以其语法简单灵活而大受Web designer欢迎。所以很多网页设计师结合jQuery的强大功能制作出了许多成熟的图片滑动插件,我们可以很简单地直接将这些图片滑动插件嵌入到网页中,很容易就得到了即酷又实用的jQuery图片滑动效果。从这篇文章开始到接下来的几篇文章我们将向大家分享40多种非常有用,又有创意的jQuery图片滑动插件,及其演示和下载地址。你可以按你网页风格找到合适的jQuery图片滑动插件,然后点击演示链接查看具体效果,然后下载此jQuery滑动插件。希望你能在这40个jQuery图片滑动插件中找到你想要的。
1 FlexSlider(Demo演示 | Download下载)
jQuery图片滑动切换插件 - Flexslider
(Demo演示 | Download下载)
基于jQuery的泡泡图片滑动切换效果。Bubble Slidershow是一个很有意思的jQuery图片滑动切换插件。它通过泡泡效果来进行图片切换,动态效果很特别。非常适合做风景等照片的切换展示。Bubble Slidershow的代码是模块化的,你可以按你的需求随意修改。
jQuery图片滑动切换插件 - 泡泡效果
(Demo演示 | Download下载)
jQuery图片滑动切换插件 - 照片浏览
(Demo演示 | Download下载)
jQuery图片滑动切换插件 - 滑动及弹出层
(Demo演示 | Download下载)
jQuery图片滑动切换插件 - 时间轴动态滑动
(Demo演示 | Download下载)
jQuery image sliding switching plug-in - hidden scroll bar
Very similar to the fifth plug-in, it is a jQuery sliding plug-in based on the timeline. You can customize its sliding speed, transparency and other effects. Run both horizontal and vertical sliding switching modes at the same time.
jQuery image sliding switching plug-in - timeline dynamic sliding
SmartGallery is an excellent jQuery plug-in for photo sliding switching display. It supports 12 different picture transition switching effects. And there are small thumbnails.
jQuery image sliding switching plug-in - photo browsing effect
Read Xml news vertical scrolling effect. Vscroller can be used for news scrolling display effects. It reads an XML file and renders it through its beautiful effects.
jQuery image sliding switching plug-in - News sliding scrolling effect
The function of this plug-in has also gone beyond the scope of sliding switching of pictures. Its function is that when the web page needs to pop up a new layer to display more content, it can be fixed to the left or right side of the web page to display more content.
jQuery image sliding switching plug-in - pop-up fixed layer
Original text from http://www.techolics.com