A friend proposed the following application scenario:
After clicking a link in the current tab, new content is displayed in the current tab, but the title content is still the title of the previous page and needs to be changed to a new title. Solution For example:
First add the following code to outlook.js:
function changeCurrentTabTitle(oldtitle,newtitle,url){
var currTab = $('#tabs').tabs('getTab',oldtitle);
// or var currTab = $('#tabs ').tabs('getSelected'); //This can also be done
$('#tabs').tabs('update',{tab:currTab,options:{title:newtitle,content:createFrame(url) }});
This method receives two parameters: oldtitle is obviously the title of the current page, and newtitle is the title to be displayed on the new page
When clicked This method is called when the link jumps. Code such as:
Script Home This solves the problem at the beginning .