function class name (parameter list) { this.attribute; ...... this.function; }
In this way, functions and data members are implemented using "this." Let’s define a simple class student ourselves, then construct it and implement an output function.
(Hey, this is too simple, right? Hundan(||| ̄— ̄)==o(#) ̄▽ ̄)∕ ) Yeah. . Anyway, it’s good to understand the general meaning. .
Anonymous function: It is a function without a name (parameter list) {.....} Anonymous functions are discarded after use (so pitiful TvT) Callback function: It often appears that the parameter of a function is another function. In fact, this situation is often encountered. For example, when adding a listener to a control in Java, the parameter of the listener is actually a function. For this function, we can directly add new in the parameter, which is an anonymous function. Because each response is targeted at this control, it will generally not be needed again. But let’s take an example and follow the normal path.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 接下来学习js里面的内置对象,其实我们已经接触过几个了。 常用的内置对象: String Date Math Array Number Globle String大家都很懂的,var s="xxxxx"; 或者 var= new String("xxxx"); 意思差不多,至于String里涵盖的一些操作函数的话。。请自行下载javascript的API文档亲,我就不给连接了亲,自己搜搜吧~ 提供一个在线的参考手册连接:点这里 (这个网站不错,有空可以看看~) 每个对象的数据成员和函数成员就都有了,老师在这里一直讲那些个函数,我都睡着了,其实根本没必要讲,用的时候看看就行了,熟了以后都不需要看就知道有什么啦~ 然后稍微说一下Array这个对象,实际上JS并没有提供二维数组,but,我们可以通过嵌套来实现,比如 var array2=new Array(new Array(4), new Array(), new Array(1,2,3,4)); 最后,除了这些常用对象外, 还有一些全局的函数和事件也需要熟悉起来, 对应到文档里就是function和event两个部分。 事件处理: 事件处理是什么我觉得应该没有人不清楚吧,我也懒得写概念了,因为写了也没人会记住的╮(╯▽╰)╭ 然后,指定事件处理程序有三种方法: 第一:直接在HTML标记中指定 <标记.......事件="事件处理程序" .....> 第二:编写特定对象特定之间的javascript 第三:在javascript中说明 <事件主角 - 对象><事件>=<事件处理程序>; 常用的事件罗列一下:
onclick 单击事件
ondblClick 双击事件
onmouseover 鼠标移到上方
onmouseout 鼠标离开事件
onmousedown 鼠标按下事件
onmouseup 鼠标放开事件
onselect 选中事件
onkeydown 按键事件
onkeypress 按下键事件
onkeyup 放开键事件
onload 窗口加载事件
onunload 窗口离开事件
onresize 改变窗口大小触发事件
onabort 中断事件
onerror 异常事件
onreset 按下重置按钮事件
onsubmit 提交事件
onblur 失去焦点事件
onfocus 获得焦点事件
onchange 值改变触发事件
The first one is the most commonly used. Events such as submission, saving, and database-related operations can all be completed in scripts. I believe that students who have written web pages must have come into contact with it. For example, let’s write a simple example:
Define a button and then give it a response event. This is actually the first method. Of course, because this response is very simple, you can also directly use it in the button control. Write like this: (Note here that the string in alert() uses single quotes. Cannot use double double quotes) The two have the same effect.
But for the second type, it is rarely used. I searched Baidu for a long time, checked the events of the window object, and tested many, but only the onload event is feasible. The code is as follows:
After my careful research, many events, such as "onbeforeunload", etc., are only feasible in IE, so we will give up this method without hesitation. Just know it.
PS Use Baidu to search for "Complete Web Page Production Manual". It is a CHM help file. You can download the Sina file that comes out first. It has a lot of information. If necessary, download it for reference~
OK, The third type is said to be widely used in the Ajax framework, but as a person who does not know ajax. . . Okay, let's learn slowly. The third type slightly involves the DOM that will be discussed in the next part. But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t affect the overall situation. The third format looks more complicated, but it’s actually very simple.
When adding a control, give the control an ID, and then use the ID to get the control in JavaScript, and then operate its various events, such as:
In this way, we have added the text text box An event response, one thing to emphasize here: script response must be written after the control declaration, otherwise the compiler will not be able to find the control based on the ID.
PS, in fact, you can also find the control based on its name, but it is still recommended to use ID, because the name can be the same, but the id cannot be the same
Regarding the responses of each control, you can browse on the previous website, or download the manual I mentioned. The screenshot below is the event list of the input text control in the manual~ Of course, it is not just this. Click, there is a drop-down bar on the right~
In fact, I still recommend downloading this manual. It is a very good tool.
After a brief introduction to event processing, let's learn about the Event object
The event object represents the event status, such as the element where the event occurs, keyboard status, mouse position and mouse button status.
You can use window.event to obtain it in IE, but not FF, so for the sake of compatibility, the following strategy is adopted. . The wisdom of programmers is great.
Note, thanks to Aleax on the third floor for his help. I quoted his words directly and gave an example, regarding the attribute innerText in the div:
The innerText in FF is not available, alternative method: textContent IE: oDiv.innerText = aString; oDiv.innerHTML = aString; FF: oDiv.textContent = aString; oDiv.innerHTML = aString;
Since the browser will ignore unfamiliar statements, we can just write two lines of code to accommodate these two lines as I wrote above. At the same time, there is another way to shorten it to one sentence, which is obj.innerHTML=s;
By the way, here is the difference between innerText and innerHTML: innerText only accepts text and then outputs it directly, but innerHTML recognizes HTML statements, that is, if you write innerText="< ;br>Hello" ; Then the output is: Hello If you write innerHTML=" Hello" then the output is Hello after line breaks.
Event bubbling problem Event bubbling problem is actually that one operation triggers multiple responses. For example, the body defines the onclick event, and the div below the body also defines the onclick event. Then After clicking on the div, the div's event response is first made, and then bubbles up, and the body's click event is also triggered. The solution is not troublesome, but it still has to accommodate the conflict between the two good friends IE and FF: To prevent bubbling in IE, use: event object.cancelBubble=true; To prevent bubbling in FF Bubble, use: event object.stopPropagation(); (I just checked, propagation [,prɔpə'ɡeiʃən] means reproduction, reproduction... Forgive my vocabulary, TvT) Okay, in order to make this pair good Gay friends live in harmony, we have to make another judgment:
function xxxxx(event){ ..........; if(event&&event.stopPropagation) //Indicates it is a Firefox event.stopPropagation(); else event .cancleBubble=true; }
Of course, this judgment must be written in the lower node. For example, in the example just now, if it is written in the click event of the body, that is It's useless work. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Finally, a small application is to judge the input situation. We Commonly encountered when registering a website: The code is as follows:
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