/* * Contains jquery-1.3.2.min. js */ document.write(""); /* * Public parameters */ var hostUrl='http://' window.location.host; //Get the website host header /* * Horizontally centered left value */ function HorCenter(x){ return (document.documentElement.clientWidth-x)/2; } /* * Vertically centered top value */ function VerCenter(y){ return (document.documentElement.clientHeight-y)/2 document.documentElement.scrollTop; } /* * Remove the spaces at the left and right ends */ function Trim(str){ return str.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g, ""); } /* * Determine the email address and return true/false */ function IsEmail(email){ var Expression=/w ([- .']w )*@w ([-.]w )*.w([-.]w )*/; var objExp=new RegExp(Expression); return objExp.test(email); } /* * Determine the user name and return true/false */ function IsUser(user){ var Expression=/^(?!_)(?!.*?_$)(w|[u4E00- u9FA5])*$/; //Only numbers, Chinese characters, letters, and underscores can be combined, and underscores cannot be at the beginning or end var objExp=new RegExp(Expression); return objExp.test(user); } /* * Determine the mobile phone number */ function IsMobile(mobile){ var Expression=/^1[3458]{1}[0-9]{ 9}$/; var objExp=new RegExp(Expression); return objExp.test(mobile); } /* * Judge non-negative integer and return true/false */ function IsInt(intval){ var Expression=/^d $/; var objExp=new RegExp(Expression); return objExp.test(intval); } /* * Judge the number and return true/false */ function IsNum(num){ return !isNaN(num); } /* * Determine RMB (money) and return true/false */ function IsMoney(money){ var Expression=/^(([1-9]d |0). d{2}|([1-9]d |0))$/; var objExp=new RegExp(Expression); return objExp.test(money); } / * * Calculate the length of the string, Chinese numbers are recorded as two, English numbers are recorded as one */ function GetByteLen(sChars){ return sChars.replace(/[^x00-xff] /g,"xx").length; } /* * Limit the longest input string */ function GetByteVal(sSource, iLen){ if (sSource.replace(/[^x00-xff]/g,"xx").length<=iLen) { return sSource; } else { var str=""; var l=0; var schar; for(var i=0;schar=sSource.charAt(i);i ) { str = schar; l =(schar.match(/[^x00-xff]/) != null ? 2:1); if(l>=iLen) { break; } } return str; } } /* * Write cookie */ function SetCookie(name,value) { var argv=SetCookie.arguments; var argc=SetCookie.arguments.length; var expires=(2var path=( 3var domain=(4var secure=(5document.cookie=name "=" escape(value) ((expires==null)?"":("; expires=" expires.toGMTString())) ((path==null)?"": ("; path=" path)) ((domain==null)?"":("; domain=" domain)) ((secure==true)?"; secure":""); } /* * Get cookie */ function GetCookie(name){ var search = name "="; var returnvalue = ""; if ( document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset != -1) { offset = search.length ; end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; returnvalue=unescape(document. cookie.substring(offset,end)); } } return returnvalue; } /* * checkBox select all, clear all * * Quote * * */ function CheckAll(obj,objForm){ if(obj.checked==true){ $('#' objForm ' input:checkbox.chk').each(function(){ this.checked='checked'; }); } else{ $('#' objForm ' input:checkbox.chk').each(function(){ this.checked=''; }); } } /* * Support Copy for multiple browsers */ function CopyValue(strValue){ if(IsIE()) { clipboardData.setData("Text",strValue); alert("Copy successfully"); } else { Copy(strValue); alert("Copy successfully"); } } /* * Determine IE browser */ function IsIE(number){ if(typeof(number)!=number) { return!!document.all ; } }
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