc_base::load_config('system','lang');
     if(!$LANG) {
         require_once PC_PATH.'languages'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lang.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'system.lang.php';
         if(defined('IN_ADMIN')) require_once PC_PATH.'languages'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lang.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'system_menu.lang.php';
         if(file_exists(PC_PATH.'languages'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lang.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.ROUTE_M.'.lang.php')) require PC_PATH.'languages'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lang.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.ROUTE_M.'.lang.php';
     if(!emptyempty($modules)) {
         $modules = explode(',',$modules);
         foreach($modules AS $m) {
             if(!isset($LANG_MODULES[$m])) require PC_PATH.'languages'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lang.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$m.'.lang.php';
     if(!array_key_exists($language,$LANG)) {
         return $LANG['no_language'].'['.$language.']';
     } else {
         $language = $LANG[$language];
         if($pars) {
             foreach($pars AS $_k=>$_v) {
                 $language = str_replace('{'.$_k.'}',$_v,$language);
         return $language;
  * 模板调用
  * @param $module
  * @param $template
  * @param $istag
  * @return unknown_type
 function template($module = 'content', $template = 'index', $style = '') {
     if(strpos($module, 'plugin/')!== false) {
         $plugin = str_replace('plugin/', '', $module);
         return p_template($plugin, $template,$style);
     $module = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $module);
     if(!emptyempty($style) && preg_match('/([a-z0-9\-_]+)/is',$style)) {
     } elseif (emptyempty($style) && !defined('STYLE')) {
         if(defined('SITEID')) {
             $siteid = SITEID;
         } else {
             $siteid = param::get_cookie('siteid');
         if (!$siteid) $siteid = 1;
         $sitelist = getcache('sitelist','commons');
         if(!emptyempty($siteid)) {
             $style = $sitelist[$siteid]['default_style'];
     } elseif (emptyempty($style) && defined('STYLE')) {
         $style = STYLE;
     } else {
         $style = 'default';
     if(!$style) $style = 'default';
     $template_cache = pc_base::load_sys_class('template_cache');
     $compiledtplfile = PHPCMS_PATH.'caches'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.php';
     if(file_exists(PC_PATH.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.html')) {
         if(!file_exists($compiledtplfile) || (@filemtime(PC_PATH.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.html') > @filemtime($compiledtplfile))) {    
             $template_cache->template_compile($module, $template, $style);
     } else {
         $compiledtplfile = PHPCMS_PATH.'caches'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'default'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.php';
         if(!file_exists($compiledtplfile) || (file_exists(PC_PATH.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'default'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.html') && filemtime(PC_PATH.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'default'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.html') > filemtime($compiledtplfile))) {
             $template_cache->template_compile($module, $template, 'default');
         } elseif (!file_exists(PC_PATH.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'default'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.html')) {
             showmessage('Template does not exist.'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.html');
     return $compiledtplfile;
  * 输出自定义错误
  * @param $errno 错误号
  * @param $errstr 错误描述
  * @param $errfile 报错文件地址
  * @param $errline 错误行号
  * @return string 错误提示
 function my_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
     if($errno==8) return '';
     $errfile = str_replace(PHPCMS_PATH,'',$errfile);
     if(pc_base::load_config('system','errorlog')) {
         error_log(''.date('m-d H:i:s',SYS_TIME).' | '.$errno.' | '.str_pad($errstr,30).' | '.$errfile.' | '.$errline."\r\n", 3, CACHE_PATH.'error_log.php');
     } else {
         $str = '

errorno:' . $errno . ',str:' . $errstr . ',file:' . $errfile . ',line' . $errline .'
Need Help?
         echo $str;
  * 提示信息页面跳转,跳转地址如果传入数组,页面会提示多个地址供用户选择,默认跳转地址为数组的第一个值,时间为5秒。
  * showmessage('登录成功', array('默认跳转地址'=>'http://www.phpcms.cn'));
  * @param string $msg 提示信息
  * @param mixed(string/array) $url_forward 跳转地址
  * @param int $ms 跳转等待时间
 function showmessage($msg, $url_forward = 'goback', $ms = 1250, $dialog = '', $returnjs = '') {
     if(defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
         include(admin::admin_tpl('showmessage', 'admin'));
     } else {
         include(template('content', 'message'));
  * 查询字符是否存在于某字符串
  * @param $haystack 字符串
  * @param $needle 要查找的字符
  * @return bool
 function str_exists($haystack, $needle)
     return !(strpos($haystack, $needle) === FALSE);
  * 取得文件扩展
  * @param $filename 文件名
  * @return 扩展名
 function fileext($filename) {
     return strtolower(trim(substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1, 10)));
  * 加载模板标签缓存
  * @param string $name 缓存名
  * @param integer $times 缓存时间
 function tpl_cache($name,$times = 0) {
     $filepath = 'tpl_data';
     $info = getcacheinfo($name, $filepath);
     if (SYS_TIME - $info['filemtime'] >= $times) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return getcache($name,$filepath);
  * 写入缓存,默认为文件缓存,不加载缓存配置。
  * @param $name 缓存名称
  * @param $data 缓存数据
  * @param $filepath 数据路径(模块名称)caches/cache_$filepath/
  * @param $type 缓存类型[file,memcache,apc]
  * @param $config 配置名称
  * @param $timeout 过期时间
 function setcache($name, $data, $filepath='', $type='file', $config='', $timeout=0) {
     if($config) {
         $cacheconfig = pc_base::load_config('cache');
         $cache = cache_factory::get_instance($cacheconfig)->get_cache($config);
     } else {
         $cache = cache_factory::get_instance()->get_cache($type);
     return $cache->set($name, $data, $timeout, '', $filepath);
  * 读取缓存,默认为文件缓存,不加载缓存配置。
  * @param string $name 缓存名称
  * @param $filepath 数据路径(模块名称)caches/cache_$filepath/
  * @param string $config 配置名称
 function getcache($name, $filepath='', $type='file', $config='') {
     if($config) {
         $cacheconfig = pc_base::load_config('cache');
         $cache = cache_factory::get_instance($cacheconfig)->get_cache($config);
     } else {
         $cache = cache_factory::get_instance()->get_cache($type);
     return $cache->get($name, '', '', $filepath);
  * 删除缓存,默认为文件缓存,不加载缓存配置。
  * @param $name 缓存名称
  * @param $filepath 数据路径(模块名称)caches/cache_$filepath/
  * @param $type 缓存类型[file,memcache,apc]
  * @param $config 配置名称
 function delcache($name, $filepath='', $type='file', $config='') {
     if($config) {
         $cacheconfig = pc_base::load_config('cache');
         $cache = cache_factory::get_instance($cacheconfig)->get_cache($config);
     } else {
         $cache = cache_factory::get_instance()->get_cache($type);
     return $cache->delete($name, '', '', $filepath);
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