var chunker = /((?:(((?:([^()] )|[^()] ) )|[(?:[[^[]]*]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[]'"] ) ]|\. |[^ > ~,([\] ) |[> ~])(s*,s*)?((?:.|r|n)*)/g,
This is It is the longest regular rule in Jq. I have been studying it for a long time and I have always been confused. I feel that it is easier to understand through debugging and then analyzing the values step by step.
I tried to make the graph more intuitive, so as to The different colors are distinguished, as shown below:

Group 1 is split into an array one by one through the following code:
// The function of the loop here is to split each selector into the parts array, such as div#id>p ul li Split into ['div#id','>','p','ul','li']
while ( (chunker.exec(""), m = chunker.exec(soFar)) !== null ) {
// soFar stores the selector string after filtering the first layer, which is the group three on the picture
soFar = m[3];
//select The first part of the container block is pushed into the array
parts.push( m[1] );
// If split to the comma ',', the previous group ends, jumps out of the loop, and goes to another group of selections
if ( m[2] ) {
// Record another set of selectors
extra = m[3];
Others such as ID, class, etc. are easy to understand
match: {
// u00c0-uFFFF matches the alphabetical text of multiple countries or families
ID: /#((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.) ) /, //For example: #myId
CLASS: /.((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.) )/, //For example: .myClass
NAME: /[name=['" ]*((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.) )['"]*]/, //For example: [name="myName"]
ATTR: /[s*((?:[ wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.) )s*(?:(S?=)s*(['"]*)(.*?)3|)s*]/, //For example: [attribute=" value"]
TAG: /^((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF*-]|\.) )/, //For example: div p a
CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first) -child(?:((even|odd|[dn -]*)))?/, //For example: :first-child or :nth-child(5n 1)
POS: /:(nth|eq |gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:((d*)))?(?=[^-]|$)/, //For example: :nth(3) span
PSEUDO : /:((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.) )(?:((['"]?)((?:([^)] )|[^()]*) )2) )?/ // :jlkjkjl('kl(kklk)kl')
To be continued...