Because the editor will damage the code, an online demo is provided Copy code The code is as follows: smipleChart <br><br>.cc{ <br>height:450px; width:800px; border:1px solid #999; position:relative; margin:20px; <br>} <br> <br>(function(doc,undefined){ <br>var win = this, <br>hasSVG = win.SVGAngle || doc.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"), <br>isIE = /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !win.opera, <br>path = hasSVG?'d':'path', <br>seal = hasSVG?'z':'e', <br>math = Math, <br>mathRound = math.round, <br>mathFloor = math.floor, <br>mathCeil = math.ceil, <br>mathMax = math.max, <br>mathMin = math.min, <br>mathAbs = math.abs, <br>mathCos = math.cos, <br>mathSin = math.sin, <br>M = 'M', <br>L = 'L'; <br><br>win.$ = function(Id){ <br>return document.getElementById(Id); <br>}; <br><br>win.extend = function(){ <br>var target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = true, options; <br>if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { <br>deep = target; <br>target = arguments[1] || {}; <br>i = 2; <br>} <br>if ( typeof target !== "object" &&!="[object Function]") <br>target = {}; <br>for(;i<length;i ){ <BR>if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) <BR>for(var name in options){ <BR>var src = target[ name ], copy = options[ name ]; <BR>if ( target === copy ) <BR>continue; <BR>if ( deep && copy && typeof copy === "object" && !copy.nodeType ){ <BR>target[ name ] = arguments.callee( deep, src || ( copy.length != null ? [ ] : { } ), copy ); <BR>} <BR>else if(copy !== undefined) <BR>target[ name ] = copy; <BR>} <br><br>} <BR>return target; <BR>}; <br><br>win.each = function ( object, callback, args ) { <BR>var name, i = 0, length = object.length; <BR>if ( args ) { <BR>args =; <BR>if ( length === undefined ) { <BR>for ( name in object ) <BR>if ( callback.apply( object[ name ],[name,object[ name ]].concat(args) ) === false ) <BR>break; <BR>} else <BR>for ( ; i < length; i ) <BR>if ( callback.apply( object[ i ],[i,object[ i ]].concat(args)) === false ) // <BR>break; <BR>} else { <BR>if ( length === undefined ) { <BR>for ( name in object ) <BR>if ( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) <BR>break; <BR>} else <BR>for ( var value = object[0]; <BR>i < length && value, i, value ) !== false; value = object[ i] ){} <BR>} <BR>return object; <BR>}; <BR>//--------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>function processPoint( x ){ <BR>return isIE ? ~~x.toFixed(0) : ~~x.toFixed(0) 0.5; <BR>}; <BR>function calTextLen(txt, cssStr){ <BR>var span = doc.createElement('span'); <BR>if(cssStr){ <BR>typeof cssStr === 'string' <BR>? = cssStr <BR>: extend(,cssStr); <BR>}else{ <BR>extend(,{ <BR>fontSiz : '12px', <BR>fontFamily : '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' <BR>}); <BR>} <BR>span.innerHTML = txt || ''; <BR> = 'hidden'; <BR>doc.body.appendChild(span); <BR>var width = span.offsetWidth, <BR>height = span.offsetHeight; <BR>doc.body.removeChild(span); <BR>return {w:width,h:height}; <BR>}; <BR>function angle(r,center,o,jingdu){ <BR>var hudu = Math.PI*2*(o/360), <BR>x = center[0] r*Math.sin(hudu), <BR>y = center[1] -r*Math.cos(hudu); <BR>return [x.toFixed(jingdu||0),y.toFixed(jingdu||0)]; <BR>} <br><br>function xx(a,b,lineNum){ <br><br>var t = 10000; <BR>var stf = ((b*t-a*t)/lineNum)/t, <BR>arr = [1,2,2.5,5,10], <BR>c = 1, <BR>v; <br><br>// 分割线的基数是 [1,2,2.5,5,10] 这个步骤是查找 间隔 属于哪个范围 <BR>if(stf<arr[0]){ <BR>while( stf<arr[0] ){ <BR>c = c*10; <BR>arr[0]=arr[0]/c; <BR>} <BR>each([1,2,2.5,5,10],function(i,o){ <BR>arr[i]= o/c; <BR>}); <BR>}else if(stf>arr[4]){ <br>while( stf>arr[4] ){ <br>c = c*10; <br>arr[4] = arr[4]*c; <br>} <br>each([1,2,2.5,5,10],function(i,o){ <br>arr[i]= o*c; <br>}); <br>} <br><br>//上面找到间隔后 找到间隔中最接近的一个 <br>each(arr,function(i,o){ <br>if(stf<o){ <BR>v = o; <BR>return false; <BR>} <BR>}); <BR>//a 是最小的 <BR>//b是最大 的 <BR>a = (a*t-mathAbs((a%v)*t))/t; <BR>b = (b*t (b%v===0?0:(v-b%v))*t)/t; <br><br>//看看还剩几条线没有画 <br><br>var num = Math.max(0,lineNum - Math.round((b-a)/v)); <br><br>if(a>=0){ <br>//让图比较靠中间 <br>/*while(num!==0){ <br>num%2===0 <br>? a = (a*t-v*t)/t <br>: b = (b*t v*t)/t; <br>num--; <br>}*/ <br><br>//坐标比较整数化 <br>if(a!=0&&num!=0){ <br>while(a!=0&&num!=0){ <br>a = (a*t-v*t)/t; <br>num--; <br>if((a*t-v*num*t)/10000>0&&a===0) <br>break; <br>} <br>} <br><br>if(num!=0){ <br>while(num!==0){ <br>b = (b*t v*t)/t <br>num--; <br>} <br>} <br><br>}else{ <br>//让图比较靠中间 <br>/*while(num!==0){ <br>num%2===0 <br>? b = (b*t v*t)/t <br>: a = (a*t-v*t)/t <br>num--; <br>}*/ <br>//坐标比较整数化 <br>if(b<0&&num!=0){ <BR>while(b!=0&&num!=0){ <BR>b = (b*t v*t)/t; <BR>num--; <BR>if((b*t v*num*t)/t<0&&a===0) <BR>break; <BR>} <BR>}<BR>if(num!=0){ <BR>while(num!==0){ <BR>a = (a*t-v*t)/t <BR>num--; <BR>} <BR>} <br><br>} <BR>return {min:a,max:b,stf:v}; <BR>} <BR>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>//对svg vml元素的一些创建 修改属性 样式 删除 == 一些的操作 <BR>win.vector = function(){}; <BR>win.vector.prototype = { <BR>$c : function(graphic,nodeName){ <BR>this.element = this[0] = doc.createElementNS('', nodeName); <BR>this.graphic = graphic; <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>attr: function(hash,val){ <BR>var elem = this.element, <BR>key, <BR>value; <BR>if(typeof hash === 'string'){ <BR>if(val === undefined){ <BR>return elem.getAttribute(hash); <BR>}else{ <BR>elem.setAttribute(hash, val); <BR>return this; <BR>} <BR>} else { <BR>for(key in hash){ <BR>value = hash[key]; <BR>if(key === path){ <BR>value && value.join <BR>&&(value = value.join(' ')); <br><br>/(NaN| |^$)/.test(value) <BR>&&(value = 'M 0 0'); <BR>} <BR>elem.setAttribute(key, value) <BR>} <BR>} <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>css: function(hash){ <BR>var str = ''; <BR>for(var key in hash){ <BR>if(isIE && key == "opacity"){ <BR>['filter'] = "alpha(opacity=" hash[key] * 100 ")"; <BR>}else{ <BR>[key] = hash[key]; <BR>} <BR>} <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>on: function(eventName, handler){ <BR>var self = this; <BR>this.element.addEventListener(eventName,function(){ <BR> <BR>},false); <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>appendTo: function(parent){ <BR>if(parent){ <BR>parent.element <BR>? parent.element.appendChild(this.element) <BR>: parent.appendChild(this.element) <br><br>} else { <BR>this.graphic.container.appendChild(this.element); <BR>} <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>addText: function(str){ <BR>var elem = this.element; <BR>if(elem.nodeName === 'text'){ <BR>elem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str.toString() || ' ')); <BR>} <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>setOpacity : function(v){ <BR>this.attr('fill-opacity',v) <BR>}, <BR>toFront: function() { <BR>this.element.parentNode.appendChild(this.element) <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>show: function(){ <BR> = 'block'; <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>hide: function(){ <BR> = 'none'; <BR>return this; <BR>} <BR>}; <BR>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br><br><br><br>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>//如果是vml修改其中的一些方法 <BR>if(!hasSVG){ <BR>//-------------创建vml环境----------------- <BR>doc.createStyleSheet().addRule(".vml", "behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px"); <BR>!doc.namespaces.vml && ! "v1"; <BR>doc.namespaces.add("vml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); <br><br>//-------------修改一些方法----------------- <BR>extend(vector.prototype,{ <BR>$c : function(graphic,nodeName){ <BR>var name = nodeName || 'shape'; <BR>this.element= this[0] = (name === 'div' || name === 'span') <BR>? doc.createElement(name) <BR>: doc.createElement('<vml:' name ' class="vml">'); <br>this.graphic = graphic; <br>return this; <br>}, <br>on : function(eventName, handler){ <br>var self = this; <br>this.element.attachEvent("on" eventName,function(){ <br>; <br>}); <br>return this; <br>}, <br>addText : function(txt){ <br>var elem = this.element; <br>elem.innerHTML = txt || ''; <br>return this; <br>}, <br>setOpacity : function(v){ <br>this.opacity.opacity=v; <br>} <br>}); <br>} <br>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>//画图类 <br>//------------------------------------------------------------ <br>win.smipleChart = function(){ <br>this.init.apply(this,arguments); <br>}; <br>smipleChart.prototype = { <br>options : { <br>charts : { <br>paddingRight : 20, <br>radius : 200, <br>style : { <br>fontFamily : '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', <br>fontSize : '12px', <br>background : '#FFFFFF' <br>} <br>}, <br>title : { <br>text : '', <br>y : 10, <br>style : { <br>fontFamily:'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <br>fontSize:'16px', <br>fontWeight:'bold' <br>} <br>}, <br>subTitle : { <br>text : '', <br>y : 30, <br>style : { <br>fontFamily:'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <br>fontSize:'12px', <br>color: '#111' <br>} <br>}, <br>yUnit : { <br>text : '', <br>style : { <br>fontFamily:'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <br>fontSize:'12px', <br>color: '#111' <br>}, <br>lineNum :10 <br>} <br>}, <br>init : function(container,options,width,height){ <br>this.width = width || container.offsetWidth; <br>this.height = height || container.offsetHeight; <br>this.mainGroup = {}; <br><br>//svg There must be an svg tag in the drawing. vml uses div <br>this.container = hasSVG <br>? new vector().$c(1,'svg') <br>.attr({ <br>xmlns : '', <br>version : '1.1' <br>}) <br>.css({fontSize : '12px '}) <br>.appendTo(container).element <br>: new vector().$c(1,'div') <br>.css({ <br>fontSize : '12px', <br> width : this.width 'px', <br>height : this.height 'px' <br>}) <br>.appendTo(container).element; <br>var c = extend(true,{},this .options) <br>var opts = this.opts = extend(true,c,options), <br>style = extend(,{ <br>width : this.width, <br>height : this.height <br>}); <br><br><br><br>//Calculate some parameters needed when drawing the plate <br>this.getDrawArea() <br>.createTooltip() //Create Prompt message frame<br>.drawTitle() //Draw title<br>//Draw plate<br><br>if('line,area,pie'.indexOf(opts.charts.type)>=0 ){ <br>opts.charts.panel = 'x'; <br>} <br><br>if(' pie,pies'.indexOf(opts.charts.type)<0){ <BR>this .drawPanel(); <BR>} <br><br>this.drawLegend(opts.legend.type); //Draw color block bar<br><br>var type = { <BR>line : 'drawLine' , <BR>area : 'drawArea', <BR>columns : 'drawColumns', <BR>pie : 'drawPie', <BR>pies : 'drawPies', <BR>segment : 'drawSegment' <BR>}[ opts.charts.type]; <BR>this[type](); <br><br>}, <BR>createElement : function(nodeName){ <BR>return new vector().$c(this,nodeName ); <BR>}, <BR>group: function(name){ <BR>return this.createElement(isIE?'div':'g').attr('mark',name); <BR>}, <BR>getDrawArea : function(){ <BR>var opts = this.opts, <BR>width = this.width, <BR>height = this.height, <BR>title = opts.title, <BR>subTitle = opts.subTitle, <BR>area = { <BR>// Remove the scale text width on the left side of the coordinate axis (estimated) 80 is the fixed value, leaving only 80 spacing on the left side <BR>areaWidth : width - 80, <BR> // Remove the height of the text and markings under the coordinate axis <BR>areaHeight : height - 40, <BR>//The X position of the origin will be calculated below <BR>startX : 0, <BR>//The Y of the origin The position will be calculated below <BR>startY: 0, <BR>//When drawing a pie chart, you need to know the position of the center of the circle. <BR>centerX: 0, <BR>//The y coordinate of the center to draw a pie chart. When you need to know the position of the center of the circle <BR>centerY: 0 <BR>}; <br><br>//If the main title exists, subtract the height of the main title, otherwise subtract 10 from the height <BR>area.areaHeight -= (title.text !== '') <BR>? title.y <BR>: 10; <br><br>// Remove subtitle height <BR>area.areaHeight -=(subTitle.text !== ' ') <BR>? subTitle.y <BR>: 10 <br><br>area.startX = 80; <BR>area.startY = height - 40; <br><br>//The position of the center of the circle<BR>area.centerX = width / 2; <BR>area.centerY = height / 2; <br><br>//Leave some space on the right <BR>area.areaWidth -=20; <BR>//Also leave some space on the top Some spacing <BR>area.areaHeight -=15; <br><br>opts.area = area; <br><br>return this; <br><br>}, <BR>drawTitle : function(){ <BR>var opts = this.opts, <BR>self = this, <BR>arr = [opts.title,opts.subTitle,opts.yUnit], <BR>//Basic parameters for the position of the three title coordinates <BR>config = [ <BR>{ <BR>x : this.width / 2, <BR>y : opts.title.y <BR>}, <BR>{ <BR>x : this.width / 2 , <BR>y : opts.subTitle.y <BR>}, <BR>{ <BR>x : opts.yUnit.x, <BR>y : this.height / 2 - 20 <BR>} <BR> ], <BR>tpanel ='title') <BR>.appendTo(); <br><br>each(arr,function(i,title){ <BR>var text = title.text; <BR>if(text){ <BR>var elem = self.baseDraw('span',{ <BR>'text-anchor':'left', <BR>x : mathMax(config[i].x - calTextLen(text,,10), <BR>y : config[i].y <BR>},calTextLen(title.text, <BR>.css ( <BR>.addText(text) <BR>.appendTo(tpanel); <br><br>//If it is 2, it means it is a subtitle. Turn it vertically <BR>if(i= ==2){ <BR>hasSVG <BR>? elem.attr({transform : 'rotate(270, ' (opts.yUnit.x 10) ', ' self.height / 2 ')'}) <BR> : ( ='progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)') <BR>} <br><br>} <BR>}); <BR>return this; <BR>}, <br><br><BR>//It’s more troublesome to draw a plate <BR>drawPanel: function(type){ <BR>var opts = this.opts, <BR>self = this, <BR>area = opts.area, <BR>isSegment= opts.charts.type==='segment', <BR>//The type of plate is horizontal or vertical <BR>type = opts.charts.panel || 'x '; <br><br>// Bottom plate<BR>var drawAreaWidth = area.areaWidth, <BR>drawAreaHeight = area.areaHeight, <BR>//Coordinates of the origin <BR>startX = area.startX, <BR> startY = area.startY; <br><br>var allData = [], <BR>minValue = 0, <BR>maxValue = 10, <BR>lineNum = mathMax(opts.yUnit.lineNum,2), <BR>min = opts.yUnit.min, <BR>staff; <br><br>//Combine all data <BR>each(opts.chartData,function(i,o){ <BR>isSegment <BR>? each(,function(j,d){ <BR>allData[j] <BR>? allData[j] = allData[j] (~~d) <BR>: allData[j] = ~~d ; <BR>}) <BR>: allData = allData.concat( <BR>}); <br><br>//Sort all data in order to find the maximum and minimum values below <BR>allData .sort(function(a,b){return a-b}); <br><br>//Find the maximum and minimum values<BR>maxValue = allData[allData.length - 1]; <br><br>each (allData,function(i,o){ <BR>if(o){ <BR>minValue = o; <BR>return false; <BR>} <BR>}); <br><br>//Main plate container<BR>this.panel ='panel').appendTo(); <br><br><BR>var dd = xx(minValue,maxValue , lineNum), <BR>min = dd.min, <BR>max = dd.max, <BR>f = dd.stf; <br><br>//Indicates that the abscissa is drawn <BR>if( type.toLowerCase()==='x'){ <BR>//Abscissa unit interval<BR>var xPices = drawAreaWidth / opts.xUnit.units.length, <BR>//Center point of unit interval<BR>offset = xPices / 2, <br><br>yPices = drawAreaHeight / lineNum; <br><br><BR>//----------------------------- ------------Draw horizontal dots and text-------------------------------- -------------------------- <BR>each(opts.xUnit.units,function(i,d){ <BR>self.baseDraw( 'path',{ <BR>border : 1, <BR>borderColor : '#C0C0C0', <BR>isfill : false, <BR>path : [ <BR>M, <BR>processPoint(startX (i * xPices )), <BR>processPoint(startY), <BR>L, <BR>processPoint(startX (i*xPices)), <BR>processPoint(startY 5) <BR>] <BR>}). <BR> appendTo(self.panel); <BR>var y = hasSVG?5:10, <BR>span = self.baseDraw('span',{ <BR>x : startX offset (i * xPices), <BR>y : startY y, <BR>'text-anchor':'middle' <BR>}) <BR>.css({ <BR>fontFamily:'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <BR>fontSize: '12px' <BR>}) <BR>.addText(opts.xUnit.units[i]) <BR>.appendTo(self.panel) <BR>.element; <br><br>//vml has no x y So to simplify the concept, half of the span width needs to be reduced when using span later. <BR>!hasSVG <BR> = parseInt( - span.offsetWidth/2 'px'; <br><br>}); <BR>//--------------------------------Draw vertical dots and text -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- <BR>for(i=0;i<=lineNum;i ){ <BR>self.baseDraw('path',{ <BR>border : 1, <BR>borderColor : '#C0C0C0', <BR>isfill : false, <BR>path : [M, startX, processPoint(startY - (i * yPices)), L, processPoint(startX drawAreaWidth), processPoint(startY - (i *yPices))] <BR>}) <BR>.css({zIndex:-10}) <BR>.appendTo(self.panel); <br><br>var span = self.baseDraw('span',{ <BR>x : startX - 15, <BR>y : startY - i * yPices-calTextLen(min i*f '').h/2, <BR>'text -anchor':'middle' <BR>}) <BR>.css({ <BR>'font-family':'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <BR>'font-size':' 12px', <BR>width: '40px', <BR>display:'block', <BR>textAlign:'right' <BR>}) <BR>.addText((min*1000 (i*1000*f /1000)*1000)/1000 '') <BR>.appendTo(self.panel) <BR>.element; <br><br>if(!hasSVG){ <BR> = parseInt( span.offsetHeight/2 -5 'px'; <BR> = parseInt( -35 'px' <BR>} <BR>} <br> <br>}else{ <BR>//Abscissa unit interval<BR>var yPices = drawAreaHeight / (opts.xUnit.units.length), <BR>//The center point of the unit interval<BR>offset = Math. round(yPices / 2); <br><br><br><br>var x = hasSVG?25:70, <BR>vv = hasSVG?0:5; <br><br>each(opts.xUnit .units,function(i,d){ <br><br>self.baseDraw('path',{ <BR>border : 1, <BR>borderColor : '#C0C0C0', <BR>isfill : false, <BR>path : [ <BR>M, <BR>processPoint(startX-5), <BR>processPoint(startY-i * yPices), <BR>L, <BR>processPoint(startX), <BR>processPoint( startY-i * yPices), <BR>] <BR>}) <BR>.appendTo(self.panel); <BR>var span = self.baseDraw('span',{ <BR>x : startX - x , <BR>y : startY -i * yPices-offset-calTextLen(d).h/2 vv, <BR>'text-anchor':'middle' <BR>}) <BR>.css({ <BR>fontFamily:'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <BR>fontSize:'12px', <BR>width : '60px', <BR>textAlign:'right' <BR>}) <BR>. addText(d) <BR>.appendTo(self.panel) <br><br>}); <br><br><BR>var xPices = drawAreaWidth / lineNum; <br><br>for(var i= 0;i<=lineNum;i ){ <BR>self.baseDraw('path',{ <BR>border : 1, <BR>borderColor : '#C0C0C0', <BR>isfill : false, <BR>path : [ <BR>M, <BR>processPoint(startX (i * xPices)), <BR>processPoint(startY), <BR>L, <BR>processPoint(startX (i*xPices)), <BR>processPoint (startY - drawAreaHeight) <BR>] <BR>}). <BR>appendTo(self.panel); <br><br>var span = self.baseDraw('span',{ <BR>x : startX - calTextLen(min i*f '').w/2 i * xPices, <BR>y : startY, <BR>'text-anchor':'left' <BR>}) <BR>.css({ <BR>fontFamily:'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <BR>fontSize:'12px' <BR>}) <BR>.addText(min i*f '') <BR>.appendTo(self.panel ) <BR>.element; <BR>} <br><br>} <br><br>//--------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <BR>//When drawing the area map, you also need the starting point <BR>//Because The coordinates are likely to be negative and may not start from 0, so jianju <BR>var jianju =0 <BR>if(min>0)jianju = min; <br>if(max<0)jianju = max; <BR>//Calculate the starting position <BR>startX = opts.charts.panel==='x' ? startX :startX-xPices*(min/f); <BR>startY = opts.charts.panel=== 'x' ? startY yPices*(min/f) : startY; <br><br>opts.draw = { <BR>startX : startX, // Starting point of X axis<BR>startY : startY , // Starting point of Y axis <BR>xPices : xPices, // The width of each part of the X axis <BR>yPices : yPices, // The width of each part of the Y axis <BR>offset : offset, // The offset of the X single center point position <BR>jianju : jianju*yPices/f, <BR>feed : f // How many copies are there on the Y axis<BR>}; <BR>return this; <BR>}, <br><br>createTooltip: function(){ <BR>//A group<BR>this.tipC ='tip') <BR>.css({zIndex: 200,height:'20px ',width:'20px',position:'absolute'}) <BR>.appendTo() <BR>.hide() <br><br>//Draw a box baseDraw <BR>this.tipBox = this. baseDraw('rect',{arc:0.22,fill:'#fff',border:2,borderColor:'#606060'}) <BR>.appendTo(this.tipC) <br><br>//Because svg The g inside can be positioned directly, but the group rendering in vml is very slow, so I changed the div. So the parent here is different <BR>var p = isIE ?this.tipBox :this.tipC; <br><br>this.tipTxtContainer = this.baseDraw('text',{fill:'#000000',x:5,y:19,'text-anchor':'left'}) <BR>.css({ <BR>fontFamily:'Verdana, Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <BR>fontSize:'12px', <BR>background: '#FFF' <BR>}) <BR>.appendTo(p); <br><br>this.tipText = doc.createTextNode(''); <BR>this.tipTxtContainer[0].appendChild(this.tipText); <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>showTooltip : function(obj, x, y, data){ <BR>var txt ((' : ' data)||''), <BR>size = calTextLen(txt,this.tipTxtContainer[0].style.cssText), <BR>pos = {x : x - (size.w 5 * 2)/2 ,y : y - 32}; <BR>this.tipC <BR>.toFront() <BR>.show(); <br><br>if(hasSVG){ <BR>this.tipC.attr({transform:'translate(' pos.x ',' pos.y ')'}); <br><br>this.tipBox <BR>. attr({width : size.w 5 * 2,height : size.h 5 * 2,stroke : obj.color||'#606060'}); <BR>}else{ <BR>this.tipC.css( {left:pos.x,top:pos.y}); <br><br>this.tipBox <BR>.css({width:size.w 5 * 2,height : size.h 5 * 2}) <BR>this.tipBox[0].strokeColor = obj.color||'#606060'; <BR>} <br><br>this.tipText.nodeValue = txt || ''; <BR>}, <BR>hideTooltip: function(){ <BR>this.tipC.hide(); <BR>}, <br><br>drawLegend : function(type,redraw){ <BR>var self = this, <BR> opts = this.opts, <BR>//The size of the color block<BR>t_width = 20, <BR>t_height = 20, <BR>//The distance between the blocks<BR>t_space = 5, <BR>datas = opts.chartData, <BR>len = datas.length, <BR>css =, <br><br>//Maximum length If it is vertical, the maximum length is required <BR>maxWidth = 10 , <BR>maxHeight = 30, <BR>//The position of this thing<BR>orig_pos = opts.legend.pos?opts.legend.pos:[2,2], <br><br>//Show and hide Group function <BR>handle = function(i){ <BR>var g = self.mainGroup['chart' i]; <BR>if({ <BR>g.chart.hide(); <BR> = false; <BR>hasSVG <BR>? this.attr({fill:'#ccc'}) <BR>: this[0].style.color = '#ccc' <BR> }else{ <BR>; <BR> = true; <BR>hasSVG <BR>? this.attr({fill:'#000'}) <BR>: this[ 0].style.color = '#000' <BR>} <BR>}, <br><br>arr = []; <br><br>type = type ||'lateral'; <BR>var legendPanel ='Legend') <BR>.appendTo(); <BR>if(type===='lateral'){ <BR>//If it is horizontal <BR>var top = orig_pos[1 ] 5, <BR>th = hasSVG?0:3, <BR>left = orig_pos[0] 5; <BR>each(datas, function(i,d){ <BR>left = i===0 ? left : t_space left; <BR>//Calculate the positions of all lefts <BR>self.baseDraw('rect',{ <BR>arc : 0.1, <BR>fill : d.color, <BR>border : 1, <BR>borderColor : d.color, <BR>left : left, <BR>top : top, <BR>width : t_width 'px', <BR>height : t_height 'px' <BR>}) <BR> .appendTo(legendPanel); <BR>left = left t_width 2 t_space; <BR>var w = calTextLen(,css).w <BR>self.baseDraw('span',{ <BR>'text- anchor':'left', <BR>x : left, <BR>y : top th <BR>}) <BR>.css(extend(css,{cursor:'pointer'})) <BR>.on ('click',function(){ <BR>if(opts.charts.type==='pies')return; <BR>,i); <BR>}) <BR>.addText ( <BR>.appendTo(legendPanel); <BR>left = left w; <br><br>}); <BR>this.baseDraw('rect',{ <BR>arc : 0.1, <BR>fill : 'none', <BR>border : 1.5, <BR>borderColor : '#666666', <BR>width : left t_space- orig_pos[0], <BR>height : maxHeight, <BR>left : orig_pos[0], <BR>top : orig_pos[1] <BR>}) <BR>.appendTo(legendPanel); <BR>}else{ <br><br>var top = orig_pos[1] 5, <BR>th = hasSVG?0:3, <BR>left = orig_pos[0] 5; <BR>each(datas, function(i,d){ <BR>top = i===0 ? top : t_space top; <BR>self.baseDraw('rect',{ <BR>arc : 0.1, <BR>fill : d.color, <BR>border : 1, <BR>borderColor : d.color, <BR>left : left, <BR>top : top, <BR>width : t_width 'px', <BR>height : t_height 'px' <BR>}) <BR>.appendTo(legendPanel); <br><br>var h = calTextLen(,css).h; <br><br>self.baseDraw('span',{ <BR>'text-anchor':'left', <BR>x : left t_width 2 t_space , <BR>y : top th <BR>}) <BR>.css(extend(css,{cursor:'pointer'})) <BR>.addText( <BR>.on('click ',function(){ <BR>if(opts.charts.type==='pies')return; <BR>,i); <BR>}) <BR>.appendTo(legendPanel) ; <BR>top = top h t_space; <BR>maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth,calTextLen(,css).w); <BR>}); <BR>this.baseDraw('rect', { <BR>arc : 0.1, <BR>fill : 'none', <BR>border : 1.5, <BR>borderColor : '#666666', <BR>width : maxWidth 22 15, <BR>height : top t_space -orig_pos[1], <BR>left : orig_pos[0], <BR>top : orig_pos[1] <BR>}) <BR>.appendTo(legendPanel); <BR>} <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>drawLine : function(){ <BR>var self = this, <BR>opts = this.opts; <BR>draw = opts.draw; <BR>each(opts.chartData,function(i,o ){ <BR>var id = 'chart' i, <BR>lineGroup = <BR>.appendTo(); <BR>self.mainGroup[id]={chart:lineGroup,show:true }; <BR>var path = [M], <BR>data =, <BR>line; <br><br>for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i ){ <BR>if( data[i] == null){ <BR>//If this data does not exist and is not the first data path, add M <BR>if(path[path.length - 1] !== M ) <BR>path.push(M); <BR>}else{ <BR>//If it is not the first data path, add L <BR>i !== 0 && path.push("L"); <BR>//If the previous one is null and it is not the first one, remove the L <BR>if(i > 0 && data[i - 1] == null) <br>path.pop(); <br> //Calculate the x, y position of the point <br>var x = draw.startX draw.offset (i * draw.xPices), <br>y = draw.startY - (data[i] * (draw.yPices) / draw.feed)); <br>if(isIE){ <br>x = parseInt(x); <br>y = parseInt(y); <br>} <br>path.push(x); <br>path.push(y); <br>//Draw points<br>self.baseDraw('circle',{ <br>x : x, <br>y : y, <br>r : 4, <br>fillColor : o.color <br>}) <br>.attr({data:data[i]}) <br>.css({zIndex:10,cursor:'pointer'}) <br>.on ('mouseover',(function(o,x,y){ <br>return function(){ <br>hasSVG <br>? (this[0].setAttribute('r','5'),line. attr({'stroke-width':2.5})) <br>: (this[0].strokeWeight = 3,line[0].strokeWeight = 2.5); <br>self.showTooltip(o,x,y, this.attr('data')); <br>} <br><br>})(o,x,y)) <br>.on('mouseout',function(){ <br>hasSVG <br>? (this[0].setAttribute('r','4'),line.attr({'stroke-width':1.5})) <br>: (this[0].strokeWeight = 1,line[ 0].strokeWeight = 1.5); <br>self.hideTooltip() <br>}) <br>.on('click',function(){lineGroup.toFront(); }) <br>.appendTo(lineGroup ); <br><br>} <br>}; <br>//Draw a polyline<br>line = self.baseDraw('path',{ <br>border : 1.5, <br>borderColor : o.color , <br>isfill : false, <br>path : path <br>}) <br>.css({zIndex:5}) <br>.on('mouseover',function(){ <br>hasSVG <br>? this.attr({'stroke-width':2.5}) <br>: (this[0].strokeWeight = 2.5); <br>}) <br>.on('mouseout',function() { <br>hasSVG <br>? this.attr({'stroke-width':1.5}) <br>: (this[0].strokeWeight = 1.5); <br>}) <br>.on(' click',function(){lineGroup.toFront(); }) <br>.appendTo(lineGroup); <br>}); <br>return this; <br>}, <br>drawArea : function(){ <br>var self = this, <br>opts = this.opts, <br>draw = opts.draw; <br>each(opts.chartData,function(i,o){ <br>var id = 'chart ' i, <br>areaGroup =; <br>self.mainGroup[id] = {chart: areaGroup,show: true}; <br>//There are 2 paths and one is The path of the area is the path of the line <br><br>var areaPath = [M, (draw.startX draw.offset).toFixed(0), (draw.startY-draw.jianju).toFixed(0)], <br>path = [M], <br>data =, <br>line; <br>for(var n=0,l=data.length;n<l;n ){ <BR>/ /If the data is empty <BR>var len = areaPath.length; <BR>if( data[n] === null){ <BR>//If the previous one is not m, redraw it so add M <BR>if(path[path.length - 1] !== M) <BR>path.push(M); <br><br>//If the first or previous one is bull, modify the starting point coordinates<BR>len===3 <BR>&&(areaPath[1] = (draw.startX (n 1)*draw.xPices draw.offset).toFixed(0)); <br><br>//If the previous It is not the end identifier of the area map. If the first data is null, the following operation will not be performed <BR>if(areaPath[len - 1] !== seal&&n!==0){ <BR>areaPath=areaPath.concat( [ <BR>areaPath[len - 2], <BR>(draw.startY-draw.jianju).toFixed(0), <BR>seal <BR>]); <BR>} <BR>}else{ <BR>n !== 0 && path.push(L); <BR>areaPath.push(L); <BR>//If the previous data is null, remove the previous L<BR>if(n > ; 0 && data[n - 1] == null){ <BR>path.pop(); <BR>//If it is the first one, it is null and L is not deleted. <BR>n!==1&&areaPath.pop() ; <BR>} <br><br>var x = draw.startX draw.offset (n * draw.xPices), <BR>y = draw.startY - ((data[n]) * (draw.yPices / draw.feed)); <BR>if(isIE){ <BR>x = parseInt(x); <BR>y = parseInt(y); <BR>} <BR>path.push(x); <BR>path.push(y); <br><br><BR>if(areaPath[len - 1] === seal){ <BR>areaPath = areaPath.concat([ <BR>M, <BR>x , <BR>parseInt(draw.startY-draw.jianju), <BR>L, <BR>x, <BR>y <BR>]); <BR>}else{ <BR>areaPath.push(x) ; <BR>areaPath.push(y); <BR>} <br><br>//If it is the last point <BR>if(n === l - 1){ <br><br>areaPath. push(x); <br><br>areaPath.push(parseInt(draw.startY-draw.jianju)); <BR>} <br><br>//Draw points<BR>self.baseDraw('circle ',{ <BR>x : x, <BR>y : y, <BR>r : 4, <BR>fillColor : o.color <BR>}) <BR>.attr({data:data[n] }) <BR>.on('mouseover',(function(o,x,y){ <BR>return function(){ <BR>hasSVG <BR>? (this[0].setAttribute('r', '5'),line.attr({'stroke-width':2.5})) <BR>: (this[0].strokeWeight = 3,line[0].strokeWeight = 2.5); <BR>self.showTooltip (o,x,y,this.attr('data')); <BR>} <br><br>})(o,x,y)) <BR>.on('mouseout',function() { <BR>hasSVG <BR>? (this[0].setAttribute('r','4'),line.attr({'stroke-width':1.5})) <BR>: (this[0] .strokeWeight = 1,line[0].strokeWeight = 1.5); <BR>self.hideTooltip() <BR>}) <BR>.on('click',function(){areaGroup.toFront(); }) <BR>.css({zIndex:10,cursor:'pointer'}) <BR>.appendTo(areaGroup); <br><br>} <BR>} <br><br>areaPath.push(seal) <br><br>self.baseDraw('path',{ <BR>border : 0, <BR>isfill : true, <BR>fillColor : o.color, <BR>opacity : 0.5, <BR>path : areaPath <BR>}) <BR>.css({zIndex:5}) <BR>.appendTo(areaGroup); <br><br>line = self.baseDraw('path',{ <BR>border : 2.5, <BR>borderColor : o.color, <BR>isfill : false, <BR>path : path <BR>}) <BR>.on('mouseover',function(){ <BR>hasSVG <BR>? this.attr({'stroke-width':2.5}) <BR>: (this[0].strokeWeight = 2.5); <BR>}) <BR>.on('mouseout',function(){ <BR>hasSVG <BR>? this.attr({'stroke-width':1.5}) <BR>: (this[0].strokeWeight = 1.5); <BR>}) <BR>.on('click',function(){areaGroup.toFront(); }) <BR>.css({zIndex:-1}) <BR>.appendTo(areaGroup); <BR>}); <BR>return this; <BR>}, <BR>drawColumns : function(){ <BR>var self = this, <BR>opts = this.opts, <BR>draw = opts.draw, <BR>chartData = opts.chartData, <BR>dataLen = chartData.length, <BR>//多个柱子之间的间距 <BR>columnSpace = 3, <BR>//一个位置中 所有的间隔之和 <BR>columnPadding = columnSpace * dataLen columnSpace, <BR>//每个柱子的宽度 <BR>columnSize = self.opts.charts.panel==='x' <BR>? Number(((draw.xPices - columnPadding) / dataLen).toFixed(0)) <BR>: Number(((draw.yPices - columnPadding) / dataLen).toFixed(0)); <br><br>each(chartData, function(i,o){ <BR>var data =, <BR>id = 'chart' i, <BR>isX = opts.charts.panel==='x', <BR>colGroup =, <BR>//每个点开始的位置 <BR>start = self.opts.charts.panel==='x' <BR>? draw.startX columnSpace i*(columnSize columnSpace) <BR>: draw.startY columnSpace i*(columnSize columnSpace) <br><br>self.mainGroup[id] = {chart:colGroup,show:true}; <br><br>for(var j = 0,l=data.length; j < l ; j ){ <BR>if(data[j]===null) continue; <BR>//如果是横盘子 <BR>if(isX){ <BR>var x = Number((start j *draw.xPices ).toFixed(0)), <BR>y = Number((draw.startY).toFixed(0)), <BR>height = Number((data[j] * (draw.yPices / draw.feed)).toFixed(0)), <BR>path = [ <BR>M, <BR>x, <BR>y, <BR>L, <BR>x, <BR>y -height, <BR>L, <BR>x columnSize, <BR>y - height, <BR>L, <BR>x columnSize, <BR>y, <BR>seal <BR>]; <BR>var pos = [x columnSize/2,data[j]>0?y-height:draw.startY]; <br>}else{ <br><br>var x = Number((draw.startX).toFixed(0)), <br>width = Number((data[j]*((draw.xPices / draw.feed))).toFixed(0)), <br>y = Number((start - (j 1) *draw.yPices ).toFixed(0)), <br>path = [ <br>M, <br>x, <br>y, <br>L, <br>x width, <br>y , <br>L, <br>x width, <br>y columnSize, <br>L, <br>x , <br>y columnSize, <br>seal <br>]; <br>var pos = [draw.startX width/2,y-columnSize]; <br>} <br><br>self.baseDraw('path',{ <br>border : 0, <br>isfill : true, <br>fillColor : o.color, <br>opacity : 1, <br>path : path <br>}) <br>.attr({data:data[j]}) <br>.css({zIndex:5,cursor:'pointer'}) <br>.on('mouseover',(function(x,y,d){ <br><br>return function(){ <br><br>this.setOpacity(0.85); <br><br>self.showTooltip(o,x,y,this.attr('data')); <br>} <br><br>})(pos[0],pos[1],data[j]) <br><br>) <br>.on('mouseout',(function(x,y){ <br>return function(){ <br>this.setOpacity(1); <br>self.hideTooltip(); <br>} <br>})(x,y)) <br>.appendTo(colGroup); <br><br>} <br>}); <br>return this; <br>}, <br>drawPie : function(){ <br>var self = this, <br>opts = this.opts, <br>area = opts.area, <br>rx = area.centerX, <br>ry = area.centerY, <br>inc = 0, <br>total = 0, <br>data = [], <br>cumulative = -0.25, // start at top; <br>circ = 2 * Math.PI, <br>radiu = mathMin(opts.charts.radius,mathMin(area.areaWidth/2,area.areaHeight/2)), <br>fraction, <br>half_fraction; <br><br>each(opts.chartData,function(i,o){ <br>typeof ==='object' <br>? (data.push((function(o){ <br>var all =0; <br>for(var i in o) <br>all =~~o[i] <br>return all <br>})( <br>:data.push(mathAbs( <br><br>}); <br><br>each(data,function(i,o){ <br>total = total o; <br>}); <br><br>each(data,function(i,o){ <br>var pieGroup ='chart' i).appendTo(), <br>s = inc/total*360, <br>e = (inc o)/total*360, <br>name = opts.chartData[i].name, <br>size = calTextLen(name), <br>dot = angle(radiu,[rx,ry],s (e-s)/2,2), <br>x = rx (dot[0]-rx)/2 - size.w/2, <br>y = ry (dot[1]-ry)/2 - size.h/2, <br>len = Math.sqrt((x-rx)*(x-rx) (y-ry)*(y-ry)), <br>moveDisplacement = ((x-rx)*8/len) ',' ((y-ry)*8/len); <br><br>inc = inc o; <br><br>var value = Number(o); <br>fraction = total ? value / total : 0; <br>half_fraction = total ? (value / 2) / total : 0; <br><br>var start = cumulative * circ; <br>half_cumulative = cumulative half_fraction; <br>cumulative = fraction; <br><br>var end = cumulative * circ; <br><br>self.baseDraw('pie',{ <br>config : opts.chartData[i], <br>s : start, <br>e : end, <br>r : radiu, <br>innerR : 0 <br>}) <br>.css({zIndex:5,cursor:'pointer'}) <br>.attr({move:moveDisplacement}) <br>.on('mouseover',function(){ <br>this.setOpacity(0.85); <br>}) <br>.on('mouseout',function(){ <br>this.setOpacity(1); <br>}) <br>.on('click',function(){ <br>var m = this.attr('move') <br>if(m.indexOf(' ')>0){ <br>hasSVG <br>? this.attr({ <br>transform: 'translate(0,0)' <br>}) <br>: this.css({ <br>left : '0px', <br>top : '0px' <br>}) <br>this.attr({move:m.replace(' ','')}); <br><br>}else{ <br>var s= m.split(','); <br>hasSVG <br>? this.attr({ <br>transform: 'translate(' m ')' <br>}) <br>: this.css({ <br>left : s[0] 'px', <br>top : s[1] 'px' <br>}) <br><br>this.attr({move:m ' '}); <br>} <br>}) <br>.appendTo(pieGroup); <br><br>self.mainGroup['chart' i] = {chart:pieGroup,show:true}; <br><br>self.baseDraw('span',{ <br>x : x, <br>y : y, <br>fill : '#fff', <br>'text-anchor':'left' <br>}) <br>.css({ <br>fontFamily : 'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <br>fontSize : '12px', <br>position : 'absolute', <br>color : '#fff', <br>zIndex : 10 <br>}) <br>.addText(name) <br>.appendTo(pieGroup); <br>}); <br><br>}, <br>drawPies : function(){ <br><br>var self = this, <br>opts = this.opts, <br>area = opts.area, <br>rx = area.centerX, <br>ry = area.centerY, <br>total = 0, <br>data = [], <br>chartData = opts.chartData, <br>cumulative = -0.25, // start at top; <br>circ = 2 * Math.PI, <br>radiu = mathMin(opts.charts.radius,mathMin(area.areaWidth/2,area.areaHeight/2)), <br>fraction, <br>half_cumulative, <br>half_fraction; <br><br>each(chartData,function(i,o){ <br>each(,function(j,d){ <br>data[j] <br>? data[j] =mathAbs(d) <br>: data[j] =mathAbs(d) <br>}); <br><br>}); <br>//看有多少个数据来生成来生成内半径 <br>var len = data.length, <br>innerSpace = radiu / 10; <br>Rpice = (radiu - innerSpace) / len, <br>piesGroup ='pies').appendTo(); <br><br>each(data,function(i,d){ <br>var inc = 0 ; <br>if(d===0) return; <br>each(chartData,function(j,o){ <br>if([i]===0)return; <br>var outR = radiu - Rpice * i, <br>innerR = radiu - Rpice * (i 1), <br>value =[i], <br>fraction = value / d; <br>half_fraction = (value/2)/d , <br>start = cumulative * circ, <br>s = inc/d*360, <br>e = (inc value)/d*360; <br><br>inc = inc value; <br>var name =, <br>size = calTextLen(name), <br>dot = angle(radiu,[rx,ry],s (e-s)/2,2), <br>px = dot[0]>rx?1:-1, <br>py = dot[1]>ry?1:-1; <br>var x = rx px*innerSpace ((dot[0]-rx-px*innerSpace)/len)*(len-i-1) ((dot[0]-rx-px*innerSpace)/len)/2- size.w/2, <br>y = ry py*innerSpace ((dot[1]-ry-py*innerSpace)/len)*(len-i-1) ((dot[1]-ry-py*innerSpace)/len)/2- size.h/2; <br><br>half_cumulative = cumulative half_fraction, <br>cumulative = fraction, <br>end = cumulative * circ; <br><br>self.baseDraw('pie',{ <br>config : o, <br>s : start, <br>e : end, <br>r : outR, <br>innerR : innerR <br>}) <br>.css({zIndex:5,cursor:'pointer'}) <br>.on('mouseover',function(){ <br>this.setOpacity(0.85); <br>}) <br>.on('mouseout',function(){ <br>this.setOpacity(1); <br>}) <br>.appendTo(piesGroup); <br>self.baseDraw('span',{ <br>x : x, <br>y : y, <br>fill : '#fff', <br>'text-anchor':'left' <br>}) <br>.css({ <br>fontFamily : 'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', <br>fontSize : '12px', <br>position : 'absolute', <br>color : '#fff', <br>zIndex : 10 <br>}) <br>.addText(name) <br>.appendTo(piesGroup); <br><br>}) <br>}); <br><br>}, <br>drawSegment : function(){ <br>var self = this, <br>opts = this.opts, <br>draw = opts.draw, <br>chartData = opts.chartData, <br>columnPad = 5, <br>columnWidth = draw.xPices - columnPad * 2; <br><br>each(chartData,function(i,c){ <br><br><br>}); <br>}, <br>baseDraw : function(type,config){ <br>var self = this <br>arg = arguments; <br>return { <br>rect : function(){ <br>var set = {}; <br>set.rx = set.ry = config.arc*30 || 5; <br>set.width = config.width || 50; <br>set.height = config.height || 50; <br>set.fill = config.fill || '#fff'; <br>set['fill-opacity'] = config.opacity || 0.85; <br>set['stroke-width'] = config.border || 2; <br>set.stroke = config.borderColor || '#606060'; <br>set.transform = 'translate(' (config.left||0) ',' (||0) ')'; <br>return self.createElement('rect') <br>.attr(set) <br><br>}, <br>text : function(){ <br>return self.createElement('text') <br>.attr(config) <br>}, <br>span : function(){ <br>var elem= self.createElement('text') <br>.attr(config) <br>.attr({ <br>y : config.y (arg[2]||15) <br>}) <br>return elem; <br>}, <br>path : function(){ <br>var set = {}; <br>set['stroke-width'] = config.border; <br>set.stroke = config.borderColor || '#C0C0C0'; <br>set.fill = config.isfill?config.fillColor:'none'; <br>set.d = config.path; <br>config.opacity <br>&&(set['fill-opacity'] = config.opacity); <br><br>return self.createElement('path') <br>.attr(set); <br>}, <br>circle : function(){ <br>var set = {}; <br> = config.x; <br> = config.y; <br>set.r = config.r; <br>set.fill = config.fillColor; <br>return self.createElement('circle') <br>.attr(set); <br>}, <br>pie : function(){ <br>//config,s,e,r,index <br>var opts = self.opts, <br>s = config.s, <br>r = config.r, <br>e = config.e - 0.000001, <br>id = 'chart' config.index, <br>area = opts.area, <br>rx = area.centerX, <br>ry = area.centerY, <br>cosStart = mathCos(s), <br>sinStart = mathSin(s), <br>cosEnd = mathCos(e), <br>sinEnd = mathSin(e), <br>color = config.config.color, <br>innerR = config.innerR, <br>longArc = e - s < Math.PI ? 0 : 1, <BR>path = [ <BR>M, <BR>rx r * cosStart, <BR>ry r * sinStart, <BR>'A', <BR>r, <BR>r, <BR>0, <BR>longArc, <BR>1, <BR>rx r * cosEnd, <BR>ry r * sinEnd, <BR>L, <BR>rx innerR * cosEnd, <BR>ry innerR * sinEnd, <BR>'A', // arcTo <BR>innerR, // x radius <BR>innerR, // y radius <BR>0, // slanting <BR>longArc, // long or short arc <BR>0, // clockwise <BR>rx innerR * cosStart, <BR>ry innerR * sinStart, <BR>'Z' <BR>]; <br><br>return self.baseDraw('path',{ <BR>border : 1, <BR>border : '#fff', <BR>isfill : true, <BR>fillColor : color, <BR>opacity : 1, <BR>path : path <br><br>}) <br><br>} <BR>}[type](); <BR>} <BR>}; <br><br>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>//如果是vml 修改smipleChart.prototype中的一些方法 <BR>!hasSVG <BR>&&extend(smipleChart.prototype,{ <BR>baseDraw : function(type,config){ <BR>var self = this, <BR>width = this.width, <BR>height = this.height, <BR>name = arguments[2]; <BR>return { <BR>rect : function(){ <BR>var attr = {}, <BR>css = {}; <BR>attr.arcsize = config.arc || 0.2 ''; <BR>if(config.fill==='none'){ <BR>attr.filled = 'f' <BR>}else{ <BR>attr.filled = 't'; <BR>attr.fillcolor = config.fill || '#fff'; <BR>} <br><br>attr.strokeWeight = config.border || 2; <BR>attr.strokeColor = config.borderColor || '#606060'; <BR>css.width = config.width || 50 'px'; <BR>css.height = config.height || 50 'px'; <BR>css.zIndex = 10; <BR>css.left = config.left||0 'px'; <BR> = ||0 'px'; <br><br>return self.createElement('roundrect') <BR>.attr(attr) <BR>.css(css) <BR>}, <BR>text : function(){ <BR>return self.createElement('TextBox') <BR>.attr({inset : "2px,2px,2px,2px" }) <BR>}, <BR>span : function(){ <BR>return self.createElement('span'). <BR>css({ <BR>position:'absolute', <BR>left : config.x 'px', <BR>top : config.y 'px' <BR>}) <BR>}, <BR>path : function(){ <BR>var attr = {}, <BR>css = { <BR>width : width 'px', <BR>height : height 'px' <BR>}; <br><br>if(config.border===0){ <BR>attr.Stroked = 'f'; <BR>attr.strokeWeight =0; <BR>}else{ <BR>attr.strokeWeight = config.border||1 ; <BR>} <BR>attr.strokeColor = config.borderColor || "#C0C0C0"; <BR>attr.filled = config.isfill?'t':'f'; <BR>attr.filled==='t' <BR>&&(attr.fillcolor=config.fillColor||"#C0C0C0"); <BR>attr.coordsize = width ',' height; <BR>attr.path = config.path; <BR>var elem = self.createElement() <BR>.attr(attr) <BR>.css(css); <BR>if(config.opacity){ <BR>var fill = self.createElement('fill') <BR>.attr({ <BR>type : 'fill', <BR>color : config.fillColor||"#C0C0C0", <BR>opacity : config.opacity <BR>}) <BR>.appendTo(elem); <BR>//那这个对象的一个属性引用设置透明的元素 以后会用到 <BR>elem.opacity = fill[0]; <BR>} <BR>return elem; <br><br>}, <BR>circle : function(){ <BR>var attr ={ <BR>strokeWeight : 1, <BR>coordsize : width ',' height, <BR>filled : 't' <BR>}, <BR>css ={ <BR>width : width 'px', <BR>height : height 'px' <BR>} <BR>x = config.x, <BR>y = config.y, <BR>r = config.r; <BR>attr.strokeColor=attr.fillcolor = config.fillColor <br><br>attr.path =[ <BR>'wa', // clockwisearcto <BR>x - r, // left <BR>y - r, // top <BR>x r, // right <BR>y r, // bottom <BR>x r, // start x <BR>y, // start y <BR>x r, // end x <BR>y, // end y <BR>'e' // close <BR>]; <BR>return self.createElement() <BR>.attr(attr) <BR>.css(css) <BR>}, <BR>pie : function(){ <BR>////config,s,e,r,index <br><br>var opts = self.opts, <BR>area = opts.area, <BR>r = config.r, <BR>rx = area.centerX, <BR>ry = area.centerY, <BR>innerR= config.innerR||0, <BR>sDot = angle(r,[rx,ry],s,2), <BR>eDot = angle(r,[rx,ry],e,2), <BR>color = config.config.color, <BR>s = config.s, <BR>e = config.e, <BR>e = e - s == 2 * Math.PI ? e - 0.001 : e, <BR>cosStart = mathCos(s), <BR>sinStart = mathSin(s), <BR>cosEnd = mathCos(e), <BR>sinEnd = mathSin(e), <br><br><BR>path = [ <BR>'wa', // clockwisearcto <BR>(rx - r).toFixed(0), // left <BR>(ry - r).toFixed(0), // top <BR>(rx r).toFixed(0), // right <BR>(ry r).toFixed(0), // bottom <BR>(rx r * cosStart).toFixed(0), // start x <BR>(ry r * sinStart).toFixed(0), // start y <BR>(rx r * cosEnd).toFixed(0), // end x <BR>(ry r * sinEnd).toFixed(0), // end y <br><br>'at', // clockwisearcto <BR>(rx - innerR).toFixed(0), // left <BR>(ry - innerR).toFixed(0), // top <BR>(rx innerR).toFixed(0), // right <BR>(ry innerR).toFixed(0), // bottom <BR>(rx innerR * cosEnd).toFixed(0), // start x <BR>(ry innerR * sinEnd).toFixed(0), // start y <BR>(rx innerR * cosStart).toFixed(0), // end x <BR>(ry innerR * sinStart).toFixed(0), // end y <br><br>'x', // finish path <BR>'e' // close <BR>]; <br><br>return self.baseDraw('path',{ <BR>border : 1, <BR>border : '#fff', <BR>isfill : true, <BR>fillColor : color, <BR>opacity : 1, <BR>path : path <BR>}) <br><br>} <BR>}[type](); <BR>} <BR>}); <br><br>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>})(document); <br><br>window.onload = function(){ <BR>var config = { <BR>charts : { <BR>type : 'line', <BR>radius : 150, <BR>panel : 'x', <BR>style: { <BR>fontFamily: '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', // default font <BR>fontSize: '12px' <BR>} <BR>}, <BR>title : { <BR>text : '线性图标' , <BR>y : 10, <BR>style : { <BR>color: 'black', <BR>fontSize: '16px' <BR>} <BR>}, <BR>subTitle : { <BR>text : '线性图标副标题', <BR>y : 35, <BR>style: { <BR>color: '#111', <BR>fontSize: '12px' <BR>} <BR>}, <BR>legend : { <BR>enable : true, <BR>//type : 'lateral', // lateral 横向 或 lengthwise 纵向 <BR>type : 'lateral', <BR>pos : [10,10], <BR>style:{ <BR>fontFamily: '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', // default font <BR>fontSize: '12px', <BR>magin:'0px' <BR>} <BR>}, <BR>yUnit : { <BR>text : '线性图标侧标题', <BR>x : 20, <BR>style: { <BR>color : '#111', <BR>fontSize : '12px' <BR>} <BR>}, <BR>xUnit : { <BR>units: [ <BR>'一月', <BR>'二月', <BR>'三月', <BR>'四月', <BR>'五月', <BR>'六月', <BR>'七月', <BR>'八月', <BR>'九月', <BR>'十月', <BR>'十一月', <BR>'十二月' <BR>] <BR>}, <BR>chartData : [ <BR>{ <br><br>name : 'xcv', <BR>color : '#4572A7', <BR>data : [-18,45,-38,29,95,-45,77] <BR>}, { <br><br>name: 'frfr', <BR>color: '#AA4643', <BR>data: [-44,12,78,-100,13,4,-56,-34] <BR>}, { <BR>name: 'AAAAA', <BR>color: '#89A54E', <br><br>data: [null,78,83,null,22,-78,2,44,78] <BR>}, { <BR>name: 'BBBB', <BR>color: '#80699B', <BR>data: [null, 58, 35, null, 52, 47, 26, -55, 39, 123,15,66] <BR>} <BR>] <BR>}; <br><br>new smipleChart($('line'),config); <BR>config.charts.type ='area'; <BR>config.title.text ='区域图标' <BR>config.subTitle.text='区域图标副标题' <BR>config.yUnit.text ='区域图标侧标题' <br><br>new smipleChart($('area'),config); <BR>config.title.text ='柱状图标' <BR>config.subTitle.text='柱状图标副标题' <BR>config.yUnit.text ='柱状图标侧标题' <BR>config.charts.type ='columns'; <BR>config.chartData =[ <BR>{ <br><br>name : 'xcv', <BR>color : '#4572A7', <br><br>data : [-0.01,-0.62,0,0.55,null,0.78,-0.63,-0.82,null,null,0.33] <BR>}, { <br><br>name: 'frfr', <BR>color: '#AA4643', <BR>data: [-0.22,0.82,0.55,1.32,0.33,0.95,null,1,0.65,null,0.78] <BR>}, { <BR>name: 'AAAAA', <BR>color: '#89A54E', <br><br>data: [null,0.62,0.34,null,0.63,0,-0.23,-1,0.62,0.45,null,-0.56] <BR>} <BR>] <br><br>new smipleChart($('zhu'),config); <BR>config.charts.panel='y' <BR>new smipleChart($('zhu1'),config); <BR>config.charts.type ='pie'; <BR>config.title.text ='饼图图标' <BR>config.subTitle.text='饼图图标副标题' <BR>config.yUnit.text ='' <BR>config.legend.type='lengthwise'; <BR>config.chartData =[ <BR>{ <br><br>name : 'aaa', <BR>color : '#4572A7', <br><br>data : [433,123,null,66] <BR>}, { <br><br>name: 'bbb', <BR>color: '#AA4643', <BR>data: [45,33,33,511] <BR>}, { <BR>name: 'ccc', <BR>color: '#89A54E', <br><br>data: [55,null,75,333] <BR>}<BR>] <BR>config.legend.pos= [680,30] <BR>new smipleChart($('pie'),config) <BR>config.charts.type ='pies'; config.title.text ='다층 원형 차트 아이콘' <BR>config.subTitle.text='다층 원형 차트 아이콘 자막' <BR>config.legend.type='측면' <BR>config. legend.pos= [330,400] <BR>new smipleChart($('pies'),config) <BR><br><br>config.chartData =[ <BR>{ <BR><br>name : ' xcv' , <br>색상 : '#4572A7', <BR><br>데이터 : [433,355,275,null,588,323,576,32,99] <br>}, { <BR><br>이름: 'frfr', <br>색상: '#AA4643', <BR>데이터: [45,666,100,null,677,56,88,633,55,64] <BR>}, { <BR>이름: 'AAAAA', <BR>색상: '# 89A54E', <BR><br>데이터: [55,162,75,null,364,0,637,112,163,615] <br>} <BR>] <BR>config.yUnit.lineNum = 2; <BR>config.title. text = '상대적으로 작음' <BR>config.subTitle.text='2줄만 설정됨' <BR>config.yUnit.text ='퀴즈 제목' <BR><br>config.charts.type =' 줄 '; <br>config.legend.pos= [10,10] <BR>new smipleChart($('vv'),config) <BR>config.yUnit.lineNum = 10; 패널 = 'x'; <BR>config.charts.type ='segment';//new smipleChart($('segment'),config) <BR><BR>/ 스크립트> <br></body> <br></html></div>