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最后使用了 网上开源的 mysql类

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------  
// |MySQL操作类  
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------  
// |@微凉 QQ:496928838  
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------  
class MySQL{ 
    private $db_mysql_hostname; 
    private $db_mysql_username; 
    private $db_mysql_password; 
    private $db_mysql_database; 
    private $db_mysql_port; 
    private $db_mysql_charset; 
    private $query_list = array(); 
    public $query_count = 0; 
    public $query_start_time; 
    protected $queryID; 
    protected $conn; 
    // 事务指令数  
    protected $transTimes = 0; 
    // 返回或者影响记录数  
    protected $numRows    = 0; 
    // 错误信息  
    protected $error      = ''; 
    public function __construct($hostname_or_conf,$username,$password,$database,$port = '3306',$char = 'utf8'){ 
            $this->db_mysql_hostname = $hostname_or_conf['hostname']; 
            $this->db_mysql_username = $hostname_or_conf['username']; 
            $this->db_mysql_password = $hostname_or_conf['password']; 
            $this->db_mysql_database = $hostname_or_conf['database']; 
            $this->db_mysql_port = isset($hostname_or_conf['port'])?$hostname_or_conf['port']:'3306'; 
            $this->db_mysql_charset = isset($hostname_or_conf['charset'])?$hostname_or_conf['charset']:'utf8'; 
             $this->db_mysql_hostname = $hostname_or_conf; 
             $this->db_mysql_username = $username; 
             $this->db_mysql_password = $password; 
             $this->db_mysql_database = $database; 
             $this->db_mysql_port = $port; 
             $this->db_mysql_charset = $char; 
            die('configuration error.'); 
    private function connect(){ 
        $server = $this->db_mysql_hostname.':'.$this->db_mysql_port; 
        $this->conn = mysql_connect($server,$this->db_mysql_username,$this->db_mysql_password,true) or die('Connect MySQL DB error!'); 
        mysql_select_db($this->db_mysql_database,$this->conn) or die('select db error!'); 
        mysql_query("set names " . $this->db_mysql_charset, $this->conn); 
     * 设置数据对象值
     * @access public
    public function table($table){ 
        $this->query_list['table'] = $table; 
        return $this; 
    public function where($where){ 
        $this->query_list['where'] = $where; 
        return $this; 
    public function order($order){ 
        $this->query_list['order'] = $order; 
        return $this; 
    public function limit($offset,$length){ 
            $length = $offset; 
            $offset = 0; 
        $this->query_list['limit'] = 'limit '.$offset.','.$length; 
        return $this; 
    public function data($data){ 
            $data   =   get_object_vars($data);
        }elseif (is_string($data)){
        $this->query_list['data'] = $data; 
        return $this; 
    public function field($fields){ 
        $this->query_list['fields'] = $fields; 
        return $this; 
    public function join($join){ 
        $this->query_list['join'] = $join; 
        return $this; 
    public function group($group){ 
        $this->query_list['group'] = $group; 
        return $this; 
    public function having($having){ 
        $this->query_list['having'] = $having; 
        return $this; 
     * 查询
     * @access public
     * @param 
    public function select(){ 
        $select_sql = 'select '; 
        $fields = isset($this->query_list['fields'])?$this->query_list['fields']:'*'; 
        $select_sql.= ' from `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` '; 
        isset($this->query_list['where'])?($select_sql.=' where '.$this->query_list['where']):''; 
        isset($this->query_list['group'])?($select_sql.=' group by'.$this->query_list['group']):''; 
        isset($this->query_list['having'])?($select_sql.=' mysql having '.$this->query_list['having']):''; 
        isset($this->query_list['order'])?($select_sql.=' order by '.$this->query_list['order']):''; 
        isset($this->query_list['limit'])?($select_sql.=' '.$this->query_list['limit']):''; 
        return $this->query($select_sql); 
     * 增加
     * @access public
     * @param 
    public function add(){ 
        $add_sql = 'insert into `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` ('; 
        $data = $this->query_list['data']; 
        $value = $field = ''; 
        foreach($data as $k=>$v){ 
            $field .= '`'.$k.'`,'; 
                $value .= $v.','; 
                $value .= '\''.$v.'\','; 
        $add_sql .= rtrim($field,',').') values ('.rtrim($value,',').')'; 
        return $this->execute($add_sql); 
     * 删除
     * @access public
     * @param 
    public function delete(){ 
        $del_sql = 'delete from `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` where '.$this->query_list['where']; 
            $del_sql .= 'order by '.$this->query_list['order']; 
            $del_sql .= ' '.$this->query_list['limit']; 
        return $this->execute($del_sql); 
     * 更新
     * @access public
     * @param 
    public function update(){ 
        $update_sql = 'update `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` set '; 
        $data = $this->query_list['data']; 
        foreach($data as $k=>$v){ 
                $update_sql .= '`'.$k.'` ='.$v.','; 
                $update_sql .= '`'.$k.'` =\''.$v.'\','; 
        $update_sql = rtrim($update_sql,','); 
            $update_sql .= ' where '.$this->query_list['where']; 
            $update_sql .= ' order by '.$this->query_list['order']; 
            $update_sql .= ' '.$this->query_list['limit']; 
        return $this->execute($update_sql); 
     * 执行查询 返回数据集
     * @access public
     * @param string $sql  sql指令
    public function query($sql) { 
        if ( !$this->conn ) return false; 
        $this->queryStr = $sql; 
        if ( $this->queryID ) {    $this->free();    } 
        $this->query_start_time = microtime(true); 
        $this->queryID = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); 
        if ( false === $this->queryID ) { 
            return false; 
        } else { 
            $this->numRows = mysql_num_rows($this->queryID); 
            return $this->getAll(); 
     * 执行语句
     * @access public
     * @param string $sql  sql指令
    public function execute($sql) { 
        if ( !$this->conn ) return false; 
        $this->queryStr = $sql; 
        if ( $this->queryID ) {    $this->free();    } 
        $this->query_start_time = microtime(true); 
        $result =   mysql_query($sql, $this->conn) ; 
        if ( false === $result) { 
            return false; 
        } else { 
            $this->numRows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); 
            return $this->numRows; 
     * 获得所有的查询数据
     * @access private
     * @return array
    private function getAll() { 
        $result = array(); 
        if($this->numRows >0) { 
            while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->queryID)){ 
                $result[]   =   $row; 
        return $result; 
     * 取得数据表的字段信息
     * @access public
    public function getFields($tableName) { 
        $result =   $this->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.$tableName.'`'); 
        $info   =   array(); 
        if($result) { 
            foreach ($result as $key => $val) { 
                $info[$val['Field']] = array( 
                    'name'    => $val['Field'], 
                    'type'    => $val['Type'], 
                    'notnull' => (bool) ($val['Null'] === ''), // not null is empty, null is yes  
                    'default' => $val['Default'], 
                    'primary' => (strtolower($val['Key']) == 'pri'), 
                    'autoinc' => (strtolower($val['Extra']) == 'auto_increment'), 
        return $info; 
     * 取得数据库的表信息
     * @access public
    public function getTables($dbName='') { 
        if(!empty($dbName)) { 
           $sql    = 'SHOW TABLES FROM '.$dbName; 
           $sql    = 'SHOW TABLES '; 
        $result =   $this->query($sql); 
        $info   =   array(); 
        foreach ($result as $key => $val) { 
            $info[$key] = current($val); 
        return $info; 
     * 最后次操作的ID
     * @access public
     * @param 
     public function last_insert_id(){ 
        return mysql_insert_id($this->conn); 
     * 执行一条带有结果集计数的
    public function count($sql){ 
        return $this->execute($sql); 
     * 启动事务
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function startTrans() { 
        if ($this->transTimes == 0) { 
            mysql_query('START TRANSACTION', $this->conn); 
        return ; 
     * 提交事务
     * @access public
     * @return boolen
    public function commit() 
        if ($this->transTimes > 0) { 
            $result = mysql_query('COMMIT', $this->conn); 
            $this->transTimes = 0; 
                throw new Exception($this->error()); 
        return true; 
     * 事务回滚
     * @access public
     * @return boolen
    public function rollback() 
        if ($this->transTimes > 0) { 
            $result = mysql_query('ROLLBACK', $this->conn); 
            $this->transTimes = 0; 
                throw new Exception($this->error()); 
        return true; 
     * 错误信息
     * @access public
     * @param 
     public function error() { 
        $this->error = mysql_error($this->conn); 
        if('' != $this->queryStr){ 
            $this->error .= "\n [ SQL语句 ] : ".$this->queryStr; 
        return $this->error; 
     * 释放查询结果
     * @access public
    public function free() { 
        $this->queryID = 0; 
        $this->query_list = null; 
     * 关闭连接
     * @access public
     * @param 
    function close(){ 
        if ($this->conn && !mysql_close($this->conn)){ 
            throw new Exception($this->error()); 
        $this->conn = 0; 
        $this->query_count = 0; 
     * 析构方法
     * @access public
    function __destruct(){ 

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// |MySQL操作类
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// |@微凉 QQ:496928838
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
class MySQL{
 private $db_mysql_hostname;
 private $db_mysql_username;
 private $db_mysql_password;
 private $db_mysql_database;
 private $db_mysql_port;
 private $db_mysql_charset;
 private $query_list = array();
 public $query_count = 0;
 public $query_start_time;
 protected $queryID;
 protected $conn;
 // 事务指令数
 protected $transTimes = 0;
 // 返回或者影响记录数
    protected $numRows    = 0;
    // 错误信息
    protected $error      = '';
 public function __construct($hostname_or_conf,$username,$password,$database,$port = '3306',$char = 'utf8'){
   $this->db_mysql_hostname = $hostname_or_conf['hostname'];
   $this->db_mysql_username = $hostname_or_conf['username'];
   $this->db_mysql_password = $hostname_or_conf['password'];
   $this->db_mysql_database = $hostname_or_conf['database'];
   $this->db_mysql_port = isset($hostname_or_conf['port'])?$hostname_or_conf['port']:'3306';
   $this->db_mysql_charset = isset($hostname_or_conf['charset'])?$hostname_or_conf['charset']:'utf8';
    $this->db_mysql_hostname = $hostname_or_conf;
      $this->db_mysql_username = $username;
      $this->db_mysql_password = $password;
     $this->db_mysql_database = $database;
    $this->db_mysql_port = $port;
    $this->db_mysql_charset = $char;
   die('configuration error.');
 private function connect(){
  $server = $this->db_mysql_hostname.':'.$this->db_mysql_port;
  $this->conn = mysql_connect($server,$this->db_mysql_username,$this->db_mysql_password,true) or die('Connect MySQL DB error!');
  mysql_select_db($this->db_mysql_database,$this->conn) or die('select db error!');
  mysql_query("set names " . $this->db_mysql_charset, $this->conn);
     * 设置数据对象值
     * @access public
 public function table($table){
  $this->query_list['table'] = $table;
  return $this;
 public function where($where){
  $this->query_list['where'] = $where;
  return $this;
 public function order($order){
  $this->query_list['order'] = $order;
  return $this;
 public function limit($offset,$length){
   $length = $offset;
   $offset = 0;
  $this->query_list['limit'] = 'limit '.$offset.','.$length;
  return $this;
 public function data($data){
   $data   =   get_object_vars($data);
  }elseif (is_string($data)){
  $this->query_list['data'] = $data;
  return $this;
 public function field($fields){
  $this->query_list['fields'] = $fields;
  return $this;
 public function join($join){
  $this->query_list['join'] = $join;
  return $this;
 public function group($group){
  $this->query_list['group'] = $group;
  return $this;
 public function having($having){
  $this->query_list['having'] = $having;
  return $this;
     * 查询
     * @access public
     * @param
 public function select(){
  $select_sql = 'select ';
  $fields = isset($this->query_list['fields'])?$this->query_list['fields']:'*';
  $select_sql.= ' from `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` ';
  isset($this->query_list['where'])?($select_sql.=' where '.$this->query_list['where']):'';
  isset($this->query_list['group'])?($select_sql.=' group by'.$this->query_list['group']):'';
  isset($this->query_list['having'])?($select_sql.=' mysql having '.$this->query_list['having']):'';
  isset($this->query_list['order'])?($select_sql.=' order by '.$this->query_list['order']):'';
  isset($this->query_list['limit'])?($select_sql.=' '.$this->query_list['limit']):'';
  return $this->query($select_sql);
     * 增加
     * @access public
     * @param
 public function add(){
  $add_sql = 'insert into `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` (';
  $data = $this->query_list['data'];
  $value = $field = '';
  foreach($data as $k=>$v){
   $field .= '`'.$k.'`,';
    $value .= $v.',';
    $value .= '\''.$v.'\',';
  $add_sql .= rtrim($field,',').') values ('.rtrim($value,',').')';

  return $this->execute($add_sql);
     * 删除
     * @access public
     * @param
 public function delete(){
  $del_sql = 'delete from `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` where '.$this->query_list['where'];
   $del_sql .= 'order by '.$this->query_list['order'];
   $del_sql .= ' '.$this->query_list['limit'];
  return $this->execute($del_sql);
     * 更新
     * @access public
     * @param
 public function update(){
  $update_sql = 'update `'.$this->query_list['table'].'` set ';
  $data = $this->query_list['data'];
  foreach($data as $k=>$v){
    $update_sql .= '`'.$k.'` ='.$v.',';
    $update_sql .= '`'.$k.'` =\''.$v.'\',';
  $update_sql = rtrim($update_sql,',');
   $update_sql .= ' where '.$this->query_list['where'];
   $update_sql .= ' order by '.$this->query_list['order'];
   $update_sql .= ' '.$this->query_list['limit'];
  return $this->execute($update_sql);
     * 执行查询 返回数据集
     * @access public
     * @param string $sql  sql指令
    public function query($sql) {
        if ( !$this->conn ) return false;
        $this->queryStr = $sql;
        if ( $this->queryID ) {    $this->free();    }
        $this->query_start_time = microtime(true);
        $this->queryID = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn);
        if ( false === $this->queryID ) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $this->numRows = mysql_num_rows($this->queryID);
            return $this->getAll();
     * 执行语句
     * @access public
     * @param string $sql  sql指令
    public function execute($sql) {
        if ( !$this->conn ) return false;
        $this->queryStr = $sql;
        if ( $this->queryID ) {    $this->free();    }
        $this->query_start_time = microtime(true);
        $result =   mysql_query($sql, $this->conn) ;
        if ( false === $result) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $this->numRows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn);
            return $this->numRows;
     * 获得所有的查询数据
     * @access private
     * @return array
    private function getAll() {
        $result = array();
        if($this->numRows >0) {
            while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->queryID)){
                $result[]   =   $row;
        return $result;
     * 取得数据表的字段信息
     * @access public
    public function getFields($tableName) {
        $result =   $this->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.$tableName.'`');
        $info   =   array();
        if($result) {
            foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
                $info[$val['Field']] = array(
                    'name'    => $val['Field'],
                    'type'    => $val['Type'],
                    'notnull' => (bool) ($val['Null'] === ''), // not null is empty, null is yes
                    'default' => $val['Default'],
                    'primary' => (strtolower($val['Key']) == 'pri'),
                    'autoinc' => (strtolower($val['Extra']) == 'auto_increment'),
        return $info;
     * 取得数据库的表信息
     * @access public
    public function getTables($dbName='') {
        if(!empty($dbName)) {
           $sql    = 'SHOW TABLES FROM '.$dbName;
           $sql    = 'SHOW TABLES ';
        $result =   $this->query($sql);
        $info   =   array();
        foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
            $info[$key] = current($val);
        return $info;

     * 最后次操作的ID
     * @access public
     * @param
  public function last_insert_id(){
        return mysql_insert_id($this->conn);
     * 执行一条带有结果集计数的
    public function count($sql){
        return $this->execute($sql);
     * 启动事务
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function startTrans() {
        if ($this->transTimes == 0) {
            mysql_query('START TRANSACTION', $this->conn);
        return ;

     * 提交事务
     * @access public
     * @return boolen
    public function commit()
        if ($this->transTimes > 0) {
            $result = mysql_query('COMMIT', $this->conn);
            $this->transTimes = 0;
                throw new Exception($this->error());
        return true;

     * 事务回滚
     * @access public
     * @return boolen
    public function rollback()
        if ($this->transTimes > 0) {
            $result = mysql_query('ROLLBACK', $this->conn);
            $this->transTimes = 0;
                throw new Exception($this->error());
        return true;
     * 错误信息
     * @access public
     * @param
  public function error() {
        $this->error = mysql_error($this->conn);
        if('' != $this->queryStr){
            $this->error .= "\n [ SQL语句 ] : ".$this->queryStr;
        return $this->error;
     * 释放查询结果
     * @access public
    public function free() {
        $this->queryID = 0;
        $this->query_list = null;

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