/ /Frequency
var frequency = 50;
//Step size
var step = 3;
//Background color
var loadingBgcolor = "#ffffff";
var loadingWidth = 354;
*Parameter description:
*content: Display content, can be empty;
*imageURL: Just set the path of the referenced JS file ;
*left: progress bar display position left
*top: progress bar display position top
function Loading(content, imageURL, left, top)
imageURL = imageURL "Loading.jpg";
LoadTable(content, imageURL, left, top);
window.setInterval("RefAct();" , frequency);
function RefAct()
imgAct.width = step;
if(imgAct.width > loadingWidth-4)
imgAct.width = 0;
function LoadTable(content, imageURL, left, top)
var strLoading;
strLoading = "" ;
strLoading = "
strLoading = "
if(content != "")
strLoading = "";
strLoading = ""; strLoading = "" content ""; strLoading = "< ;/td>"; strLoading = " |
strLoading = "";
strLoading = ""; strLoading = " "; strLoading = " | ";
strLoading = "
strLoading = "
strLoading = "
document.getElementById("loading_div").innerHTML = strLoading;