Home > php教程 > php手册 > 模拟新浪微博自动登陆


Release: 2016-06-13 10:52:40
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 * 功能: 模拟新浪微博登陆
 * 用途: 模拟用户登陆, 以便进行后续操作, 比如自动化的控制自己的新浪app刷新某些数据
 * 注意事项: 
 *  1. 需要安装nodejs
 *  2. 需要下载新浪的加密js文件, 请到新浪登陆页查看网络请求自己下载最新版本(我当时用的: http://js.t.sinajs.cn/t35/miniblog/static/js/sso.js?version=e482ef2bbdaa8bc2)
 *  3. 对新浪加密js文件进行修改, 以便让nodejs可以运行它
 *      1) 在文件前面增加下面内容
var window  = {
    location    : {
        hash        : '', 
        host        : 'weibo.com', 
        hostname    : 'weibo.com', 
        href        : 'http://weibo.com/', 
        pathname    : '/', 
        port        : '', 
        protocol    : 'http:', 
        search      : ''
    navigator   : {
        appCodeName     : 'Mozilla', 
        appName         : 'Netscape', 
        appVersion      : '5.0 (Macintosh)', 
        buildID         : '20120713134347', 
        cookieEnabled   : true, 
        doNotTrack      : 'unspecified', 
        language        : 'en-US'
var location    = window.location;
var navigator   = window.navigator;
 *      2) 在文件后面增加下面内容
var argv    = process.argv.splice(2);
var pubkey      = argv[0],
    servertime  = argv[1],
    nonce       = argv[2],
    password    = argv[3];
var RSAKey = new sinaSSOEncoder.RSAKey();
RSAKey.setPublic(pubkey, '10001');
password = RSAKey.encrypt([servertime, nonce].join("\t") + "\n" + password); 
 *  4. 修改encode_password函数中的nodejs程序路径和修改后的新浪js文件路径
 *  5. 修改用户名密码
 * author: selfimpr
 * blog: http://blog.csdn.net/lgg201
 * mail: lgg860911@yahoo.com.cn
define('REQUEST_METHOD_GET',                'GET'); 
define('REQUEST_METHOD_POST',               'POST'); 
define('REQUEST_METHOD_HEAD',               'HEAD'); 
define('COOKIE_FILE',                       '/tmp/sina.login.cookie'); 
function curl_switch_method($curl, $method) { 
    switch ( $method) { 
        case REQUEST_METHOD_POST: 
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); 
        case REQUEST_METHOD_HEAD: 
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE); 
        case REQUEST_METHOD_GET: 
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, TRUE); 

function curl_set_headers($curl, $headers) { 
    if ( emptyempty($headers) ) return ; 
    if ( is_string($headers) )  
        $headers    = explode("\r\n", $headers); 
    foreach ( $headers as &$header )  
        if ( is_array($header) )  
            $header = sprintf('%s: %s', $header[0], $header[1]); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); 

function curl_set_datas($curl, $datas) { 
    if ( emptyempty($datas) ) return ; 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $datas); 

function curl_request($url, $method = REQUEST_METHOD_GET, $datas = NULL, $headers = NULL) { 
    static  $curl; 
    if ( !$curl ) 
        $curl   = curl_init(); 
    curl_switch_method($curl, $method); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,                     $url); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,          TRUE); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,          TRUE); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER,             TRUE); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,               COOKIE_FILE); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION,           TRUE); 
    if ( $datas )  
        curl_set_datas($curl, $datas); 
    if ( $headers)  
        curl_set_headers($curl, $headers); 
    $response   = curl_exec($curl); 
    if ( $errno = curl_errno($curl) ) { 
        error_log(sprintf("%10d\t%s\n", $errno, curl_error($curl)), 3, 'php://stderr'); 
        return FALSE; 
    return $response; 

function get_js_timestamp() { 
    return time() * 1000 + rand(0, 999); 

function http_build_query_no_encode($datas) { 
    $r  = array(); 
    foreach ( $datas as $k => $v )  
        $r[]    = $k . '=' . $v; 
    return implode('&', $r); 

function makeUrl($url, $info, $encode = TRUE) { 
    if ( !is_array($info) || emptyempty($info) ) return $url; 
    $components = parse_url($url); 
    if ( array_key_exists('query', $components) )  
        $query  = parse_str($components['query']); 
        $query  = array(); 
    if ( is_string($info) ) $info = parse_str($info); 
    $query      = array_merge($query, $info); 
    $query      = $encode 
                ? http_build_query($query) 
                : http_build_query_no_encode($query); 
    $components['scheme']   = array_key_exists('scheme', $components) 
                            ? $components['scheme'] . '://' 
                            : ''; 
    $components['user']     = array_key_exists('user', $components) 
                            ? $components['user'] . ':' . $components[HTTP_URL_PASS] . '@' 
                            : ''; 
    $components['host']     = array_key_exists('host', $components) 
                            ? $components['host'] 
                            : ''; 
    $components['port']     = array_key_exists('port', $components) 
                            ? ':' . $components['port'] 
                            : ''; 
    $components['path']     = array_key_exists('path', $components) 
                            ? '/' . ltrim($components['path'], '/') 
                            : ''; 
    $components['query']    = $query  
                            ? '?' . $query 
                            : ''; 
    $components['fragment'] = array_key_exists('fragment', $components) 
                            ? '#' . $components['fragment'] 
                            : ''; 
    return sprintf('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s', $components['scheme'], $components['user'], $components['host'],  
                                $components['port'], $components['path'],  
                                $components['query'], $components['fragment']); 

function encode_username($username) { 
    return base64_encode(urlencode($username)); 

function encode_password($pub_key, $password, $servertime, $nonce) { 
    $response   = `/usr/local/node.js-0.8.8/bin/node sina.js "$pub_key" "$servertime" "$nonce" "$password"`; 
    return substr($response, 0, strlen($response) - 1); 

function main_page() { 
    return curl_request('weibo.com'); 

function prepare_login_info() { 
    $time   = get_js_timestamp(); 
    $url    = makeUrl('http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/prelogin.php', array( 
        'entry'     => 'sso',  
        'callback'  => 'sinaSSOController.preloginCallBack',  
        'su'        => encode_username('undefined'),  
        'rsakt'     => 'mod',  
        'client'    => 'ssologin.js(v1.4.2)',  
        '_'         => $time,  
    ), FALSE); 
    $response   = curl_request($url); 
    $length     = strlen($response); 
    $left       = 0; 
    $right      = $length - 1; 
    while ( $left         if ( $response[$left] == '{' ) break; 
        else $left ++; 
    while ( $right > 0 ) 
        if ( $response[$right] == '}' ) break; 
        else $right --; 
    $response   = substr($response, $left, $right - $left + 1); 
    return array_merge(json_decode($response, TRUE), array( 
        'preloginTime'  => max(get_js_timestamp() - $time, 100),  

function login($info, $username, $password) { 
    $feedbackurl    = makeUrl('http://weibo.com/ajaxlogin.php', array( 
        'framelogin'        => 1,  
        'callback'          => 'parent.sinaSSOController.feedBackUrlCallBack',  
    $datas  = array( 
        'encoding'          => 'UTF-8',  
        'entry'             => 'weibo',  
        'from'              => '',  
        'gateway'           => 1,  
        'nonce'             => $info['nonce'],  
        'prelt'             => $info['preloginTime'],  
        'pwencode'          => 'rsa2',  
        'returntype'        => 'META',  
        'rsakv'             => $info['rsakv'],  
        'savestate'         => 7,  
        'servertime'        => $info['servertime'],  
        'service'           => 'miniblog',  
        'sp'                => encode_password($info['pubkey'], $password, $info['servertime'], $info['nonce']),  
        'ssosimplelogin'    => 1,  
        'su'                => encode_username($username),  
        'url'               => $feedbackurl,  
        'useticket'         => 1,  
        'vsnf'              => 1,  
    $url    = makeUrl('http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/login.php', array( 
        'client'    => 'ssologin.js(v1.4.2)',  
    ), FALSE); 
    $response   = curl_request($url, REQUEST_METHOD_POST, $datas); 
    $sign       = 'location.replace(\''; 
    $response   = substr($response, strpos($response, $sign) + strlen($sign)); 
    $location   = substr($response, 0, strpos($response, '\'')); 
    $response   = curl_request($location); 
    $length     = strlen($response); 
    $left       = 0; 
    $right      = $length - 1; 
    while ( $left         if ( $response[$left] == '{' ) break; 
        else $left ++; 
    while ( $right > 0 ) 
        if ( $response[$right] == '}' ) break; 
        else $right --; 
    $response   = substr($response, $left, $right - $left + 1); 
    return json_decode($response, true); 

$info   = prepare_login_info(); 
$info   = login($info, '用户名', '密码'); 
echo curl_request('http://weibo.com/u/' . $info['userinfo']['uniqueid'] . $info['userinfo']['userdomain']); 

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