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Object-oriented Javascript Part 3 (encapsulation and information hiding)_js object-oriented

Release: 2016-05-16 17:56:42
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At the same time, we know that in high-level object-oriented languages, creating objects containing private members is one of the most basic features, and providing properties and methods to access private members hides internal details. Although JS is also object-oriented, there is no internal mechanism to directly indicate whether a member is public or private. Again, relying on the language flexibility of JS, we can create public, private and privileged members. Information hiding is the goal we want to achieve, and encapsulation is the way we achieve this goal. Let's illustrate with an example: Create a class to store book data and display the data on a web page.

1. The simplest is to completely expose the object. Use constructors to create a class in which all properties and methods are accessible from the outside.

Copy code The code is as follows:

var Book = function(isbn, title, author) {
if(isbn == undefined) {
throw new Error("Book constructor requires a isbn.");
this.isbn = isbn;
this.title = title | | "";
this.author = author || "";
Book.prototype.display = function() {
return "Book: ISBN: " this.isbn ",Title : " this.title ",Author: " this.author;

The display method depends on whether the isbn is correct, if not you will not be able to get the image and link. With this in mind, an isbn must exist for each book, while the book's title and author are optional. On the surface, it seems that just specifying an isbn parameter can run normally. But it cannot guarantee the integrity of isbn. Based on this, we added isbn verification to make the book check more robust.
Copy code The code is as follows:

var Book = function(isbn, title, author) {
if(!this.checkIsbn(isbn)) {
throw new Error("Book: invalid ISBN.");
this.isbn = isbn;
this.title = title || "";
this.author = author || "";
Book.prototype = {
checkIsbn: function(isbn) {
if(isbn == undefined || typeof isbn != "string") return false;
isbn = isbn.replace("-", "");
if(isbn.length != 10 && isbn.length != 13) return false;
var sum = 0;
if(isbn.length == 10) {
if(!isbn.match(^d{9})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 9;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (10 - i);
var checksum = sum % 11;
if(checksum = = 10) checksum = "X";
if(isbn.charAt(9) != checksum) return false;
} else {
if(!isbn.match(^d{12})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 12;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 3);
var checksum = sum % 10;
if(isbn.charAt(12) != checksum) return false;
return true;
display: function( ) {
return "Book: ISBN: " this.isbn ",Title: " this.title ",Author: " this.author;

We added checkIsbn() to verify the validity of the ISBN and ensure that display() can operate normally. However, the requirements have changed. Each book may have multiple versions, which means that the same book may have multiple ISBN numbers, and a separate algorithm for selecting versions needs to be maintained for control. At the same time, although the integrity of the data can be checked, it cannot control external access to internal members (such as assigning values ​​to isbn, title, author), so there is no way to protect internal data. We continue to improve this solution and adopt interface implementation (providing get accessor/set memory).
Copy code The code is as follows:

var Publication = new Interface("Publication", ["getIsbn", "setIsbn", "checkIsbn", "getTitle", "setTitle", "getAuthor", "setAuthor", "display"]);
var Book = function(isbn, title, author) {
// implements Publication interface
Book.prototype = {
getIsbn: function() {
return this.isbn;
setIsbn: function(isbn) {
if(!this.checkIsbn(isbn)) {
throw new Error("Book: Invalid ISBN.");
this.isbn = isbn;
checkIsbn: function(isbn) {
if(isbn == undefined || typeof isbn != "string") return false;
isbn = isbn.replace("-", "");
if(isbn.length != 10 && isbn.length != 13) return false;
var sum = 0;
if(isbn.length == 10) {
if(!isbn.match(^d{9})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 9;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (10 - i);
var checksum = sum % 11;
if(checksum == 10) checksum = "X";
if(isbn.charAt(9) != checksum) return false;
} else {
if(!isbn.match(^d{12})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 12;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 3);
var checksum = sum % 10;
if(isbn.charAt(12) != checksum) return false;
return true;
getTitle: function() {
return this.title;
setTitle: function(title) {
this.title = title || "";
getAuthor: function() {
return this.author;
setAuthor: function(author) {
this.author = author || "";
display: function() {
return "Book: ISBN: " this.isbn ",Title: " this.title ",Author: " this.author;

2. 使用命名规则的私有方法。就是使用下划线来标识私有成员,避免无意中对私有成员进行赋值,本质上与完全暴露对象是一样的。但这却避免了第一种方案无意对私有成员进行赋值操作,却依然不能避免有意对私有成员进行设置。只是说定义了一种命名规范,需要团队成员来遵守,不算是一种真正的内部信息隐藏的完美方案。
复制代码 代码如下:

var Publication = new Interface("Publication", ["getIsbn", "setIsbn", "getTitle", "setTitle", "getAuthor", "setAuthor", "display"]);
var Book = function(isbn, title, author) {
// implements Publication interface
Book.prototype = {
getIsbn: function() {
return this._isbn;
setIsbn: function(isbn) {
if(!this._checkIsbn(isbn)) {
throw new Error("Book: Invalid ISBN.");
this._isbn = isbn;
_checkIsbn: function(isbn) {
if(isbn == undefined || typeof isbn != "string") return false;
isbn = isbn.replace("-", "");
if(isbn.length != 10 && isbn.length != 13) return false;
var sum = 0;
if(isbn.length == 10) {
if(!isbn.match(^d{9})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 9;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (10 - i);
var checksum = sum % 11;
if(checksum == 10) checksum = "X";
if(isbn.charAt(9) != checksum) return false;
} else {
if(!isbn.match(^d{12})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 12;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 3);
var checksum = sum % 10;
if(isbn.charAt(12) != checksum) return false;
return true;
getTitle: function() {
return this._title;
setTitle: function(title) {
this._title = title || "";
getAuthor: function() {
return this._author;
setAuthor: function(author) {
this._author = author || "";
display: function() {
return "Book: ISBN: " this.getIsbn() ",Title: " this.getTitle() ",Author: " this.getAuthor();

Note: In addition to the isbn, title, and author attributes that are marked as private members with "_", checkIsbn() is also marked as a private method.

3. Really privatize members through closures. If you are not familiar with the scope and nested functions in the closure concept, you can refer to the article "One of the Object-Oriented Javascripts (First Introduction to Javascript)", which will not be discussed in detail here.
Copy code The code is as follows:

var Publication = new Interface("Publication", [" getIsbn", "setIsbn", "getTitle", "setTitle", "getAuthor", "setAuthor", "display"]);
var Book = function(newIsbn, newTitle, newAuthor) {
// private attribute
var isbn, title, author;
// private method
function checkIsbn(isbn) {
if(isbn == undefined || typeof isbn != "string") return false;
isbn = isbn.replace("-", "");
if(isbn.length != 10 && isbn.length != 13) return false;
var sum = 0;
if (isbn.length == 10) {
if(!isbn.match(^d{9})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 9;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (10 - i);
var checksum = sum % 11;
if(checksum == 10) checksum = "X";
if( isbn.charAt(9) != checksum) return false;
} else {
if(!isbn.match(^d{12})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 12;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 3);
var checksum = sum % 10;
if (isbn.charAt(12) != checksum) return false;
return true;
// previleged method
this.getIsbn = function() {
return isbn;
this.setIsbn = function(newIsbn) {
if(!checkIsbn(newIsbn)) {
throw new Error("Book: Invalid ISBN.");
isbn = newIsbn;
this.getTitle = function() {
return title;
this.setTitle = function(newTitle) {
title = newTitle || "";
this.getAuthor: function() {
return author;
this.setAuthor: function(newAuthor) {
author = newAuthor || "";
// implements Publication interface
// public methods
Book.prototype = {
display: function() {
return "Book: ISBN: " this.getIsbn() ",Title: " this.getTitle () ",Author: " this.getAuthor();

What are the differences between this solution and the previous one? First, use var in the constructor to declare three private members, and also declare the private method checkIsbn(), which is only valid in the constructor. Use the this keyword to declare a privileged method, that is, it is declared inside the constructor but has access to private members. Any method that does not need to access private members is declared in Book.prototype (such as display). That is, declaring methods that need to access private members as privileged methods is the key to solving this problem. However, this access also has certain drawbacks. For example, for each instance, a copy of the privileged method must be created, which will inevitably require more memory. We continue to optimize and use static members to solve the problems we face. By the way: static members only belong to the class, and all objects only share one copy (explained in "Object-oriented Javascript 2 (Implementing Interfaces), see Interface.ensureImplements method"), while instance methods are for objects. Word.
Copy code The code is as follows:

var Publication = new Interface("Publication", ["getIsbn", "setIsbn", "getTitle", "setTitle", "getAuthor", "setAuthor", "display"]);
var Book = (function() {
// private static attribute
var numsOfBooks = 0;
// private static method
function checkIsbn(isbn) {
if(isbn == undefined || typeof isbn != "string") return false;
isbn = isbn.replace("-", "");
if(isbn.length != 10 && isbn.length != 13) return false;
var sum = 0;
if(isbn.length == 10) {
if(!isbn.match(^d{9})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 9;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (10 - i);
var checksum = sum % 11;
if(checksum == 10) checksum = "X";
if(isbn.charAt(9) != checksum) return false;
} else {
if(!isbn.match(^d{12})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 12;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 3);
var checksum = sum % 10;
if(isbn.charAt(12) != checksum) return false;
return true;
// return constructor
return function(newIsbn, newTitle, newAuthor) {
// private attribute
var isbn, title, author;
// previleged method
this.getIsbn = function() {
return isbn;
this.setIsbn = function(newIsbn) {
if(!Book.checkIsbn(newIsbn)) {
throw new Error("Book: Invalid ISBN.");
isbn = newIsbn;
this.getTitle = function() {
return title;
this.setTitle = function(newTitle) {
title = newTitle || "";
this.getAuthor = function() {
return author;
this.setAuthor = function(newAuthor) {
author = newAuthor || "";
Book.numsOfBooks ;
if(Book.numsOfBooks > 50) {
throw new Error("Book: at most 50 instances of Book can be created.");
// implements Publication interface
// public static methods
Book.convertToTitle = function(title) {
return title.toUpperCase();
// public methods
Book.prototype = {
display: function() {
return "Book: ISBN: " this.getIsbn() ",Title: " this.getTitle() ",Author: " this.getAuthor();

复制代码 代码如下:

var Publication = new Interface("Publication", ["getIsbn", "setIsbn", "getTitle", "setTitle", "getAuthor", "setAuthor", "display"]);
var Book = (function() {
// private static attribute
var numsOfBooks = 0;
// private static contant
var Constants = {
"MAX_NET_NUMS": 1000
// private static previleged method
this.getMaxNums(name) {
return Constants[name.ToUpperCase()];
// private static method
function checkIsbn(isbn) {
if(isbn == undefined || typeof isbn != "string") return false;
isbn = isbn.replace("-", "");
if(isbn.length != 10 && isbn.length != 13) return false;
var sum = 0;
if(isbn.length == 10) {
if(!isbn.match(^d{9})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 9;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (10 - i);
var checksum = sum % 11;
if(checksum == 10) checksum = "X";
if(isbn.charAt(9) != checksum) return false;
} else {
if(!isbn.match(^d{12})) return false;
for(var i = 0;i < 12;i ) {
sum = isbn.charAt(i) * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 3);
var checksum = sum % 10;
if(isbn.charAt(12) != checksum) return false;
return true;
// return constructor
return function(newIsbn, newTitle, newAuthor) {
// private attribute
var isbn, title, author;
// previleged method
this.getIsbn = function() {
return isbn;
this.setIsbn = function(newIsbn) {
if(!Book.checkIsbn(newIsbn)) {
throw new Error("Book: Invalid ISBN.");
isbn = newIsbn;
this.getTitle = function() {
return title;
this.setTitle = function(newTitle) {
title = newTitle || "";
this.getAuthor = function() {
return author;
this.setAuthor = function(newAuthor) {
author = newAuthor || "";
Book.numsOfBooks ;
if(Book.numsOfBooks > 50) {
throw new Error("Book: at most 50 instances of Book can be created.");
// implements Publication interface
// public static methods
Book.convertToTitle = function(title) {
return title.toUpperCase();
// public methods
Book.prototype = {
display: function() {
return "Book: ISBN: " this.getIsbn() ",Title: " this.getTitle()
",Author: " this.getAuthor() ", Maximum: ";
showMaxNums: function() {
return Book.getMaxNums("MAX_JAVASCRIPT_NUMS");

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