Activate conditional compilation support.
@cc_on Notes The
@cc_on statement activates conditional compilation in the script engine.
It is strongly recommended to use @cc_on statements in comments to make browsers that do not support conditional compilation accept your script as valid syntax:
// The remainder of the script. Alternatively, an @if or @set statement outside the comment will also activate conditional compilation.
Version 3
@if...@elif...@else...@end statement
@set statement
@if (@_jscript_version > 5.7)
document.write("You are using IE8 ");
@elif (@_jscript_version == 5.7 && window.XMLHttpRequest)
document.write("You are using IE7");
@elif (@_jscript_version == 5.6 || (@_jscript_version == 5.7 && !window.XMLHttpRequest))
document.write("You are using IE6");
@elif (@_jscript_version == 5.5)
document.write("You are using IE5.5");
document.write("You are using IE5 or older");
Conditional compilation variables
Other resources
Conditional compilation
@cc_on conditional compilation of IE
1: alert("The browser version is:" sSuffix)
It is very useful to determine the browser version
var b = /*@cc_on!@*/false; where /*@cc_on ..... @*/
The parts in between can be recognized by IE and executed as a program, while enabling IE's conditional compilation. The most commonly used variable is @_jscript_version: js version, the last digit is the ie main version number
var sSuffix = ( /*@cc_on!@*/false ) ? 'ie' : 'gecko' ;
/*@cc_on alert("Show browsing Browser version number: " @_jscript_version) @*/
alert("Browser version is " sSuffix)