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js simulation 3D scene effect code packaging_javascript skills

Release: 2016-05-16 17:57:39
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To simulate a three-dimensional effect in a two-dimensional space, you need to convert the three-dimensional coordinates into two-dimensional coordinates. One of the most basic basis is: the further away something is, the smaller the size is, and the closer the coordinates are to the vanishing point.
Perspective formula:
Scale = fl / (fl z);
Scale is the ratio of size, between 0.0 and 1.0, fl is the distance from the observation point to the imaging surface, usually this value is fixed, z is the z-axis in the object's three-dimensional space.
Before writing these codes, I like to use object-oriented to describe the things I write. For example, I need a scene. The scene is a space. The space can accommodate various objects. The object is an object. The object is x. In the three dimensions of , y and z, any number of objects can be inserted into the scene, and the objects will be displayed at specific positions in the scene based on their coordinate values. The scene is responsible for the display position of the objects.
For some demos, please use mouse movement and scroll wheel to control.
Effect 1

[Ctrl A Select all Note: If you need to introduce external Js, you need to refresh to execute

Effect 2

[Ctrl A Select all Note:
If you need to introduce external Js, you need to refresh to execute
Effect 3
[Ctrl A Select all Note:
If you need to introduce external Js, you need to refresh to execute

<script> void function(window){ var document = window.document; var debug = document.getElementById('debug'); function ObjtoStr(obj){ var arr = []; for(var i in obj){ if(isNaN(obj[i])) continue; arr.push(i + ':' + obj[i]); } return arr.join('; '); } function getElementOffset(element){ var left = 0, top = 0; do{ left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; }while(element = element.offsetParent); return { left:left, top:top }; } function getMouseOffset(event){ return { x:(event.pageX || event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft), y:(event.pageY || event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop) }; } function addEventListener(element,type,fun){ if(element.addEventListener){ element.addEventListener(type,function(event){ fun(event); },false); }else{ element.attachEvent('on'+type,function(){ fun(window.event); }); } } function extend(subClass,supClass){ var fun = function(){}, prototype = subClass.prototype; fun.prototype = supClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new fun(); for(var i in prototype){ subClass.prototype[i] = prototype[i]; } subClass.$supClass = supClass; subClass.prototype.$supClass = function(){ var supClass = arguments.callee.caller.$supClass; if(typeof supClass == 'function'){ supClass.apply(this,arguments); this.$supClass = supClass; } }; subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; return subClass; } /** * WH类,高宽 */ function WH(w,h){ this.w = w; this.h = h; } WH.prototype = { clone:function(){ return new WH(this.w,this.h); } }; /** * xyz坐标类 * */ function XYZ(x,y,z){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } XYZ.prototype = { clone:function(){ return new XYZ(this.x,this.y,this.z); } }; /** * 场景类 */ function Scene(options){ //属性 //dom this.element = null; //场景距离 this.fl = 500; this.wh = null; //基准z轴 this.baseZ = 0; //中心消失点坐标 this.cX = 0; this.cY = 0; //中心消失点便宜 this.cXl = 0; this.cYl = 0; //偏移系数 this.ce = 1; this.ThingList = []; this.setOption(options); this.init(); } Scene.prototype = { setOption:function(options){ for(var i in options){ switch(i){ case 'element': this[i] = typeof options[i] == 'string' ? document.getElementById(options[i]) : options[i]; break; } } }, init:function(){ if(!this.element) throw new Error(90,'not box'); this.wh = new WH(this.element.clientWidth,this.element.clientHeight); this.bindEvent(); }, addThing:function(/* Thing */ thing){ this.ThingList.push(thing); this.calcPosition(thing); this.element.appendChild(thing.getElement(this)); }, //计算位置及大小 calcPosition:function(/*Thing*/ thing){ this.cX = this.element.clientWidth/2; this.cY = this.element.clientHeight/2; scale = this.fl/(this.fl + thing.xyz.z+this.baseZ); if(scale <= 0){ thing.element.style.display = 'none'; return ; }else{ thing.element.style.display = ''; } thing.element.style.width = thing.wh.w * scale + 'px'; thing.element.style.height = thing.wh.h * scale + 'px'; thing.element.style.top = (this.cY + ((thing.xyz.y+this.cYl-this.cY) * scale)) + 'px'; thing.element.style.left = (this.cX + ((thing.xyz.x+this.cXl-this.cX) * scale)) + 'px'; thing.element.style.zIndex = Math.round(scale*1000); if(thing.isOpacity){ thing.element.style.opacity = Math.min(scale*4.5,1); thing.element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+(Math.min(scale*4.5,1) * 100)+')'; } }, bindEvent:function(){ var self = this; addEventListener(this.element,'mousemove',function(event){ self.onMouseMove(event); }); var mousewheel = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0 ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel'; addEventListener(this.element,mousewheel,function(event){ self.onMouseWheel(event); }); }, //在场景内移动事件 onMouseMove:function(event){ //场景的页面坐标 var po = getElementOffset(this.element); //鼠标光标的页面坐标 var ev = getMouseOffset(event); //场景内坐标 var x = ev.x-po.left; var y = ev.y-po.top; //中间消失点的坐标偏移差 this.cXl = (this.element.clientWidth/2 - x) * this.ce; this.cYl = (this.element.clientHeight/2 - y) * this.ce; this.reDraw(); }, onMouseWheel:function(event){ var code = event.wheelDelta || -event.detail; if(code > 0){ this.baseZ -= 200; }else{ this.baseZ += 200; } this.reDraw(); }, reDraw:function(){ for(var i=0 ; i<this.ThingList.length;i++){ this.calcPosition(this.ThingList[i]); } } }; /** * 物件抽象类 */ function Thing(options){ this.scene = null; this.wh = new WH(10,10); this.xyz = new XYZ(10,10,0); this.element = null; this.isOpacity = true; this.setOption(options); this.init(); } Thing.prototype = { setOption:function(options){ for(var i in options){ switch(i){ case 'wh': case 'xyz': case 'isOpacity': this[i] = options[i]; break; default: break; } } }, init:function(){ this.element = this.draw(); this.element.style.position = 'absolute'; this.element.style.width = this.wh.w + 'px'; this.element.style.height = this.wh.h + 'px'; }, draw:function(){ throw new Error(998,'method do not realize!'); }, getElement:function(/*Scene*/ scene){ this.scene = scene; return this.element; } }; function Diam(options){ this.$supClass(options); } Diam.prototype = { draw:function(){ var img = document.createElement('img'); loadimg = img.cloneNode(true); loadimg.onload = function(){ self.wh = new WH(this.width,this.height); } img.src = [ '/upload/201201/20120105103758227.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801969.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801207.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801956.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801732.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801346.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801362.jpg' ][Math.round(Math.random()*6)]; return img; } }; extend(Diam,Thing); function Sky(options){ this.$supClass(options); } Sky.prototype = { draw:function(){ var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = [ '/upload/201201/20120105103801314.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103803325.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103803314.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103803146.jpg' ][Math.round(Math.random()*3)]; return img; } }; extend(Sky,Thing); var scene = new Scene({ 'element':'box' }); for(var i= 0 ; i < 50 ;i++){ scene.addThing(new Diam({ wh:new WH(100,100), xyz:new XYZ(Math.random() * document.body.clientWidth,Math.random() *document.body.clientHeight,Math.random() *8000) })); } scene.addThing(new Sky({ wh:new WH(160000,120000), xyz:new XYZ(-80000,-60000,54000), isOpacity:false })); }(window); </script>[Ctrl A select all Note: <script> void function(window){ var document = window.document; var debug = document.getElementById('debug'); function ObjtoStr(obj){ var arr = []; for(var i in obj){ if(isNaN(obj[i])) continue; arr.push(i + ':' + obj[i]); } return arr.join('; '); } function getElementOffset(element){ var left = 0, top = 0; do{ left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; }while(element = element.offsetParent); return { left:left, top:top }; } function getMouseOffset(event){ return { x:(event.pageX || event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft), y:(event.pageY || event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop) }; } function addEventListener(element,type,fun){ if(element.addEventListener){ element.addEventListener(type,function(event){ fun(event); },false); }else{ element.attachEvent('on'+type,function(){ fun(window.event); }); } } function extend(subClass,supClass){ var fun = function(){}, prototype = subClass.prototype; fun.prototype = supClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new fun(); for(var i in prototype){ subClass.prototype[i] = prototype[i]; } subClass.$supClass = supClass; subClass.prototype.$supClass = function(){ var supClass = arguments.callee.caller.$supClass; if(typeof supClass == 'function'){ supClass.apply(this,arguments); this.$supClass = supClass; } }; subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; return subClass; } /** * WH类,高宽 */ function WH(w,h){ this.w = w; this.h = h; } WH.prototype = { clone:function(){ return new WH(this.w,this.h); } }; /** * xyz坐标类 * */ function XYZ(x,y,z){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } XYZ.prototype = { clone:function(){ return new XYZ(this.x,this.y,this.z); } }; /** * 场景类 */ function Scene(options){ //属性 //dom this.element = null; //场景距离 this.fl = 500; this.wh = null; //基准z轴 this.baseZ = 0; //中心消失点坐标 this.cX = 0; this.cY = 0; //中心消失点便宜 this.cXl = 0; this.cYl = 0; //偏移系数 this.ce = 5; this.ThingList = []; this.setOption(options); this.init(); } Scene.prototype = { setOption:function(options){ for(var i in options){ switch(i){ case 'element': this[i] = typeof options[i] == 'string' ? document.getElementById(options[i]) : options[i]; break; } } }, init:function(){ if(!this.element) throw new Error(90,'not box'); this.wh = new WH(this.element.clientWidth,this.element.clientHeight); this.bindEvent(); }, addThing:function(/* Thing */ thing){ this.ThingList.push(thing); this.calcPosition(thing); this.element.appendChild(thing.getElement(this)); }, //计算位置及大小 calcPosition:function(/*Thing*/ thing){ this.cX = this.element.clientWidth/2; this.cY = this.element.clientHeight/2; scale = this.fl/(this.fl + thing.xyz.z+this.baseZ); if(scale <= 0){ thing.element.style.display = 'none'; return ; }else{ thing.element.style.display = ''; } thing.element.style.width = thing.wh.w * scale + 'px'; thing.element.style.height = thing.wh.h * scale + 'px'; thing.element.style.top = (this.cY + ((thing.xyz.y+this.cYl-this.cY) * scale)) + 'px'; thing.element.style.left = (this.cX + ((thing.xyz.x+this.cXl-this.cX) * scale)) + 'px'; thing.element.style.zIndex = Math.round(scale*1000); if(thing.isOpacity){ thing.element.style.opacity = Math.min(scale*4.5,1); thing.element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+(Math.min(scale*4.5,1) * 100)+')'; } }, bindEvent:function(){ var self = this; addEventListener(this.element,'mousemove',function(event){ self.onMouseMove(event); }); var mousewheel = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0 ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel'; addEventListener(this.element,mousewheel,function(event){ self.onMouseWheel(event); }); }, //在场景内移动事件 onMouseMove:function(event){ //场景的页面坐标 var po = getElementOffset(this.element); //鼠标光标的页面坐标 var ev = getMouseOffset(event); //场景内坐标 var x = ev.x-po.left; var y = ev.y-po.top; //中间消失点的坐标偏移差 this.cXl = (this.element.clientWidth/2 - x) * this.ce; this.cYl = (this.element.clientHeight/2 - y) * this.ce; this.reDraw(); }, onMouseWheel:function(event){ var code = event.wheelDelta || -event.detail; if(code > 0){ this.baseZ -= 200; }else{ this.baseZ += 200; } this.reDraw(); }, reDraw:function(){ for(var i=0 ; i<this.ThingList.length;i++){ this.calcPosition(this.ThingList[i]); } } }; /** * 物件抽象类 */ function Thing(options){ this.scene = null; this.wh = new WH(10,10); this.xyz = new XYZ(10,10,0); this.element = null; this.isOpacity = true; this.setOption(options); this.init(); } Thing.prototype = { setOption:function(options){ for(var i in options){ switch(i){ case 'wh': case 'xyz': case 'isOpacity': this[i] = options[i]; break; default: break; } } }, init:function(){ this.element = this.draw(); this.element.style.position = 'absolute'; this.element.style.width = this.wh.w + 'px'; this.element.style.height = this.wh.h + 'px'; }, draw:function(){ throw new Error(998,'method do not realize!'); }, getElement:function(/*Scene*/ scene){ this.scene = scene; return this.element; } }; function Diam(options){ this.$supClass(options); } Diam.prototype = { draw:function(){ var img = document.createElement('img'); loadimg = img.cloneNode(true); loadimg.onload = function(){ self.wh = new WH(this.width,this.height); } img.src = [ '/upload/201201/20120105103758227.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801969.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801207.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801956.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801732.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801346.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103801362.jpg' ][Math.round(Math.random()*6)]; return img; } }; extend(Diam,Thing); function Sky(options){ this.$supClass(options); } Sky.prototype = { draw:function(){ var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = [ '/upload/201201/20120105103801314.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103803325.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103803314.jpg', '/upload/201201/20120105103803146.jpg' ][Math.round(Math.random()*3)]; return img; } }; extend(Sky,Thing); var scene = new Scene({ 'element':'box' }); for(var i= 0,x,z ; i < 50 ;i++){ x = (Math.sin(Math.PI*2*(i/50)) * 1000)+500; y = (Math.cos(Math.PI*2*(i/50)) * 1000)+500; scene.addThing(new Diam({ wh:new WH(100,100), xyz:new XYZ(x,y,3000) })); } for(var i= 0,x,z ; i < 50 ;i++){ x = (Math.sin(Math.PI*2*(i/50)) * 1000)+500; z = (Math.cos(Math.PI*2*(i/50)) * 1000)+3000; scene.addThing(new Diam({ wh:new WH(100,100), xyz:new XYZ(x,document.body.clientHeight/2+200,z) })); } scene.addThing(new Sky({ wh:new WH(160000,120000), xyz:new XYZ(-80000,-60000,54000), isOpacity:false })); }(window); </script>If you need to introduce external Js, you need to refresh to execute <script> void function(window){ /** * by Od 2011/12/25 */ var document = window.document; var debug = document.getElementById('debug'); function ObjtoStr(obj){ var arr = []; for(var i in obj){ if(isNaN(obj[i])) continue; arr.push(i + ':' + obj[i]); } return arr.join('; '); } function getElementOffset(element){ var left = 0, top = 0; do{ left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; }while(element = element.offsetParent); return { left:left, top:top }; } function getMouseOffset(event){ return { x:(event.pageX || event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft), y:(event.pageY || event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop) }; } function addEventListener(element,type,fun){ if(element.addEventListener){ element.addEventListener(type,function(event){ fun(event); },false); }else{ element.attachEvent('on'+type,function(){ fun(window.event); }); } } function extend(subClass,supClass){ var fun = function(){}, prototype = subClass.prototype; fun.prototype = supClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new fun(); for(var i in prototype){ subClass.prototype[i] = prototype[i]; } subClass.$supClass = supClass; subClass.prototype.$supClass = function(){ var supClass = arguments.callee.caller.$supClass; if(typeof supClass == 'function'){ supClass.apply(this,arguments); this.$supClass = supClass; } }; subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; return subClass; } /** * WH类,高宽 */ function WH(w,h){ this.w = w; this.h = h; } WH.prototype = { clone:function(){ return new WH(this.w,this.h); } }; /** * xyz坐标类 * */ function XYZ(x,y,z){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } XYZ.prototype = { clone:function(){ return new XYZ(this.x,this.y,this.z); } }; /** * 场景类 */ function Scene(options){ //属性 //dom this.element = null; //场景距离 this.fl = 500; this.wh = null; //基准z轴 this.baseZ = 0; //中心消失点坐标 this.cX = 0; this.cY = 0; //中心消失点便宜 this.cXl = 0; this.cYl = 0; //偏移系数 this.ce = 1; this.ThingList = []; this.setOption(options); this.init(); } Scene.prototype = { setOption:function(options){ for(var i in options){ switch(i){ case 'element': this[i] = typeof options[i] == 'string' ? document.getElementById(options[i]) : options[i]; break; } } }, init:function(){ if(!this.element) throw new Error(90,'not box'); this.wh = new WH(this.element.clientWidth,this.element.clientHeight); this.bindEvent(); }, addThing:function(/* Thing */ thing){ this.ThingList.push(thing); this.calcPosition(thing); this.element.appendChild(thing.getElement(this)); }, //计算位置及大小 calcPosition:function(/*Thing*/ thing){ this.cX = this.element.clientWidth/2; this.cY = this.element.clientHeight/2; scale = this.fl/(this.fl + thing.xyz.z+this.baseZ); if(scale <= 0){ thing.element.style.display = 'none'; return ; }else{ thing.element.style.display = ''; } thing.element.style.width = thing.wh.w * scale + 'px'; thing.element.style.height = thing.wh.h * scale + 'px'; thing.element.style.top = (this.cY + ((thing.xyz.y+this.cYl-this.cY) * scale)) + 'px'; thing.element.style.left = (this.cX + ((thing.xyz.x+this.cXl-this.cX) * scale)) + 'px'; thing.element.style.zIndex = Math.round(scale*1000); thing.element.style.opacity = Math.min(scale*4.5,1); thing.element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+(Math.min(scale*4.5,1) * 100)+')'; }, bindEvent:function(){ var self = this; addEventListener(this.element,'mousemove',function(event){ self.onMouseMove(event); }); var mousewheel = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0 ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel'; addEventListener(this.element,mousewheel,function(event){ self.onMouseWheel(event); }); setInterval(function(){ self.onEnterFrame(); },40); }, //在场景内移动事件 onMouseMove:function(event){ //场景的页面坐标 var po = getElementOffset(this.element); //鼠标光标的页面坐标 var ev = getMouseOffset(event); //场景内坐标 var x = ev.x-po.left; var y = ev.y-po.top; //中间消失点的坐标偏移差 this.cXl = (this.element.clientWidth/2 - x) * this.ce; this.cYl = (this.element.clientHeight/2 - y) * this.ce; this.reDraw(); }, onMouseWheel:function(event){ var code = event.wheelDelta || -event.detail; if(code > 0){ this.baseZ -= 200; }else{ this.baseZ += 200; } this.reDraw(); }, onEnterFrame:function(){ var thing; for(var i=0; i<this.ThingList.length;i++){ thing = this.ThingList[i]; if(thing.isstatic) continue; if(thing.xyz.y+1 >this.wh.h){ thing.xyz.y = 0; }else{ thing.xyz.y += 20; } this.calcPosition(thing); } }, reDraw:function(){ for(var i=0 ; i<this.ThingList.length;i++){ this.calcPosition(this.ThingList[i]); } } }; /** * 物件抽象类 */ function Thing(options){ this.scene = null; this.wh = null; this.xyz = new XYZ(10,10,0); this.element = null; this.isstatic = false; this.setOption(options); this.init(); } Thing.prototype = { setOption:function(options){ for(var i in options){ switch(i){ case 'wh': case 'xyz': case 'isstatic': this[i] = options[i]; break; default: break; } } }, init:function(){ this.element = this.draw(); this.element.style.position = 'absolute'; this.element.style.width = this.wh.w + 'px'; this.element.style.height = this.wh.h + 'px'; }, draw:function(){ throw new Error(998,'method do not realize!'); }, getElement:function(/*Scene*/ scene){ this.scene = scene; return this.element; } }; function Snowflake(options){ this.$supClass(options); } Snowflake.prototype = { draw:function(){ var img = document.createElement('img'),self = this; loadimg = img.cloneNode(true); loadimg.onload = function(){ //self.wh = new WH(this.width,this.height); } img.src = loadimg.src = [ '/upload/201201/20120105103804884.gif', '/upload/201201/20120105103804792.gif', '/upload/201201/20120105103804222.gif', '/upload/201201/20120105103804213.gif', '/upload/201201/20120105103804180.gif', '/upload/201201/20120105103804588.gif' ][Math.round(Math.random()*5)]; return img; } }; extend(Snowflake,Thing); var scene = new Scene({ 'element':'box' }); function tree(options){ this.$supClass(options); } tree.prototype = { draw:function(){ var img = document.createElement('img'),self = this; img.src = '/upload/201201/20120105103804497.gif'; return img; } }; extend(tree,Thing); for(var i= 0,x,z ; i < 100 ;i++){ scene.addThing(new Snowflake({ wh:new WH(50,50), xyz:new XYZ(Math.round(Math.random()*document.body.clientWidth),Math.round(Math.random()*document.body.clientHeight),Math.round(Math.random()*6000-1000)) })); } for(var i= 0,x,z ; i < 80 ;i++){ scene.addThing(new tree({ wh:new WH(500,800), isstatic:true, xyz:new XYZ(Math.round(Math.random()*document.body.clientWidth),Math.round(document.body.clientHeight),Math.round(Math.random()*6000-1000)) })); } for(var i= 0,x,z ; i < 80 ;i++){ scene.addThing(new tree({ wh:new WH(500,800), isstatic:true, xyz:new XYZ(Math.round(Math.random()*document.body.clientWidth*20),Math.round(document.body.clientHeight),Math.round(Math.random()*4000+3000)) })); } for(var i= 0,x,z ; i < 80 ;i++){ scene.addThing(new tree({ wh:new WH(500,800), isstatic:true, xyz:new XYZ(Math.round(Math.random()*-document.body.clientWidth*20),Math.round(document.body.clientHeight),Math.round(Math.random()*4000+3000)) })); } for(var i= 0,x,z ; i < 80 ;i++){ scene.addThing(new tree({ wh:new WH(500,800), isstatic:true, xyz:new XYZ(Math.round(Math.random()*-document.body.clientWidth*10),Math.round(document.body.clientHeight),Math.round(Math.random()*4000+1000)) })); } }(window); </script>]<script> void function(window){ var document = window.document; var debug = document.getElementById('debug'); function ObjtoStr(obj){ var arr = []; for(var i in obj){ if(isNaN(obj[i])) continue; arr.push(i + ':' + obj[i]); } return arr.join('; '); } function getElementOffset(element){ var left = 0, top = 0; do{ left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; }while(element = element.offsetParent); return { left:left, top:top }; } function getMouseOffset(event){ return { x:(event.pageX || event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft), y:(event.pageY || event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop) }; 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