The example in this article describes the JS implementation of the animation gradient pop-up layer effect in response to mouse clicks. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>动画弹出层</title> <style> .list{ position:relative;; background:#eee; border:1px #ccc solid; margin:10px; height:30px; width:100px; cursor :pointer ; } .listShow{ position:relative; background:#eff; border:1px #ddd solid; margin:10px; height:30px; width:100px; cursor :pointer ; } .comment{ position:absolute; left:0; display:none; position:absolute; border:1px #ccc solid; background:#fee; width:200px; height:200px; overflow:hidden; z-index:100; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="" id="show"> 0 </div> <div class="list" id="list1">1 <div class="comment" id="comment1">脚本之家<br/> </div> <div class="list" id="list2">2 <div class="comment" id="comment2">新浪搜狐</div> </div> <div class="list" id="list3">3 <div class="comment" id="comment3">网页特效</div> </div> </body> </html> <script> var zindex=0; function $id(id){ return document.getElementById(id); } var Bind = function(object,fun){ var args =; return function(){ return fun.apply(object,args); } } function addEventHandler(oTarget, sEventType, fnHandler){ if(oTarget.addEventListener){oTarget.addEventListener(sEventType, fnHandler, false);} else if(oTarget.attachEvent){oTarget.attachEvent('on' + sEventType, fnHandler);} else{oTarget['on' + sEventType] = fnHandler;} } var Shower=function(){ this.list=null; this.comment=null; this.moveLeft=80; this.moveTop=20; this.height=150; this.width=250; this.time=800; this.init=function(lisObj,comObj){ this.list=lisObj; this.comment=comObj; var _this=this; this._fnMove=Bind(this,this.move); (function(){ var obj=_this; addEventHandler(obj.list,"click",obj._fnMove); })(); }; this.move=function(){ var _this=this; var w=0; var h=0; var height=0; //弹出div的高 var width=0; //弹出div的宽 var t=0; var startTime = new Date().getTime();//开始执行的时间 if(!||"none"){"block";"px";"px";; _this.list.className="listShow"; var comment=_this.comment.innerHTML; _this.comment.innerHTML=""; //去掉显示内容 var timer=setInterval(function(){ var newTime = new Date().getTime(); var timestamp = newTime - startTime;"px";"px";"px";"px"; t++; var change=(Math.pow((timestamp/_this.time-1), 3) +1); //根据运行时间得到基础变化量 w=_this.moveLeft*change; h=_this.moveTop*change; height=_this.height*change; width=_this.width*change; $id("show").innerHTML=w; if(w>_this.moveLeft){ clearInterval(timer);"px";"px";"px";"px"; _this.comment.innerHTML=comment; //回复显示内容 } },1,_this.comment); }else{ _this.hidden(); } } this.hidden=function(){ var _this=this; var flag=1; var hiddenTimer=setInterval(function(){ if(flag==1){"px"; }else{"px";"px"; } if(flag==1 && parseInt(<10){ flag=-flag; } if(parseInt(<20){ clearInterval(hiddenTimer);"0px";"0px";"0px";"0px";"none"; if({ zindex--; };; _this.list.className="list"; } },1) } } window.onload=function(){ //建立各个菜单对象 var shower1=new Shower(); shower1.init($id("list1"),$id("comment1")); var shower2=new Shower(); shower2.init($id("list2"),$id("comment2")); var shower3=new Shower(); shower3.init($id("list3"),$id("comment3")); } </script>
Readers who are interested in more JavaScript-related content can check out the special topics on this site: "Summary of JavaScript search algorithm techniques", "Summary of JavaScript animation special effects and techniques", "Summary of JavaScript errors and debugging techniques", "Summary of JavaScript data structures and algorithm techniques", "Summary of JavaScript traversal algorithms and techniques" and "JavaScript Mathematics Summary of operation usage》
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in JavaScript programming.