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? ? 在这里简要介绍一下搭建视频网站所需要的软件,这些软件包括ffmpeg、mplayer。它们主要用来负责视频的转码工作,ffmpeg基本上对所有格式的视频文件都可以处理,但是对rmvb和rm格式的视频无法转码,这个时候,就需要通过MPlayer转码工具的协助,完成转码任务。

? ? 如果要在网页上播放,就需要转码。如果采用flash播放器播放视频,这个时候就需要转码出flv格式的视频;如果采用html5或者pad播放,就需要转码出MP4格式的视频。在转码的处理中,我们通常会分别转码出两种视频,分别是高清和流畅视频,方便不同网速的用户观看。

class VideoConvert{	//视频的原始文件	var $src;	//后缀名	var $suffix;	//视频实际类型	var $format;	//视频md5value: 在tester中主要用于生成同级目录下的缩略图的初始位置	var $md5value;	//视频长度	var $ori_length;		//视频信息	var $src_identify = array();	//错误日志	var $err_log = array();	//指令地址	var $system_mencoder = '/usr/bin/mencoder ';	var $system_ffmpeg = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg ';	var $system_mplayer = '/usr/bin/mplayer ';	var $system_yamdi = '/usr/local/bin/yamdi ';	var $system_qtfaststart = '/usr/local/bin/qt-faststart ';	function __construct($filePath) {		$this->src = $filePath;		//源文件不存在		if (!file_exists($this->src)) {			print_r("the file[$this->src] not exists.\r\n<br>");		} else {			print_r("the file[$this->src] exists.\r\n<br>");		}	}		function init() {		//截取后缀名		$this->suffix = strtolower(substr($this->src, strrpos($this->src, '.')));		        //读取文件内容的前3个字节,判断真实文件格式		$handle = fopen($this->src, 'r');        $this->format = strtolower(fread($handle, 3));        fclose($handle);				//视频的md5值		$this->md5value = md5_file( $this->src );				//inentify		$this->src_identify =$this->getIdentify($this->src);				//视频长度		$this->ori_length = $this->src_identify['id_length'];		$this->ori_length = empty($this->ori_length)?0:$this->ori_length;	}	function showInfo() {		$this->pr("后缀类型:$this->suffix");		$this->pr("实际类型:$this->format");		$this->pr("md5value:$this->md5value");		$this->pr("ori_length:$this->ori_length");		$this->pr("id_demuxer:".$this->src_identify['id_demuxer']);		$this->pr("id_video_format:".$this->src_identify['id_video_format']);	}	function rmvb2avi($src, $dst, $identify) {		//$cmd = $this->system_mencoder." $src -o ".$src."_ -of avi -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=$datarate";		if($identify['id_video_format'] == 'WMV3') {			$cmd = $this->system_mencoder." $src -o $dst -of avi -oac mp3lame -ovc copy";		} else {			$cmd = $this->system_mencoder." $src -o $dst -of avi -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts fixed_quant=11";		}		$this->pr($cmd);		$handle = @popen($cmd, 'r');		while (!feof($handle)) {			$line = fgets($handle, 1024);		}		@pclose($handle);		return true;	}		function video2f4v($src, $dst, $datarate) {		$cmd = $this->system_ffmpeg." -i ".$src."  -f flv -acodec libfaac -ab 16k -vcodec libx264 -coder 1 -g 250 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 40 -bf 3 -b_strategy 1 -partitions +parti8x8+parti4x4+partp8x8+partb8x8 -directpred 1 -flags +loop -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0 -flags2 +fastpskip+wpred-dct8x8 -me_method hex -me_range 16 -subq 6 -trellis 1 -b ".$datarate."k -qcomp 1 -i_qfactor 0.71 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qdiff 4 -r 29.97 -y ".$dst;//." 2>&1";		$this->pr($cmd);		$handle = @popen($cmd, 'r');		while(!feof($handle)) {			$line = fgets($handle, 1024);		}		@pclose($handle);		return true;	}		function video2flv($src, $dst) {		$cmd = $this->system_ffmpeg." -i $src -f flv -vcodec flv -ar 22050 -acodec libmp3lame -y $dst";		// 2>&1";		$this->pr($cmd);		$handle = @popen($cmd, 'r');		while(!feof($handle)) {			$line = fgets($handle, 1024);		}		@pclose($handle);		return true;	}		//转换mp4供iphone和ipad看	function video2mp4($src, $dst, $rate) {		file_exists($dst.".mp4")[email&#160;protected]($dst.".mp4"):'';		$cmd = $this->system_ffmpeg." -threads 4 -i ".$src." -r 29.97 -vcodec libx264 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -deblockalpha 0 -crf 24 -bt ".$rate."k -refs 1 -coder 0 -subq 5 -partitions +parti4x4+parti8x8+partp8x8 -g 250 -keyint_min 25 -level 30 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -trellis 2 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -ar 48000 -f mp4 ".$dst.".mp4";		//2>&1";		$this->pr($cmd);		$handle = @popen($cmd, 'r');		while(!feof($handle)) {			$line = fgets($handle, 1024);		}		@pclose($handle);				$mp4identify = $this->getIdentify($dst.".mp4");		$mp4le = abs($mp4identify['id_length']);		if($mp4le>0) {			$cmd = $this->system_qtfaststart." ".$dst.".mp4 ".$dst.".mp4-new"." 2>&1";			$handle = @popen($cmd, 'r');			while(!feof($handle)) {				$line = fgets($handle, 1024);			}			@pclose($handle);			$mp4identify = $this->getIdentify($dst.".mp4-new");			$mp4le = abs($mp4identify['id_length']);			if ($mp4le>0) {				unlink($dst.".mp4");				rename($dst.".mp4-new",$dst.".mp4");			}		}				return true;	}	/**	 * grabImage 抓图-ok	 * 	 * @param string $src 源文件	 * @param string $dst 目标文件	 * @param int $length 时长	 * @param int $pic_count 截图数量	 * @access public	 * @return void	 */	function grabImage($src, $dst, $length,$pic_count) {		$grabRes = $this->grabImageFfmpeg($src, $dst, $length,$pic_count);        if (@!filesize($dst)) {            return false;        }		return $grabRes;	}	/**	 * grabImageFfmpeg 通过ffmpeg抓图-ok	 * 	 * @param string $src 源文件	 * @param string $dst 目标文件	 * @access public	 * @return void	 */	function grabImageFfmpeg($src, $dst, $length,$pic_count) {		//在视频中间截图		$ss = $length/2;		$cmd = $this->system_ffmpeg ." -y -i $src -vframes 1 -ss $ss -an -vcodec mjpeg -f rawvideo $dst 2>&1";			$fd = @popen($cmd, 'r');		while (!feof($fd)) {			$line = fgets($fd, 1024);		}		@pclose($fd);		$count = $pic_count+1;		if ($length>$count) {			$s = $length/$count;			for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++) {				$dstpic = $dst.'.'.$i.'.jpg';				$cmd = $this->system_ffmpeg ." -y -i $src -vframes 1 -ss ".($i*$s)." -an -vcodec mjpeg -f rawvideo $dstpic 2>&1";				$fd = @popen($cmd, 'r');				while (!feof($fd)) {					$line = fgets($fd, 1024);				}				fclose($fd);			}		}		return true;	}		/**	* resizeImage从一个已有图片建立一个新的图片-ok	 * @param string $src 源文件	 * @param string $obj 目标文件	 * @param string $width 目标文件宽	 * @param string $height 目标文件高	 * @access public	*/	function resizeImage($src, $obj, $width, $height) {		list($width_orig, $height_orig, $type_orig) = getimagesize($src);		if ($width && ($width_orig < $height_orig)) {			$width = ($height / $height_orig) * $width_orig;		} else {			$height = ($width / $width_orig) * $height_orig;		}		switch($type_orig) {			case 1: 				$image = imagecreatefromgif($src);				break;			case 2: 				$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);				break;			case 3: 				$image = imagecreatefrompng($src);				break;			default:				return false;		}		$image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);		imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width_orig, $height_orig);		imagejpeg($image_p, $obj);		return true;	}	/**	 * injectMetaData 向flv文件添加元数据-ok	 * 				以支持播放器的拖放     * 				返回flv时长	 * @param string $file 	 * @access public	 * @return init or false, if failed	 */	function injectMetaData($file) {		$info = array('code'=>false, 'msg'=>'未开始');		//文件是否存在		if (!file_exists($file)) {			$info['msg'] = '文件不存在。';			return $info;		}		$cmd = $this->system_yamdi . " -i $file -o ".$file."_ | grep lasttimestamp";		$fd = @popen($cmd, 'r');        $lasttimestamp = 0;		while (!feof($fd)) {			$line = fgets($fd, 1024);            if (strpos($line, ':')) {                $lasttimestamp = substr($line, strpos($line, ':') + 1);            }		}		pclose($fd);		$l = $this->getIdentify($file.'_');		if ($l['id_length']) {			unlink($file);			rename($file.'_',$file);		}				//Logger::trace(sprintf('lasttimestamp: %s', $lasttimestamp));		//Logger::debug('Inject End');		if ($lasttimestamp == '' || $lasttimestamp == 0){			$lasttimestamp = $this->getIdentify($file);		}		return $lasttimestamp['id_length'];	}	function pr($msg) {		echo "$msg\r\n<br>";	}		/**	 * getIdentify 获取视频信息-ok	 * @access public	 * @return void	 */	function getIdentify($file) {		$identify = array();		if (!is_readable($file)) {			return false;		}		$cmd = $this->system_mplayer . " -msglevel all=0 -identify -vc dummy -endpos 00:00:00 $file 2>&1";		$fd = @popen($cmd, 'r');		while (!feof($fd)) {			$line = fgets($fd);			if (strpos($line, 'ID_') === 0) {				$line = explode('=', $line);				$line[0] = strtolower($line[0]);				$identify[$line[0]] = trim($line[1]);			}		}		@pclose($fd);		//假如mplayer没有获取到视频长度就用ffmpeg再次获取		//视频长度		$return = $identify['id_length'];		if ($return == '' || !is_numeric($return)){			//再次获取						$cmd = $this->system_ffmpeg . " -i $file 2>&1";			$fd = @popen($cmd, 'r');			while (!feof($fd)) {				$line = fgets($fd);				$line = trim($line);				$line = strtolower($line);				if (strpos($line, 'duration:') === 0) {					$line = explode(',', $line);					$line = explode(':', $line[0]);					$identify['id_length'] = abs($line[1])*3600+abs($line[2])*60+abs(((int)$line[3]));					break;				}			}		}		return $identify;	}		function log($key, $value) {	}}
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