Write a small example:
Step one: Make a "mobile phone class"
var MobilePhone = (function(){
Step 2: Consider this Class, the private attributes of those classes are needed. What I want to define here is the number of mobile phones out of the instance
var MobilePhone = (function(){
//Private attribute
var count = 0; //Represents the number of mobile phones
Step 3: Create a constructor, which is an initialization of the new object generated when instantiating the instance, such as the initialization of attributes and methods; in this example, each mobile phone will have a color, size, Price attribute. The constructor here is also a closure, so count can be accessed, and the value of count will be stored in memory for a long time (as long as a reference exists)
var MobilePhone = (function(){
//Private attribute
var count = 0; //Represents Number of mobile phones
//Constructor function
var creatphone = function(color,size,price){
this._size = size; //The size of the mobile phone
this._price = price; //The price of the mobile phone
this.index = count; //Mobile phone index, which mobile phone icon was created
, size, size, color, price can also be displayed.
The common methods here should be placed in the "prototype object":
1. All objects instantiated by this constructor, that is, the mobile phone created, can use the methods in the "prototype object".
2. If placed in the constructor, then every time a mobile phone object is instantiated, a bunch of repeated methods will be generated, occupying memory.
3. "constructor":creatphone explanation:
Because creatphone.prototype ={...} quite overwrites the reference to the previous prototype object. In order to associate the prototype object with the constructor, the attribute "constructor":creatphone is set.
Copy code
The code is as follows :
count ;
count ;
this._color = color; //The color of the phone
= price; //The price of the mobile phone
this.index = count; //The index of the mobile phone is the number of the mobile phone icon created
//Public method, stored in the prototype object
creatphone.prototype = {
//Get the phone color
"getColor" : function(){
return this._color;
//Set the phone color
"setColor" : function(color){
this._color = color;
//Get the phone size
"getSize" : function(){
return "width:" this._size.width " height:" this._size.height;
//Set the size of the phone
"setSize" : function(size){
this._size.width = size.width;
this._size.height = size.height;
//Get the mobile phone price
"getPrice" : function(){
return this._price;
//Set the mobile phone price
"setPrice" : function(price){
this._price = price
Step 5: Privileged method, that is, there needs to be a method that can access the private variables of the class. It is how many mobile phone objects come out of the instance
Copy the code
The code is as follows:
var MobilePhone = (function(){
//Private 속성
var count = 0;//휴대폰 개수를 나타냅니다.
var index = 0;//인덱스를 나타냅니다. 휴대폰의
//생성자 함수
var creatphone = function(색상, 크기, 가격){
count; /휴대폰의 크기
this._price = //The 휴대폰 가격
this.index = count; //휴대폰의 인덱스는 생성된 휴대폰 아이콘의 개수
} ///퍼블릭 메소드, 프로토타입 객체
creatphone에 저장됩니다. 프로토타입 = {
"getColor" : function(){
return this._color;
" setColor" : function(color){
this._color = color;
"getSize" : function(){
return "width:" this._size.width " height:" this._size.height; ,
"setSize": 함수(크기){
this._size.width = size.width;
this._size.height = size.height; : function(){
return this._price;
"setPrice" : function(price){
this._price = 가격
/ /특권 메소드
creatphone.get_count_index = function(){
반환 횟수
반환 creatphone
휴대폰 수업 사용 위에 캡슐화하여 테스트
코드 복사
console.log("Samsung is:" anycall.index "station"); //FF의 콘솔은 생성된 Samsung 휴대폰 객체의 번호, 즉 index를 출력합니다.
console.log; ("HTC는 번호입니다:" HTC.index "station"); //FF의 콘솔은 생성된 HTC 전화 개체의 번호, 즉 인덱스를 출력합니다.
console.log("Iphone4s는 번호입니다. " Iphone4s.index "station"); //iPhone 4S 휴대폰 객체가 생성된 FF의 콘솔 출력, 즉 인덱스;
console.log("총 "MobilePhone.get_count_index() "휴대폰" ) ; //FF의 콘솔 출력에는 총 몇 개의 휴대폰이 생성되었는지 표시됩니다.
console.log(anycall.constructor === MobilePhone) //인스턴스된 개체의 원본 이미지에 있는 생성자가 여전히 가리키는지 여부; 휴대폰
결과는 다음과 같습니다. 절대적으로 정확합니다.