Case 1: Enter to realize Tab jump. In response to the onKeyDown event of the text box, window.event.keyCode gets the keyCode clicked by the user. (*) keyCode and ASCII are not exactly the same. The ASCII of 1 on the main keyboard and 1 on the small keyboard are the same, but the keyCode is different. The keyCode of Enter is 13, and the keyCode of Tab is 9.
Only a few keys can be replaced, most of them cannot. There is a permissions issue. Keyboard codes are different from ASCII codes. keyCode 8: Backspace key 46: delete 37-40: Direction keys 48-57: Numbers in the small keyboard area 96-105: Main keyboard area Numbers 110, 190: Decimal points in the small keyboard area and main keyboard area 189, 109: Negative signs in the small keyboard area and main keyboard area 13: Enter 9: Tab is that handle The focus moves to the next text box. Case 2: Amount text box Text boxes involving amounts in financial related systems have the following requirements: Do not use the Chinese input method when entering the amount text text box Cannot enter Non-numeric When the focus is in the text box, the text box is left aligned; when the focus leaves the text box, the text box is right aligned and the thousandths are displayed Disable input method: style="ime-mode:disabled" //Compatible with FF , IE, not compatible with Chrome It is forbidden to type illegal values, only these can be typed (k == 9) || (k == 13) || (k==46)||(k==8)| |(k==189)||(k==109)||(k==190)||(k==110)|| (k>=48 && k<=57)||(k>= 96 && k<=105)||(k>=37 && k<=40). onkeydown="return numonKeyDown()" Do not write onkeydown="numonKeyDown()" to distinguish between event response functions and functions called by event response functions. Disable pasting (great Tester), When the focus is on, it is left-aligned without a thousandth digit, and when the focus is not on, it is right-aligned with a thousandth digit.'right' For the method of adding thousandths, see notes (*) ========Supplementary knowledge============== ===== (?=exp) matches the position before exp. (?=exp) is also called a zero-width positive lookahead assertion. It asserts that the expression exp can be matched after the position where it appears. For example, w (?=ingb) matches the front part of a word ending in ing (other than ing). For example, when searching for I'm singing while you're dancing., it will match sing and dance. ================================
function f(){ var txts=document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(var i= 0;i//Enter is converted to tab txts[i].onkeydown=function(){ if(window.event.keyCode==13){ window.event.keyCode=9; } } txts[i].onpaste=function(){ var usrInput=clipboardData.getData('Text'); var k; for(var i=0;ik=usrInput.charCodeAt(i); //Can only be pasted. Or 0-9 Numbers, refer to the ASCII character set. if((k==46) ||(k>=48 && k<=56)){ }else{ return false; } } } } }
function commafy(n) { var re=/d{1,3}(?=(d{3}) $)/g; / / must end with d{3}, and must be preceded by 1-3 numbers, but when replacing, the ending d{3} numbers are not included. var n1=n.replace(/^(d )((.d )?)$/,function(s,s1,s2){return s1.replace(re,“$&,”) s2;}); Return n1; } function addQianFenWei(txtBox) { txtBox.value=commafy(txtBox.value); } function removeQianFenWei(txtBox) { txtBox.value=txtBox.value.replace(/,/g,"");//If replace(',','') only replaces the first }
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