As shown in the picture:
1. When scaling the form, first get the blank width on the left side of the content.
$("#nav").offset().left; Get the blank width on the left side of the content area.
2. Get the width of the entire form (note: the desktop resolution is the basis, any less will be added).
3. Use the width of the desktop resolution - the width of the page content area/2 to get the extra width on one side.
4. If the value obtained is different from the value obtained by $("#nav").offset().left;, you can adjust the two values to be the same.
var ietest=function()
if ($.browser.msie) {
if ($.browser.version == "6.0")
var _width=document.documentElement.clientWidth 29; //Desktop resolution size
$("#nav").css("left",((_width-950)/2)-15); //Reset value
return false;
return false;
return false;
window.onresize=ietest; //Event triggered when scaling the window