.serializeArray() serializes table elements (similar to '.serialize()' method) and returns JSON data structure data. (Taken from jquery documentation).
There is the following form window, code:
< ;form action="" method="post" id="tf">
JavaScript code to process the form:
<script> <br>$(function () { <br>$("#butsubmit") .click(function(){ <br>var data = convertArray($("#tf").serializeArray()); <br>$.post(url, data, function (d) {},"json") ; <br>}); <br>}) <br>function convertArray(o) { //This function is mainly recommended. It converts jquery serialized values into name:value form. <br>var v = {}; <br>for (var i in o) { <br>if (typeof (v[o[i].name]) == 'undefined') v[o[i]. name] = o[i].value; <br>else v[o[i].name] = "," o[i].value; <br>} <br>return v; <br>} <br></script>