1. Plupload
Plupload 是一个Web浏览器上的界面友好的文件上传模块,可显示上传进度、图像自动缩略和上传分块。可同时上传多个文件。
该插件使用 XHR 用于上传多个文件,支持上传进度显示,但不支持 IE
5. Uploadify
6. jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin
7. jqUploader
jqUploader 是实现文件上传的jQuery插件
jQuery Form Plugin 是一个扩展表单操作的 jQuery 插件,直接文件上传表单
10. jqswfupload
11. uploadprogress
13. Multiple File Upload With Progress Bar Using jQuery
14. jQuery.upload
15. Ajax File Upload Script Using jQuery
jQuery File Uploader 使用 iframe 来处理上传过程
16. jQuery Custom File Upload Input
17. Image Upload and Cropping with PHP and Jquery
18. PHP & jQuery image upload and crop
19. AJAX upload progress bars with jQuery, Django and nginx
21. AJAX Multiple File Upload Form Using jQuery
22. FancyUpload – Swiff meets Ajax (v3.0)
FancyUpload is a multi-file upload component that uses Flash and Ajax (MooTools) technology to implement an upload progress bar, similar to SWFUpload. MooTools is an Ajax framework similar to prototype.