Home > Backend Development > PHP Tutorial > 筹建coreseek(sphinx+mmseg3)详细安装配置+php之sphinx扩展安装+php调用示例


Release: 2016-06-13 11:51:44
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[第一步] 先安装mmseg3

cd /var/installwget http://www.coreseek.cn/uploads/csft/4.0/coreseek-4.1-beta.tar.gztar zxvf coreseek-4.1-beta.tar.gzcd coreseek-4.1-betacd mmseg-3.2.14./bootstrap./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mmseg3make && make install遇到的问题:error: cannot find input file: src/Makefile.in或者遇到其他类似error错误时...解决方案:依次执行下面的命令,我运行'aclocal'时又出现了错误,解决方案请看下文描述yum -y install libtoolaclocallibtoolize --forceautomake --add-missingautoconfautoheadermake clean
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[第二步] 安装coreseek

##安装coreseek$ cd csft-3.2.14 或者 cd csft-4.0.1 或者 cd csft-4.1$ sh buildconf.sh                                         #输出的warning信息可以忽略,如果出现error则需要解决$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/coreseek  --without-unixodbc --with-mmseg --with-mmseg-includes=/usr/local/mmseg3/include/mmseg/ --with-mmseg-libs=/usr/local/mmseg3/lib/ --with-mysql##如果提示mysql问题,可以查看MySQL数据源安装说明   http://www.coreseek.cn/product_install/install_on_bsd_linux/#mysql$ make && make install$ cd ..##命令行测试mmseg分词,coreseek搜索(需要预先设置好字符集为zh_CN.UTF-8,确保正确显示中文)$ cd testpack$ cat var/test/test.xml    #此时应该正确显示中文$ /usr/local/mmseg3/bin/mmseg -d /usr/local/mmseg3/etc var/test/test.xml$ /usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c etc/csft.conf --all$ /usr/local/coreseek/bin/search -c etc/csft.conf 网络搜索
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出现这个 xmlpipe2 support NOT compiled in. To use xmlpipe2, install missing XML libra  错误

yum -y install expat expat-devel
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Coreseek Fulltext 4.1 [ Sphinx 2.0.2-dev (r2922)]  Copyright (c) 2007-2011,  Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)   using config file 'etc/csft.conf'...  index 'xml': query '网络搜索 ': returned 1 matches of 1 total in 0.000 sec   displaying matches:  1. document=1, weight=1590, published=Thu Apr  1 07:20:07 2010, author_id=1   words:  1. '网络': 1 documents, 1 hits  2. '搜索': 2 documents, 5 hits  
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CREATE TABLE sph_counter(    counter_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,    max_doc_id INTEGER NOT NULL);
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# vi /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf
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#MySQL数据源配置,详情请查看:http://www.coreseek.cn/products-install/mysql/#请先将var/test/documents.sql导入数据库,并配置好以下的MySQL用户密码数据库#源定义source main                                                #定义源名称{    type                    = mysql    sql_host                = localhost    sql_user                = root    sql_pass                = 123456    sql_db                  = coreseek_test    sql_port                = 3306    sql_query_pre           = SET NAMES utf8                sql_query_pre           = REPLACE INTO sph_counter SELECT 1,MAX(id) FROM hr_spider_company;                                        # 更新sph_counter    sql_query               = SELECT * FROM hr_spider_company WHERE id( SELECT max_doc_id FROM sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 )    # 根据sph_counter纪录ID读入数据    sql_query_post_index    = REPLACE INTO sph_counter SELECT 1,MAX(id) FROM hr_spider_company                                        # 更新sph_counter}#index定义index main                                                #注意与定义名称的统一性{    source              = main                                          #对应的source名称    path                = /usr/local/coreseek/var/data/mysql            #请修改为实际使用的绝对路径,例如:/usr/local/coreseek/var/...    docinfo             = extern    mlock               = 0    morphology          = none    min_word_len        = 1    html_strip          = 0    #中文分词配置,详情请查看:http://www.coreseek.cn/products-install/coreseek_mmseg/    charset_dictpath    = /usr/local/mmseg3/etc/                         #BSD、Linux环境下设置,/符号结尾    charset_type        = zh_cn.utf-8}index delta : main                                        #注意与定义名称的统一性{    source              = delta    path                = /usr/local/coreseek/var/data/delta}#全局index定义indexer{    mem_limit            = 128M}#searchd服务定义searchd{    listen              = 9312    read_timeout        = 5    max_children        = 30    max_matches         = 1000    seamless_rotate     = 0    preopen_indexes     = 0    unlink_old          = 1    pid_file            = /usr/local/coreseek/var/log/searchd_mysql.pid   #请修改为实际使用的绝对路径,例如:/usr/local/coreseek/var/...    log                 = /usr/local/coreseek/var/log/searchd_mysql.log   #请修改为实际使用的绝对路径,例如:/usr/local/coreseek/var/...    query_log           = /usr/local/coreseek/var/log/query_mysql.log     #请修改为实际使用的绝对路径,例如:/usr/local/coreseek/var/...    binlog_path         =                                                 #关闭binlog日志}
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# /usr/local/coreseek/bin/searchd -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf
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/usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf --all --rotate
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/usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf delta --rotate
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/usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf --merge main delta --rotate --merge-dst-range deleted 0 0
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(为了防止多个关键字指向同一个文档加上--merge-dst-range deleted 0 0)

# /usr/local/coreseek/bin/search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf  aaa
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# /usr/local/coreseek/bin/searchd -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf --stop
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crontab -e
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*/1 * * * * /bin/sh /usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf delta --rotate*/5 * * * * /bin/sh /usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf --merge main delta --rotate --merge-dst-range deleted 0 030 1 * * *  /bin/sh /usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft_mysql.conf --all --rotate
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[第一步] 安装依赖libsphinxclient

# cd /var/install/coreseek-4.1-beta/csft-4.1/api/libsphinxclient/# ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/sphinxclientconfigure: creating ./config.statusconfig.status: creating Makefileconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in   #报错configure失败    //处理configure报错编译过程中报了一个config.status: error: cannot find input file: src/Makefile.in这个的错误,然后运行下列指令再次编译就能通过了:# aclocal# libtoolize --force# automake --add-missing# autoconf# autoheader# make clean//从新configure编译# ./configure# make && make install
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[第二步] 安装sphinx的PHP扩展

http://pecl.php.net/package/sphinx# wget http://pecl.php.net/get/sphinx-1.3.0.tgz# tar zxvf sphinx-1.3.0.tgz# cd sphinx-1.3.0# phpize# ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config --with-sphinx=/usr/local/sphinxclient# make && make install# cd /etc/php.d/# cp gd.ini  sphinx.ini# vi sphinx.iniextension=sphinx.so# service php-fpm restart
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<?php $s = new SphinxClient;    $s->setServer("", 9312);    $s->setMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_PHRASE);    $s->setMaxQueryTime(30);    $res = $s->query("宝马",'main'); #[宝马]关键字,[main]数据源source    $err = $s->GetLastError();    var_dump(array_keys($res['matches']));    echo "<br>"."通过获取的ID来读取数据库中的值即可。"."<br>";        echo '<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">';    var_dump($res);    var_dump($err);    echo '
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array(20) {  [0]=>  int(1513)  [1]=>  int(42020)  [2]=>  int(57512)  [3]=>  int(59852)  [4]=>  int(59855)  [5]=>  int(60805)  [6]=>  int(94444)  [7]=>  int(94448)  [8]=>  int(99229)  [9]=>  int(107524)  [10]=>  int(111918)  [11]=>  int(148)  [12]=>  int(178)  [13]=>  int(595)  [14]=>  int(775)  [15]=>  int(860)  [16]=>  int(938)  [17]=>  int(1048)  [18]=>  int(1395)  [19]=>  int(1657)}<br>通过获取的ID来读取数据库中的值即可。<br><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">array(10) {  ["error"]=>  string(0) ""  ["warning"]=>  string(0) ""  ["status"]=>  int(0)  ["fields"]=>  array(17) {    [0]=>    string(3) "cid"    [1]=>    string(8) "link_url"    [2]=>    string(12) "company_name"    [3]=>    string(9) "type_name"    [4]=>    string(10) "trade_name"    [5]=>    string(5) "scale"    [6]=>    string(8) "homepage"    [7]=>    string(7) "address"    [8]=>    string(9) "city_name"    [9]=>    string(8) "postcode"    [10]=>    string(7) "contact"    [11]=>    string(9) "telephone"    [12]=>    string(6) "mobile"    [13]=>    string(3) "fax"    [14]=>    string(5) "email"    [15]=>    string(11) "description"    [16]=>    string(11) "update_time"  }  ["attrs"]=>  array(3) {    ["from_id"]=>    string(1) "1"    ["link_id"]=>    string(1) "1"    ["add_time"]=>    string(1) "1"  }  ["matches"]=>  array(20) {    [1513]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "3171471"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394853454"      }    }    [42020]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "2248093"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394913884"      }    }    [57512]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "2684470"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394970833"      }    }    [59852]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "3"        ["link_id"]=>        string(1) "0"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394977527"      }    }    [59855]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "3"        ["link_id"]=>        string(1) "0"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394977535"      }    }    [60805]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "3"        ["link_id"]=>        string(1) "0"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394980072"      }    }    [94444]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "3"        ["link_id"]=>        string(1) "0"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1395084115"      }    }    [94448]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "3"        ["link_id"]=>        string(1) "0"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1395084124"      }    }    [99229]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "1297992"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1395100520"      }    }    [107524]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "5"        ["link_id"]=>        string(10) "4294967295"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1395122053"      }    }    [111918]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(2)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "5"        ["link_id"]=>        string(10) "4294967295"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1395127953"      }    }    [148]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "2770294"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394852562"      }    }    [178]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "2474558"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394852579"      }    }    [595]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(6) "534804"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394852862"      }    }    [775]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "3230353"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394852980"      }    }    [860]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "2549233"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394853048"      }    }    [938]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "3191382"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394853114"      }    }    [1048]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "3234645"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394853174"      }    }    [1395]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "2661219"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394853375"      }    }    [1657]=>    array(2) {      ["weight"]=>      int(1)      ["attrs"]=>      array(3) {        ["from_id"]=>        string(1) "2"        ["link_id"]=>        string(7) "2670624"        ["add_time"]=>        string(10) "1394853540"      }    }  }  ["total"]=>  int(543)  ["total_found"]=>  int(543)  ["time"]=>  float(0.109)  ["words"]=>  array(1) {    ["宝马"]=>    array(2) {      ["docs"]=>      int(543)      ["hits"]=>      int(741)    }  }}string(0) ""
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